Joining In

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"I hate that bloody woman." Draco ranted to Harry while pacing the empty classroom in anger. He had seen the words inscribed into Harry's hand and was infuriated.

"She's absolutely vile, and has no right to do that to you, or anyone for that matter." He kicked at a chair.

"It's really not that big a deal..." Harry said quietly.

"Not that big a deal?! Harry look at your hand. That's cruel! And for something you didn't even lie about? She's an ignorant woman. She has no place in this school, making ridiculous rules and hurting students. She doesn't even know how to teach!" Draco paced some more. "It'll be a miracle if everyone doesn't fail their OWLs this year." His face was red and he spat out his words with frustration and anger.

"Well... Not everyone'll fail..." He hesitated. He wasn't sure whether or not he should tell Draco about Dumbledore's Army. Harry certainly trusted him, but he was unsure if Ron and Hermione would as well. He knew they were skeptical of him. Harry decided he would tell Draco anyways, but before he could, Draco cut it.

"Don't tell me you're standing up for this woman's teaching methods, Christ Harry." 

"No no no," Harry said. "I'm saying that because Hermione came up with a solution not too long ago, to teach people Defense Again the Dark Arts. She suggested we create a club in which we help people learn spells so that they can actually defend themselves (what with Voldemort on the loose and all) and pass their OWLs, of course." 

"Oh?" Draco said in surprise. He raised an eyebrow. " You know that Umbridge would shut it down in a second if she knew about that. How do you run it? How do you keep it a secret?" 

"We've got some methods , but I can't share them with you unless you join... Would you like to? Join, I mean." Harry asked him awkwardly. He was nervous to ask him, because he was a Slytherin and they had quite  the reputation. He was also a favourite of Umbridge's even though Draco despised her. Harry knew there would be uproar if Draco Malfoy joined the DA. But he trusted him now, he wanted him to be a part of something this important because Draco was his friend. 

"Of course I want to join." Draco answered him. "I'm very curious to see this club." He jumped up a bit to sit on a desk. 

"Hermione will probably ask you to sign a bunch of stuff for confidentiality and all, but uh you should meet me in the 7th floor corridor on Wednesday, after classes. We'll initiate  you into it. " 

"Alright, I'll meet you there then." Draco nodded. 

"Er..." Harry shuffled his feet. "People who are already in this club most likely won't take it too well that you're joining... you don't carry the best reputation..." 

"I figured. it'll be difficult for me, opening up to people like that. But what isn't difficult these days?" Draco gave a nervous laugh. 

"Hey, it'll be alright. People will have to either acknowledge that you've began to change as a person or they'll have to deal with it." 

Draco gave him a small smile. 

"Thanks, Harry."


Hermione and Ron faced him, frowns on their faces. They sat in the great hall for breakfast, waiting for mail. 

"So we wanted to talk to you about something, Harry." Hermione told him as he ate his toast. 

"I actually wanted to talk to you about something as well." Harry informed her. 


"It's about Malfoy." Harry told her. Her interested expression became a frown again, and Ron shook his head. 

"What is it?" 

"It's just- you've been spending an awful lot amount of time with him-" 

"And you haven't really talked to us at much." Ron chipped in after taking a swig of pumpkin juice. 

"What we're trying to say is. We feel like you've been almost ignoring us for him. And I hope you understand why that upsets us." Hermione said nervously. 

"Yeah, mate. We've literally been enemies for years, and now he's all you ever talk to." 

"Oh." Harry put down his toast. He was unsure how to feel. He and the two of them had been friends for forever and now he's been solely talking to the guy who'd bullied them for years. He felt guilty. 

"I'm sorry..." Harry looked down. "It's just been complicated with him. I've learned a lot about him that's changed my view on him. Maybe if you'd try and get to know him you'd feel differently about him." Harry suggested. Hermione sighed. 

"It's not that we disprove of you building a friendship with him. We think it's great that that you're letting go of you're past with Malfoy-" 

Ron choked in the middle of drinking his pumpkin juice. Hermione rolled her eyes at him before she continued. 

"But it feels like he's taking up all of you're time and you'd rather talk to him more than us now. It feels like you're abandoning us for him." 

"I've just been trying to figure things out through this whole curse mess." Harry said defensively. 

"Yes, we know, but could you maybe just promise one thing?" Hermione asked  him. 

"What's that?" 

Ron cut in. " Promise us you won't let him steal you away from us." 

Hermione looked like she was almost going to scold Ron, but stopped herself with a small sigh. 

"Forgive us, Harry. But we've been your friends for years, and we've become a bit... jealous... because you've only just started becoming friends with him. And we don't want to see you leave us just so you can be with Malfoy more often. It kinda hurts our feelings." 

Harry understand, and nodded. "I'm sorry, you two. I promise, I won't let our friendship fall apart only to spend more time building up mine with Malfoy. Hey, to make it up to you guys,  we can all three go to Hogsmeade the next visit together. Just us. It'll be fun. We haven't done something like that in a while." 

Hermione gave him a small smile and Ron raised his toast up. 

"Thanks, Harry." Ron said. 

"Now what were you going to say?" 

"Well I wanted to know how you two felt about Malfoy joining the DA. I figured it give you two and everyone else a chance to get to know him better. 

Ron laughed. "People won't stand for it, with what he's done in the past. That won't last a day." 

Hermione, on the other hand, gave him a worried expression. 

"A lot of people who've joined the DA are people who've had constant abuse thrown at them from Malfoy, Harry. It'd be very hard, if not impossible, to get everyone to trust Malfoy enough to let him be a part of something so important to these people. Maybe you've gained each other's trust, but he has to be able to accomplish that with no less then thirty people. Fights could break out, and it could lead to disaster. Is this really a good decision to make?"  

Harry thought about it for a second before responding, taking a bite of sausage. 

"He wants to apologize to everyone. I really think this could end up with him on a better foot with nearly everyone." Harry told her. Hermione gave him a reluctant nod. Ron only snorted. 

"Good luck with that." Ron snickered. Hermione scowled at him. 

"We support every decision you make. If you've thought through this and think it's something that should happen, then we'll help and support you with it." Hermione told him. Ron nodded at her words. 

"Even if the idea does sound ridiculous." Ron followed Hermione's words. 

Harry smiled. 

"I love you guys." 

Hermione and Ron returned the smile. 

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