Tick Tock

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|Authors Note: this chapter was written before the "musical.ly" app was rebranded to "TikTok". This chapter contains no relation to the newly popular social media platform.|

Tick Tock

The clock was going too fast. Harry needed desperately for it to stop. But time does not listen.

It was Tuesday, the day of Harry's party. The last day. Hermione put a few spells on Draco. So that people didn't see how ill he looked. How thin, how gaunt, how pale.

Harry lifted him in his arms and carried him down the stairs. He supported him as he walked weakly to the living room. But Draco of course, tried to pass it off as if he was fine.

The evening was warm. Fred, George, Ginny, Ron, Hermione,'Luna. They were all there.

Mrs. Weasley brought a home baked vanilla cake.

Luna approached Draco, a yellow flower in her hand. She handed the flower to Draco.

"I found this, and I decided you should have it. It will keep you safe." Luna said dreamily. Draco kept it in his hand, pressed to his chest.

"Thank you, Luna."

"Well, I know you're on a long journey. I think it's important to remember, wherever you go, go with all your heart." Luna quoted, giving Draco a gentle smile before wandering back off into the party.

"I never expected... to have so many friends." Draco said softly to Harry, looking to Ron, Hermione, Luna. Even the twins and Ginny.

"You deserve love." Harry told him. "And the brightest souls attract the most love."

The cake was brought out, 16 candles lit on top. Everyone sang in harmony. The cake was cut. Draco took a few bites before giving the rest to Harry.

And soon enough, it was time for the Weasleys, Hermione, and Luna to go.

"Draco." Ron said before he left. "I think... I wish I could've gotten to know you better." Ron said guiltily. "You're actually a pretty great bloke."

Draco was taken a back for a second. "I'd say the same to you, Ron." Draco nodded. The two of them shook each others hand. Hermione had tears in her eyes when she looked at Draco.

"This is goodbye then, isn't it?" Hermione said, her eyes red. Draco nodded solemnly.

"I'll miss you." Hermione said. "I wish we didn't have to leave so soon."

"I'm glad I got to know you both."

Hermione hugged him.

And then it was just Harry and Draco. Harry carried him back up the stairs. The large window of the room was open. The night was clear. They lay in the bed together, facing each other, holding each others hand for comfort.

Tick Tock.

The minutes counted down and Harry was drowning. He couldn't outrun the racing clock.

Draco was cold. He was shivering and Harry held him closer.

Harry...can you tell my father, my mother. I forgive them?" Draco asked quietly. Harry was surprised for a second.


"They were just afraid, you know. I realise that now." Draco said. He looked into Harry's eyes. And he smiled.

"Thank you, Harry." Draco said, a weak smile on his face "You helped me love myself."

"I still blame myself." Harry said sadly. "You wouldn't be dying if it weren't for me."

"Oh, Harry." Draco's silver eyes met with Harry's. "You know that I never blamed you at all, right? This just... happened. And I wouldn't have it any other way. So much good blossomed from this. You've long been forgiven by me. It's time you forgive yourself."

Harry brought him closer, masking his tears. Draco's warm chest was becoming cold.

"I don't want you to go." Harry breathed, his voice quavering.

"I'll always be with you. I promise."

Tick Tock

It was too soon. It was too soon. Harry needed time to stop.

"Can I have one last kiss, Harry Potter? For the road?"

"Of course." Harry said softly. Their lips connected. Harry knew that spark, that raging fire, would live on, even after Draco was gone.

"I love you." Draco said. " I love you so much. There's no place I'd rather be right now than here with you."

"I love you." Harry said. Draco gave a small gasp and Harry felt panic in his throat.

"I'm fading Harry. I'm falling asleep. Look into my eyes." Draco whispered. Harry looked into those sliver eyes of his. They were scared. They underlined pain. But they were still bright. Draco gave him a gentle smile.

"Goodnight." Draco whispered, because he never wanted to say goodbye.


Draco's chest was now ice cold. His eyes closed as he gave a final breath. His heart was silent. The clock stopped.

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