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Harry walked through the empty halls towards the common room. His wand was radiating light, and as he strolled the paintings complained loudly. He was exhausted from Snape's detention and he had more detentions with Umbridge to look forward to for the next week.

The more Harry thought about those dreaded detentions, the more the scars on the back of Harry's hand burned. Harry had only just removed the bandages off it yesterday, now he'd have to deal with it all over again.

Harry put his hand in his pocket so that he wouldn't have to think about it.

As soon as he turned the corner he jumped. There was a person there. As soon as Harry gasped, the person turned around and walked towards him. They came into view. It was Malfoy.

"Potter..?" Malfoy said in confusion. "What are you doing out in the halls this time at night? And why aren't you wearing your cloak? You're gonna get caught, are you stupid?"

"I'm coming back from detention with Snape." Harry answered with a grumble. "What are you doing out in the halls right now?"

"I'm doing my prefect duties." He answered. "You should hurry on to bed, Potter. People might think you're getting into trouble."

Harry nodded and began walking away, but before he could Malfoy stopped him.

"Potter, wait."

Harry stopped in his tracks and turned to look at him. Malfoy grabbed the back of his neck and looked down at the dark cobblestone floor.

"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for calling you a House Elf in potions today - I know that you're trying really hard to help me with this curse mess, even though I don't necessarily deserve it and I really shouldn't be taking that for granted, so my apologies." He mumbled.

"Oh." Harry said, surprised by his sudden apology. "That's alright, Malfoy. I accept your apology, but I'm the one who cursed's the least I can do."

"Yeah but it's generous of you to help me considering how mean i've been to you over the if you need help with your essay in Potion, then I can help you with it... Potions is my top class."

"Thanks, Malfoy- some help would actually be nice...if you don't mind."

"That's why I asked you, you idiot." Draco said, but he wore a slight smile on his face. "When should we meet up? Can't be with other people around though, everyone thinks I hate you."

"Why do you care what other people think?"

"Because I have a reputation, Potter." Malfoy rolled his eyes. "Anyways you should get to your dormitory, its late. I'll meet you at lunch at that weird twisty tree we met by the other day - the one by the lake. And forget about the curse rubbish, well work on research another day. I'd like to make sure Professor Snape doesn't give you trouble."

"But -"

"Don't 'but' me, Potter. Just do it. Or I'll take off house points. I can do that. Now run along, and don't get yourself into more trouble than it's worth." Malfoy ordered before walking the opposite direction swiftly.

Harry shook his head with the smallest smile on his face before continuing his journey to the common room.


Harry walked over towards the twisty tree in which Malfoy was sitting under, writing in a journal he carried in his hands. His hair fell in front of his eyes as he wrote, deep in concentration. Harry almost didn't want to bother him. Almost.

"Whatcha writing?" Harry asked as he set his bag at the trunk of the tree. As soon as Malfoy heard his voice he shut the journal with a quick snap before looking up at Harry.

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