Safety First

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Harry glided, calm and composed as he came to a halt, looking down at the pale face of Lucius Malfoy.

"My dear Lucius," his voiced peirced, cold and high, "Share with me your progress?"

Lucius nodded, his face straight.

"It is in Hogwarts. We have her allegiance."

He did not smile, for Lucius brought grim news as well.

"And what has faltered?"

Lucius maintained his composure, yet he knew from the sweat beading on his face and the look in his eyes, fear lay behind the mask Lucius wore.

"She knows not where it is... It has disappeared in Hogwarts."

This changed his plan. Anger and frustration surged through him. With a flick of his wand he channeled his emotions.


Lucius Malfoy screamed in pain.

Harry's scar seared as he awoke, like fire burning through the shape of lightning. Drenched in sweat, he sat up, grabbing his glasses.

The sun had not yet risen, but Ron was sat up, looking at Harry in confusion.

"You alright?" Ron whispered to him. Harry's scar still burned.

"We need to talk..." He motioned to the common room. The pair of them crept past the bunks, down the stair case, taking a seat in the comfy chairs.

"Voldemort's planted something in Hogwarts and someone is undercover working with him. A woman."

Ron looked at him with increased confusion.

"How do you know?"

"I saw it. While i was asleep." Harry realized how ridiculous it must sound to Ron.

"You dreamt it?"

"No, like a vision." He told him. He described what he saw. "It's like when I could feel his emotions. Just this time I could see what was happening."

"Well, do you rekon he was talking about that death book and that old hag?" Ron asked, " Cause that would make a lot of sense. Malfoy and Umbridge are both from the ministry. They're both gits. It adds up."

"And the book of Death, well, I burned it. And they don't know where it's gone. That's probably how the book ended up at Hogwarts." Harry thought over. "But what was his plan?"

Ron snorted. "To kill you. That's always his overall plan. Honestly Harry, it's the Book of DEATH. It's obvious"

Harry became more tense. He thought of something. "If it really is Umbridge trying to curse me with the book, well, she doesn't know where it is. And we took the Latin version of the spell off her desk. She's probably on to us." Harry concluded, looking up at Ron. "This really isn't good."

"No shit." Ron huffed "We'd better tell Hermione when she gets up."

Harry nodded although he could foresee how she'd probably react. We have to tell Dumbledore. Because Dumbledore was their solution to all their problems. Something gone wrong? Tell Dumbledore, he'll be sure to fix it. Nevermind the mess could give the ministry a good reason to expell him and send him to Azkaban.

He barely got away with the Dementor attack in Little Whinging. Harry felt bitter. Dumbledore had been ignoring him since summer, he probably wouldn't even get the chance to talk to him. But Harry began to feel guilty for feeling this way.

"I should probably tell Draco too." Harry suggested.

Ron nodded stiffly, a poor attempt to hide his annoyance. Harry said nothing more.

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