Big Trouble

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The faces of the D.A. look excitedly at Harry as he held his wand up.

"To cast a Patronus, you've gotta think of a really happy memory. " Harry instructed. "It's really advanced magic so if you don't get it it's okay."

"Expecto Patronum."

A silver stag materialised from the end of the end of his wand, trotting around the room.

When it was time for everybody to to try, Harry walked around the room and helped them out. Hermione was the first person to produce a corporeal Patronus, a silver otter dancing around the room.

"That's great, Hermione." Harry praised. Hermione nodded proudly. To the side, Ron was struggling to produce even a whisp. Harry started to walk towards him, but before he could start to help him, Hermione already beat him to the chase.

Harry walked around more, and he noticed Draco nearly had it. He came up from behind, gently placing his hands on Draco's shoulders.

"Think of something happier." Harry suggested. Draco closed his eyes, thinking.

"Expecto Patronum." Draco said clearly. A silver Lion erupted from the end of Draco's wand, it's paws treaded silently on the floor. Bright and warm.

Pretty soon, the room had a lighthearted feel and everyone was feeling cheery. The few Patronuses people managed to produce pranced around the room.

But every thing changed in a second. Dobby. The disappearances of the Patronuses. The sudden iceyness of the room. Umbridge knew.


People ran out the room, sprinting in the halls. Draco was running by his side.

"Harry I'm supposed to be on her side!" Draco said in a panic. Harry thought quickly.

"Pretend to capture me, Draco." Harry insisted urgently.

"I'm not going to do that!" Draco argued.

"Just do it." Harry pleaded. He couldn't risk Draco's cover being blown. He'd do anything.

"Don't make me do this." Draco begged.

"I'm sorry." Harry whispered before speeding up and falling onto the ground in front of Draco

"Tripping Jinx. Very well done, Draco. 200 points to Slytherin." The malicious voice of Dolores Umbridge cried out behind them. Draco looked at him wide eyed before looking to Umbridge. His demeanour completely changed. He gripped Harry tighter and placed him in a choke hold.

"Come along, Potter." Draco spat. "You'll soon find out what happens to people who try to sneak around professor Umbridge." There was a smirk on his face.

"Take him to the entrance of the headmaster's office." She said gleefully, an evil smile on her toad-like face. "And keep him there until I come back."

"Of course, Professor." Draco nodded. He looked to Harry, and grabbed him roughly, forcing him through the hall. "There's no escaping, Potter."

Umbridge hurried off to find more students. Once she was out of sight, Draco loosened his grip. He pretended to wrangle Harry, and leaned to his ear.

"Bloody hell, Potter. What were you thinking?." He whispered frustratedly.

"I can't let you get caught." Harry murmured.

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