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Harry came to Draco, his chest heavy and a lump in his throat.

"Hermione told me." Draco said quietly. Harry looked down to hide the tears welling up in his eyes.

"Come here, love." Draco beckoned softly. "Come lay with me."

Harry huddled close to Draco, his breath shaky as tears spilled down his eyes. He hid them in Draco's shirt.

"It's okay to cry." Draco ran his fingers through Harry's hair gently. No one had ever told him that before.

Harry cried for a while. And Draco just hummed softly to him, his arms around him. Comforting him.

Harry started to calm down again.

"Can we ... just talk?" Harry asked. "Not about the curse.

"Of course."

"I just wanted to ask... what were you thinking of when you first cast a Patronus?

Draco paused for a second. " I was remembering the first time I told you I loved you. We were by the lake, and it was autumn. The sun was setting. Everything was beautiful. And I had you."

Harry's heart swelled. He gave a small smile, sipping the tears from his eyes.

"What about you? When you cast a Patronus, what do you think about?" Draco asked him. Harry chuckled.

"I curious. I remember the same thing."

"I'd like to see your Patronus again." Draco said distantly.

"I wish we could do magic outside of school." Harry sighed.

"Maybe we can..." Draco said suddenly. "The ministry only tracks magic performed around us. They can't prove that we do the magic because this is a wizard's house. Magic is preformed here all the time."

"Oh that's a good point." Harry smiled.

Harry grabbed his wand. He looked to Draco and remembered.

He nervously moved his hand on impulse towards Draco's. To his surprise Draco moved his hand closer to Harry's as well and lay his on top of Harry's softly. Draco didn't stray his eyes from the view in front of him, he only smiled and gave a soft chuckle.

"Harry frickin Potter, goddammit, I bloody love you."

"Expecto Patronum." Harry said. His silver stag formed, bright and warm. Draco smiled.

"How beautiful." He said breathlessly. He took his own wand and muttered the incantation.

The lion treaded beside the stag. The animals circled eachother playfully. Then they made eye contact. They approached eachother, and pressed their heads together softly. They faded from view.

"Can I kiss you, Harry?" Draco asked. Harry nodded with a smile. As always those sparks were as strong as ever. Even though Draco was weak their connection burned strongly.

When they pulled apart Draco laced his fingers with Harry's.

"You should eat breakfast." Draco muttered.

"I'm not hungry."

Draco frowned. "You have to take care of yourself."

"I'll be fine."

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