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Two weeks later, Harry sat beside Draco once more in the Room of Requirement. They were relaxing on the love-seat together, simply talking. Draco was leaned against him.

"Harry." Draco sighed, a lopsided smile on his face. " You're absolutely wonderful."

Harry gave him a confused smile.

"What brings that up?"

"Well I was thinking about you, not hard to do considering you're right here, but nonetheless, I was thinking about you. And I thought I should share that. You're soul is beautiful you know. Not often do you come across someone like you." Draco told him softly and pressed his hand to Harry's chest, feeling his heartbeat.

"You're soul is beautiful too." Harry told him gently. Draco smiled back sadly.

"No it's not, but thanks for saying it."

Harry shook his head and took Draco's hand off his chest, simply holding it. His hand was surprisingly cold, which was unusual. Harry figured it was from the winter air. He probably still had yet to warm up.

"You have so much light in you." Harry smiled.

"Not as much as you do."

"No. You have more."

"Can I kiss you?" Draco asked with a playful smile.

"Yes please."

Sparks. Everytime. Lighting an everburning fire between them that Harry knew would never die down.

They pulled apart and Harry brushed his thumb against Draco's cheek. He never wanted to loose him. Draco, an artist. Making art with his words, with his hands, with his voice. Draco so who was so strong. So charming to everyone. So genuine with Harry. So Brave.

"What are you thinking?" Asked Draco curiously.

"How much I bloody love you, as usual." Harry replied cooly.

"Funny, I was thinking the same thing." He laughed. Harry let his mind let his mind clear of everything but this very moment. And it was blissful.

"I wish I could watch the stars with you." Draco whispered.

"You can. This summer. We'll find somewhere to stay, far away from any cities. Somewhere open and free. Where we can be together and not have to worry about anything." Harry promised.


"We'll just. Take off from the Hogwarts express. Before anyone notices we'll just board a muggle train and leave." Harry said, imagining the fantasy, wishing desperately and hopelessly for that dream to become reality.

"I wish it could be that simple." Draco sighed.

"Me too."

They sat in silence for a while.

"So the Hogsmeade trip is this Saturday... Would you fancy going with me...? I'd be under disguise obviously."  Draco looked at Harry hopefully.

"Yeah, of course. It's Valentine's day isn't it?"

Draco nodded slowly.

"Yeah. Not that I celebrate Valentine's day. Capitalism built off of infatuation is what it really is. Valentine's day wasn't even supposed to be about love, if anyone actually researched..." Draco was rambling quickly, from obvious nervousness.

"It's a date then." Said Harry confidently. Draco's expression became relieved, a smile on his lips.

"Yeah. A date."

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