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Harry, Ron, and Hermione traveled to Hagrid's hut, which was now empty, for Hagrid was on the run. When they entered they were greeted with slobbery licks from Fang, Hagrid's dog. In the kitchen a bag of dog food was knocked over, and dog food was scattered everywhere.

"At least we know he's getting fed." Ron shrugged.

Hermione pointed her wand to the mess, and muttered a few unfamiliar spells. The mess was cleaned up and the bag turned back up. His bowl was filled with food.

"There. Now, whenever he runs out, the bowl will refill, as long as there's enough food in the bag." Hermione said. Ron looked at her amazed.

"Where'd you learn to do that?" Ron asked.

"Hogwarts, a History. It's the same spell they use in the Great Hall." Hermione informed him.

"Oh. Of course."

The three of them sat down at Hagrid's table. Ron and Hermione looked at him expectantly.

"So what were you going to tell us?" Ron asked.

Before Harry could say anything, the door slung open but there was no one there. Draco appeared, uncovering himself from under Harry's Invisibility Cloak.

"If this is about that bloody giant," Draco yelled, "I swear to god-!"

"It's not about the giant." Harry said grimly. Draco hesitated, a frown forming on his face.

"Alright..." Draco walked over and sat in the last empty seat.

"Why'd you bring us all the way down here?" Ron asked Harry.

"It's the safest place I could think of to talk." Harry explained.

"What's happened?" Draco asked. Harry thought about how to recount his vision.

"Well...Voldemort's got Sirius. I saw it." Ron's eyes widened but Hermione looked unsure. Draco just looked plainly confused.

"Sirius Black? The escaped convict?" Draco asked. Harry realized he had yet to explain to Draco about his godfather.

"Long story short, Sirius was framed by Peter Pettigrew. Pettigrew had faked his own death. Sirius is my godfather." Harry summarized. "It's a long story, I'll explain more in detail later."

Draco nodded unsurely.

"So...we like Sirius Black?" Draco asked hesitantly.

"Yeah." Harry nodded.

"Harry. How can you be sure Voldemort has Sirius?" Hermione asked.

"I saw it. Like I did with Ron's dad. Voldemort was torturing Sirius in the Department of Mysteries." Harry explained.

"Dumbledore wanted you to clear your mind for a reason!" Said Hermione shrilly. "You shouldn't be letting him in your head. It could be a trap!"

"He's being tortured as we talk, Hermione. No one from the Order is left at Hogwarts. We need to help him!"

"What are you saying?" Draco asked him.

"We need to go to the ministry ourselves."

"Harry... don't you think you have a bit of a.. saving people thing?" Hermione asked smally. Draco snorted. The three of them glared at Draco.

"Well, It's true." Draco pointed out. Harry raised an eyebrown and Hermione kept her stare. "My apologies, though. Continue." Draco added.

"A saving people thing?" Harry asked in disbelief. "Ron's Dad, Ginny, Cedric, Sirius..." Harry was becoming frustrated. "Are you saying that it's bad to try and help people? To save their life?"

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