Chapter 2

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Evangeline's POV (before)

I sat in Harry's bed as he shuffled through his movies, searching for one to watch. It was Friday today and every Friday we always had a movie night after school when our homework was finished. 


I had a long day today. 

So I could use some downtime. 

"Wanna watch Scream?" he asked, holding up the horror movie in his hand while he gazed at me. I shuffled uncomfortably and bit my lip, shaking my head. He snickered and shook his head as he continued to look through his other films. 

I found myself staring at his arms. They were pretty muscular for a fourteen year old. He had abs too; I saw them when we went swimming the other day. His eyes were really pretty too...they were so green and beautiful and calming I just-

"Okay," he said, snapping me out of my thoughts, "you have to watch Love Actually."

I tried to ignore the confusion I felt after those strange thoughts left my head and I stammered a bit before I found my words.

"We've seen it millions of times, Harry," I whispered, pulling my sweater sleeves over my hands. He sighed and threw up his hands in exasperation.

"Well then," he sighed, "I'm stumped."

I bit my lip and stared at him as he fell back onto his bum and ruffled his curls. He turned his head and looked at me and for a moment, we sat in a comfortable silence. My eyes on him and his on me. He stared at me while I tried my best not to melt into a puddle of goo right there. 

What the hell was wrong with me? This was Harry. My Harry that I had known since grade school. 

He licked his lips and he smiled softly before he turned his head back to his movie pile. I felt the blush on my cheeks take over my entire face and I moved my head down to face my lap.

"We're watching Step Brothers," he said, walking over to me. I was too shy and slightly embarrassed to speak so I just bit my lip and nodded. He frowned and tilted his head at me, sitting down next to me. 

"You okay?" he asked. I nodded. He leaned forward and kissed my hair lightly. Pulling back, he looked me in the eyes and smiled.

"You know I love you right?" he asked. I sighed and nodded.

"Let's watch the movie?" I suggested. He smirked and nodded his head, pecking my hair again before he got up and made his way to his bedroom door.

"Where are you going?" I asked, switching my gaze from him to the movie that had just began to play. He smiled at me and opened his door.

"I gotta go get popcorn and Nutella, Eva. They're your favorite snacks during a movie," he explained. I bit my lip and sighed, nodding quickly. I shyly looked back at him and my best friend smirked at me.

"I'll be five minutes tops," he said, "if I take longer, you can smack me with my guitar."

I snorted and he laughed before he left to go get our snacks. I sat alone on his bed while the movie began to play and fiddled with my sweater. I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened at school today. 

I think that's why I was so closed off. Well, more than usual, at least.


"Hey loser," Madison sneered as she walked into the bathroom with her friends. I jumped and looked at her through the mirror as I grasped the counter. She smirked and rose an eyebrow, flipping her blonde hair over her shoulders and tapping her foot impatiently. I felt myself quiver underneath her glare and I began to tremble slightly.

"Y-yes?" I whispered. She rolled her eyes and flipped her hair again as her friends snickered. I blushed and looked down at my hands.

"When are you going to fix that ridiculous accent of yours?" she scoffed. I frowned to myself as I stepped away from the counter to cower in the corner. Madison stepped up to the sink and took my place, not before she rolled her eyes at me.

"Harry's definitely going to ditch this loser's ass one day," she muttered. Her friends laughed as I continued to look down the ground.

Trying to keep the tears in my eyes from falling while they were in the same room as me, I scurried out of the bathroom as possible.

What if they were right? What if Harry did think I was a loser? What if he leaves?

~Flashback over~

I bit my lip as I wiped away the tears that had fallen down my cheeks. I looked at the door, in case Harry were to walk in any time soon, and sighed to myself when I heard shuffling come from downstairs in the kitchen. 

I sighed and grabbed my phone, unlocking it and opening up Facebook. I scrolled down through my feed until I came across one post that caught my eye.

Evangeline Whitman is such a fucking attention whore. 

I felt my face heat up as I read the post and I bit my lip, not bothering to at least try to stop myself from reading the comments. There were ninety-six comments.


Oh my god, isn't she?

She thinks she's so cool because she's Canadian.

How tf does she even keep her accent.

I furrowed my eyebrows. I keep my accent because I go back to Canada every summer to visit my family. It just happens. 

I kept reading through the comments. At this point in my life, I had become accustomed to the hate to know that there was no point in crying. Because my tears wouldn't stop the bullying. It didn't before, so why should it now?

I sighed and threw my phone to my bed, frustrated. Harry came back in then with a huge bowl of popcorn and a jar of Nutella. 

"Sorry I took so long," he smiled, climbing on to the bed and handing me my jar. I smiled and shrugged. We got comfortable and began to eat and watch the movie. 

Occasionally, Harry would grab a handful of popcorn and absently lift it up to my mouth while he kept his eyes glued on the TV screen, and I'd open my mouth and let him shove the popcorn inside. Other times, I'd take a dollop of Nutella onto my spoon and hold it in front of his mouth, to which he'd devour instantly.

This was our thing. 

"You alright?" he suddenly asked, looking at me as I fiddled with his shirt sleeve. I looked up at him timidly and shrugged.

"Eva," he sighed, setting our food down, "talk to me. I'm your best friend."

"I'm okay," I replied, smiling, "I'll be fine."

He tilted his head at me, "you sure?"

I nodded. He sighed and nodded.

"Wanna spend the night?" he asked.

"It's Friday," I replied, "I always end up spending the night here."


I hope these chapters are okay. I really don't know if they're any good. :/




Sach :)

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