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"No." Harry whispered. Lucius was accompanied by Bellatrix Lestrange. More Death Eaters puddles behind them.

Lucius looked to his son. Draco reached out for Harry's hand again. Harry grasped it. Draco was shaking.

"What are you doing?" Lucius looked down to his son, a seething look on his face.

"I'm with Potter." Draco said firmly. Along with the anger, disappointment flooded Lucius' expression. And a hint of fear glowing in his cold eyes.

A Death Eater cackled behind the threatening man. "Another traitor in the family, Lucius? Must be bad blood."  There were a couple of chuckles.

Lucius turned swiftly. "Crucio." He bellowed. The death eater writhed in pain, his screams filling the air. While the Death Eaters were faced the other direction, Harry slipped the orb to Draco. Draco slipped it carefully in his pocket. Several wands shot up at Lucius, but the man ignored them. He looked at Draco.

"My son. Don't be ridiculous. Come with me. You will be rewarded for bringing Potter along. Come stand with me." Lucius held his hand out to his son.

"The only person I'll stand with is Potter." Malfoy spat before raising his wand to his father. Draco cast a stunning curse.

"RUN." Harry bellowed, and the four of them sprinted in zig zags out of the isle, dodging spells being sent their direction.

"No!" Bellatrix cried out. " We need to protect the Prophecy! We mustn't hurt Potter until we have it!"

That didn't stop the jets of light being hurled towards them.

Harry heard a crash behind him. Hermione has toppled an entire shelf of the orbs onto the oncoming Death Eaters. Glass exploded everywhere, tiny shards hitting Harry's back.

Draco and Ron soon caught onto what Hermione was doing. And the surfacing Death Eaters were hit with smashed orbs from every direction, as the four of them brought down the shelves.

Harry ran further. He was almost to the door. But Draco suddenly collapsed. His ankle. Draco motioned for Harry to go.

"No- you need to go, Harry. Leave me behind- I'll be fine." Draco said desperately, out of breath.

"I'm not leaving you behind, they'll kill you!" Harry cried out.

"No, I can't walk- I'll only hold you up- take it and leave me behind!" Draco said, reaching in his robes for the orb.

"Oh, like hell." Harry said, pushing the orb back into Draco's pocket. He slung Draco's arm over his shoulder, heaving him up.

"You're a bloody idiot, let me go I'll only slow you down."

"Too late for that, we're already going." Said Harry. They hurried to the open door.

Behind them, a manic voice sang out.

"Wee Draco's been a naughty boy." Bellatrix was right behind them. Blood trailed down her gaunt face, glass shards cut gashes in her arms and dress. " We can't have another traitor in the family. Oh no, the dark lord wouldn't like that."

Harry tried to hold him back but Draco pushed Harry away, knocking him to the ground. Draco limped painfully, but face full of furry to the mad woman. He pointed his wand at her.

"What do you think you're going to do about it?" Draco challenged. "You wouldn't dare do anything. "

"Wittle Dwaco thinks I won't hurt him?" Bellatrix taunted. "you're wrong. Aunty Bella will kill you. Ill tell wittle Dwaco's mummy and daddy you were killed - fighting against wee Potter. There will be no more dishonour upon our family!"

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