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Harry's heart skipped a beat and his stomach dropped. He felt the colour leave his face and he could do nothing but stare at Malfoy who was pacing the room in distress, grabbing at his ice-blonde hair.

Harry gathered the courage to speak up.

"W-what do you mean sentenced to d-death?" Harry sputtered.

"I mean that this curse- this bloody curse- slowly kills the victim. Once inflicted upon the person, they gradually become weaker. The closer to their death day, the weaker they get. The victim will know the exact date they will die. The curse implants that date into their mind, always reminding them of what's to come- I'm going to have this dread of death until it happens." Malfoy looked into the air a pained expression on his face.

Harry felt tears building up into his eyes. He tried to hold them back with a shudder. Malfoy came to his senses and turned towards him.  Pure rage infested his expression.

"You've murdered me, Potter! I'm going to die because of you! You murderer! You did this to me and I'm going to make sure you pay!" Malfoy said as loud as he could without being heard by anyone outside of the room.

Tears rolled down Harry's cheeks as he looked for words.

"This wasn't supposed to happen, I would never have intentionally done this to you- I've never in my life wanted to kill you, Malfoy. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. Please. " Harry cried. "There has to be a counter curse- there has to! Do you know ?"

Malfoy looked down at the ground to avoid looking at Harry.

"I don't know..." he whispered.

Harry snapped up. 

"I'll search for one with you. I'll find one and I'll fix this. I won't give up. I promise I won't give up. I need to fix this" Harry breathed heavily.

"Of course- The Golden Boy won't stand to have this on his record." Malfoy sneered. "Of course you'd want to keep your reputation pure as possible. You wouldn't want people to find out that The Boy Who Lived used a killing incantation."

Harry's eyes widen as he quickly shook his head.

"No no no, don't you see Malfoy? I actually want to help you, believe me. I could not care less about my reputation and ego. I just don't want you dead, Malfoy. I don't want anyone dead. I'll reverse it.  I'll do everything I   possibly can to reverse it. "

"... And what if there is no counter curse?" Malfoy trailed.  

"No- don't think like that. There has to be one. There has to."

"Why do you even care, Potter? You hate me." Malfoy asked coldly.

"You think that just because I dislike you I wouldn't care if you died? That's not how it works. You bully me, that's true. But that doesn't mean I want you dead. Life isn't something to play around with. Life is precious and special, even yours. Believe me, I've seen enough death in the past 15 years and I know that with my life it's so painfully unavoidable. But I want to see as less of it as possible. Every time another life is lost because of me, I break a little bit more. I can't bare to see you die because of this, Malfoy."

"What a concept." Malfoy muttered to himself. "Harry Potter cares about whether or not I die"

Harry stared at him. " Of course I care."

Malfoy looked at him with blank confusion for a few short seconds before beginning with a new sentence.

" Listen, Potter. We'll discuss this tomorrow. Meet me at the tree by the lake tomorrow at lunch if the weather is suitable. Bring the bloody book. I don't want to talk to anyone right now anymore, so you better get to bed Potter. You're lucky I'm exhausted, otherwise I would have hexed your arse off. Goodnight." Malfoy said sternly with a tired subtle ache in his voice.

He turned quickly so that his robes swished with him  and exited the restricted section, leaving Harry standing there, thinking an abundance of thoughts about what he had done.

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