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All that could be heard throughout Number 12 Grimmuald Place was the screeching of that stupid portrait.


Harry yanked the curtain in front of the portrait closed. Silence filled the air. He travelled back up the staircase to Draco's room.

Draco was sat up on top the covers, his legs cross crossed. He was focused intently on his sketch  pad, his face close to the paper. He looked up to Harry when he came in, a lopsided smile on his face.

"Thanks for stopping that awful screaming."

"Of course." Harry smiled and hopped in the bed beside Draco.

Draco wasn't safe to go home any longer, so he came with Harry to Grimmuald Place. Harry had inherited Grimmuald place from Sirius. Harry was glad to be able to leave the Dursley's after only having to stay there for a week. He was especially glad to be able to spend all his time with Draco.

Draco set down his sketch book and pencil on his floor and scooted closer to Harry, wrapping his arms around him.

Draco was cold. It wasn't just his hands anymore. The cold seemed to have spread through his arms and his face. It was Summer. Draco's cold skin cooled Harry down when he lay with him. But it concerned Harry. A lot.

Draco played with Harry's hair and Harry closed his eyes.  Draco was gentle, and he hummed softly. Harry didn't recognise the tune.

Draco's chest was still warm. His heart beat strong. Harry's breathing was relaxed as he just lay against Draco, his mind calm. Draco and him were content.

Then he heard screeching again. Harry sighed.

"Ah, that fucking portrait." Draco cursed.

"I'll go and close it again. It'll only take a second."

"Ah can I have a kiss before you do?" Draco asked. Harry smiled and gave Draco a quick kiss before heading down the stairs.

By the time he got there, though, the screaming had stopped and the curtains were already closed over the portrait. In front of the portrait was Mrs. Weasley accompanied by Ron and Hermione.

Mrs. Weasley held a pot in her hands. Harry wondered why she didn't just use magic. But she had been quite absent minded lately.

"Hello, Harry dear, we're sorry to startle you. We've just came to say hello."

Mrs. Weasley came to check up on Harry as often as she could. She constantly asked Harry why they wouldn't stay with them. Harry always told her that it was how he coped with Sirius's death.  That he needed to be there, to find out more about him. And that was partly true. Mrs. Weasley would tell him it was unhealthy. That he needed to be around other people.

"I have Draco with me." Harry would say. Harry knew that if she could have a say, she would bring him back to the burrow in an instant.

Hermione greeted him with a hug.

"How are you doing Harry?" Hermione asked.

"I'm alright." Harry said sheepishly. He looked to Mrs. Weasley. "Would you like some help with that, Mrs. Weasley?" Harry asked her, looking at the pot.

"Oh thank you Harry, it's chicken and rice- I know you guys probably don't get as good food from Kreature." She said, handing him the pot.

Harry set it down in the kitchen before quickly traveling back upstairs to tell Draco they were here. Draco reluctantly got up and traveled with Harry downstairs, using Harry's arm as support.

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