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"Harry!" Hermione's voice rang out. Harry opened his eyes to see the curtains pulled open. He faced  the frizzy hair and frustrated eyes of Hermione. 

"How'd you get in here?" Harry asked groggily. He reached for his glasses before he realized they were still on his face. He pushed them up. 

"Girls can go into the boys dormitory,remember? You just can't go into ours." Hermione reminded him. "Anyways, Harry. Draco is still here. He should've been back to his own common room before the night was over!" 

Harry looked beside him and sure enough, there was Draco with blond hair and slytherin robes, passed out beside him. 

"I thought that was a dream." Harry said wearily. He recapped everything that happened yesterday afternoon in his head. He looked back at Hermione, who didn't seem to pay any mind that they were in the same bed with the curtains closed around them... they were ontop of the blanket and fully clothed anyways she probably wouldn't suspect...

"We need to get him out of here before any of the Slytherins notice his absence. Particularly Snape." Hermione warned. Snape. He'd nearly forgotten he was supposed to have his first occulmency 

He looked at Draco, peacfully asleep. Harry felt like it was a crime to wake him up. He gently shook Draco, but Hermione simply cast Aguamenti, splashing water all over Draco's face. 

"BLOODY HELL!" Draco shot up, wiping the water from his face with the sleeve of his robes. Harry just cast a drying charm on Draco. 

"You have to be assertive." Hermione said, her nose in the air.

"You're still mad about yesterday, aren't you." Harry sighed. 

"Of course I am." 

Harry looked to Draco who was still in shock from the sudden water attack. Draco rubbed his forehead and groaned. Harry realized he was probably having a hangover. He remembered the sweets in his pocket. 

He reached and grabbed them. They were semi- squashed. He handed them to Draco. 

"Eat them, you'll feel better. I think. I hope. " Draco popped them in his mouth. He still wore a grimmace. 

"I still feel like i got waked with a broomstick repeatedly." Draco grumbled and Hermione rolled her eyes. 

"Oh never mind those." She said and then cast an unfamiliar spell on Draco before he could reject.  

A minute later she lowered her wand. 

"There now it should all be out of your system." 

Harry wondered where Hermione learned that spell and why. Then he looked at Ron, past out in his bunk and back to Draco and he knew why. 

"You know I would yell at you for casting an unexpected curse on me, but I'm forced to thank you now because I actually feel a whole lot better." Draco said, stretching. Hermione just gave a smug smile. 

Draco looked around wearily around the almost empty dorm, processing everything. 

"If you ever wondered what the Grffindor Boy's dormitory looked like, well here it is." Harry said awkwardly. Draco crinkled his nose. 

"It smells like old socks and sweat." 

They laughed. 

"So I assume I drunk more than I should've." said Draco, yawning. 

"I almost thought I might have to take you to Madam Pomfrey for alcohol poisoning." Harry snorted. Hermione just looked at them with a disgruntled expression. 

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