Don't Be a Drag

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Harry lead Draco up the staircase, both under the Invisibility Cloak. He eyed the Marauders' Map carefully. 

Draco, who was  dark-haired at that moment, was dressed in Gryffindor robes.

Fred and George planned everything, and they were more than willing to do their part. 

And now, there was no turning back as they faced the portrait. Harry took the Invisibility Cloak off them, and whispered the password to the Fat Lady. 

"Mimbulus Mibletonia." 

She eyed Draco suspiciously. Harry said the password again, his palms sweaty. 

"Who is this? I don't think I've seen him before." She didn't take her eyes off Draco. 

"Maybe you haven't looked hard enough." Draco said with a snark. She rolled her eyes and the portrait flung open. Harry had thought it'd be trickier than this and was quite relieved. They climbed through. 

"Remember not to draw attention to yourself." Harry said under his breath. Draco looked around distractedly at their surroundings. 

"Yep." He said, his attention elsewhere. 

The common room was crowded and Fred and George had managed to bring food from the kitchen, as well as a generous supply of Butterbeer and Fire-whiskey. Harry wondered how they managed to get it, but didn't think much of it. Somethings were better off unsolved. 

One hour later and Draco had already downed four shots of Fire-whiskey. Fred and George were cracking up as he rambled to them, talking about something to do with apples. He paused to smile and simply compliment them. 

"You guys are the best." Draco gave a laugh as he patted Fred on the back. Harry walked over to them wearily. In one hand he had a mug of Butterbeer and in the other a cup of water. He had remembered Aunt Petunia saying that water helped sober people up after having too much to drink. It was when Aunt Marge was over, but he remembered she frequently would hand Uncle Vernon water after he had one can too many. 

"I didn't know there was vodka!" Draco slurred excitedly as Harry handed him the cup. Fred and George roared with laughter as Draco downed the water. Draco smiled drunkenly at Harry before turning back to Fred and George to continue his story about apples. 

Hermione was off to the side, disgruntled and still attempting to read a book by the fireplace.  

"There's no need for a party, New Years has already passed!" She had cried. 

"There's all the need for a party, cause we never had one on the actual day." Was the reply she got. 

Ron, on the other hand, had expressed alot of excitement to try Fire-whiskey. He was in the crowd bragging about a broomstick, a cup of the stuff in his hand. Hermione noticed him and only became more frustrated. She stormed up to him. 

"You're supposed to be a Prefect, Ron!" She yelled. People in the group Ron was talking to snickered. 

"So?" Ron shrugged. "It's a party, Hermione. It's alright to have fun every once and a while. 

"So? So?" Hermione said in quiet rage, a deadly look in her glare. She suddenly grabbed Ron's drink right out of his hand and splashed the contents in his face, making his red hair droop in front of his startled face.  

"Knock some sense into yourself if that hasn't already." She insisted and stormed back off into the Girls dormitory. 

Ron stood there in shock for a split second before going after her, not bothering to dry his robes. The staircase slid him down three times before he just stood at the end, simply calling Hermione's name. 

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