Hagrid's Hut and Lakeside Talk

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"I'm going to do it." Draco said grimly. "I signed up for it. I will do it."

He shakily held the box of Bertie Bots Every Flavoured beans in his hand.

"It'll go faster if you just eat a lot at once." Harry told him. Draco shook his head.

"I can't believe I wrote this down on my bucket list. This will kill me before the curse every will." Draco shook his head.

"If you do it now you can get it over with..." Harry advised him. Draco looked down at the beans reluctantly, and took a deep breath.

"Alright... here goes nothing." He said, plugged his nose, and turned the beans over into his mouth like a shot glass. He chewed for second before making the most disgusted face. But he didn't spit them out, no. He kept them in his mouth until he swallowed them with a shudder.

"Jesus Christ, this was the worst idea I've ever had I swear to god." Draco coughed.

Harry was just extremely impressed he kept them in his mouth and managed to eat them. There was still more left I'm the box through.

"I'm going to do this again. Stand back." He warned Harry. And he repeated the process, emptying the box in his mouth. He had the look of pure regret as he chewed them, swallowing them yet again.

Harry was in disbelief that Draco had actually managed to eat the entire box like that without spitting them out once. Draco looked quite ill, though, as he tosses the box into the trashcan.

"If you throw up on the floor of Flitwik's classroom while he's out sick, then you'll get detention. So don't."

" That." Draco stated. "Was the worst thing. I've ever willingly put myself through." He leaned back on one of the desks and looked down. Harry laughed.

"Do you think that there's any health risks that could come from doing that? I mean, I have a set date, I'd love to last long enough to reach it " Draco asked him, his face paler than usual.

"I dunno. Probably not." Harry shrugged. "Do you want to go to Madame Pomfrey's?"

Draco shook his head. "God, no. I don't enjoy being stuck in the Hospital Wing, thank you very much."

"Er... Okay then... Well. I think Hagrid might be able too help with the nausea. He just recently came back." Harry suggested.

"That Oaf?" Draco sneered. Harry scolded him.

"He's my friend. Don't insult him like that!"

"He's a drunk."

"He's got a kind heart, and he really would go out of his way to help you, even after you've treated him so poorly. It's either him or Madam Pomfrey. Unless you'd rather stay nauseous like that and go to neither." Harry said.

"Fine." Draco rolled his eyes. "But don't think I've forgotten about his feathered beast."

"Buckbeak only attacked you because you didn't listen to what Hagrid clearly told everyone to do. He said: 'Don't insult them they're proud creatures.'" He tried to imitate Hagrids voice, poorly. "And you know what you did? You insulted the damn bird."

"Fine." Draco repeated with a scoff. "Take me to Hagrids. But dear god, I swear, if anyone sees us together, going down to that buffoon, then you'll sorely regret it. Potter." He walked over to Harry wobbly, and leaned on him for support. Harry shook his head, and helped support Draco.

They walked towards Hagrids, taking the long route, as to not be seen. Draco complained the entire time.

"Gosh, stop complaining Malfoy! Would you rather me just drop you off by the dungeons and have you go to your common room from there?" Harry threatened. He wouldn't give Draco any hint that he knew where the Slytherin common room was, because he knew Draco would instantly become suspicious if he did.

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