Dozing Off

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Harry sat in the soft grass beneath a twisty, tall tree.  He leaned against the trunk, with his eyes closed and glasses crooked. There was several books surrounding him, and a book in his lap.

The sun was up and shining and it was a beautiful day. But Harry was exhausted, and all day he'd been struggling to stay awake in his classes.

All the free time he'd had he'd been researching the spell he'd used in the library. But he'd had no luck at all whatsoever. Maybe once he got rest he'd be able to find at least something?

But Harry, at the moment couldn't think. His mind was a cluttered mess that was impossible to sort out.

As he rest there, waiting for Malfoy, he was suddenly in a tiny, dark room. There was a blinding pain from where his scar was and he struggled to hold a gasp from the sudden sting.

  In the room was a door that emitted light from the bottom crack. His palms were sweaty and his heart was racing. He heard voices coming from the other side.

"If after this session, he doesn't spill. He's yours, Naigini" The voice sounded like a hiss.

"My Lord, are you sure you want to give him up like that? He could be valuable!"  A different hissing voice cut in.

"There's no use to him if he can't give us the information we need. We've lingered too long on this man. We have other, more important areas to cover. We can find this information elsewhere if he doesn't budge."

"Alright, my lord. Just be sure you know what you're doing."

Harry heard a loud bang.

"Do you doubt me? Do you think that I'm making a mistake? Do you not trust what I'm doing?"

"N-no no, my lord. Not at all! I trust every decision you make!"

"Very well. Come Naigini. You, sir, prepare the table, for Naigini will be feasting tonight. Whether he gives us the information or not."

Harry heard footsteps and backed away from the door with a whimper.

The door handle clicked to unlock several times before entered a hooded man and a python slithering beside him. The man's cloak swished behind him and Harry could see his eyes from under his hood. Red slits. Cold and emotionless.

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