Night Air

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When Harry was finally exhausted enough to drift to sleep, the rest of his night was filled with nightmares.

All the death he'd seen in his life appeared in front of him and it felt like a knife stabbing at his gut.

How could he even live like this? He wondered to himself.

Malfoy's panicked and angry face looked at him coldly in his dream

"You've murdered me, Potter! I'm going to die because of you! You murderer! You did this to me and I'm going to make sure you pay!"

Malfoy's words echoed throughout his head, the same thing over and over again. He couldn't escape the ice in Malfoy's voice, no matter how far he tried to run away from it, no matter where he went. They were still clear and loud as ever.

A door would appear and Harry would run through it, only to see Malfoy standing there each time. He was trapped in this never ending maze until he awoke.

Outside the sun was nowhere to be seen and the birds had yet to begin singing their morning melodies. Harry looked at the clock on the bed side table. 3am

Harry leaned back in bed with a sigh. He could tell this would only be the start of nightmares to come.

He knew he wouldn't be able to get back to sleep so he carefully got out of bed, grabbed his invisibility cloak, and headed out to the grounds.

Once outside, Harry noticed as his eyes began to adjust he could see more twinkling stars against the pitch black blanket of sky.

Harry neared the lake and removed his cloak and sat on top of it in the dark, damp grass.

The air was fresh and cool and the forbidden forest sang to him.

He was able to clear his negative thoughts and focus on the peaceful sounds of the nature around him.

The water of the lake reflected the shimmering moons light and the stars shattered across the sky.

It was serene and peaceful, exactly what Harry needed. He needed calm, to escape his overwhelming emotions.

He lay the cloak out flatter and lay down, taking deep breaths, focusing on the stars.

His breath stopped when heard the crunching of leaves behind him.

"Potter...?" A surprised, shaky,
and slightly irritated voice rang out.

Harry sat up and turned to see an angry, red eyed Malfoy looking down at him, quickly wiping his face.

Harry just stared, unsure of what to say.

"What are you still doing up at this hour? After what's happen" Malfoy sneered, making an obvious attempt to steady his voice.

"I... I could ask you the same." Harry replied, with hesitation.

"It's not any of your business." Malfoy shot. Before his face went the slightest soft. "So I suppose it's none of mine to know about your intentions either."

"I can guess though..." Harry looked down. " I really am so sorry. I'm so sorry." Harry found himself being the one trying to pointlessly mask the cracks in his voice this time.

Malfoy's expression was sympathetic when he thought Harry wasn't looking.

He walked over and sat next to him.

"I know that Potter, you don't need to cry about it to bring it to my attention."

Harry looked at him. His pale skin looked almost silver in the moonlight.

"I'm sorry."

" I-" Malfoy paused and changed what he was going to say.

"Stop apologising, I don't want to hear it. There's literally nothing that can be done about it." Malfoy said in annoyance.

They sat in silence.

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