Chapter 6

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I promise I'll update Married to Him, I just want to get this fanfic started and make sure it's getting on its way.

Harry's POV

I furrowed my eyebrows as I set my phone back down on the table. I wasn't sure about letting Eva go off with that Evan guy on her own. Especially knowing that she was a shy girl who didn't always trust the people she met. 

"Why do you look so worried," Madison asked from next to me, "she said she'll be fine didn't she?"

I shrugged, sighing as I turned to look at her, "I've never let her do something like this before."

"What? Hang out with a guy? Get a boyfriend? Trust me, you should be proud of this. She'll be less lame in no time," she chuckled. I laughed along half-heartedly despite my conscience telling me to stick up for my friend.

"I think she'll want to see me though," I said, suddenly getting up, "I should go."

"Harry," Madison called, "sit down."

I turned to find her and her friends looking at me expectantly. I sighed and looked at Madison as she beckoned me back over with her hand. Her eyes looked up at me and she smiled and I felt myself drawn to her immediately.

"Alright," I said, "but just for a little bit. Then I have to go."

Madison chortled, "we're fourteen. Live a little."

I furrowed my eyebrows as I took my seat next to her.


So much for a little bit.

I've been hanging out with Madison for three hours. I waited for Eva to text me back but she never did. 

That doesn't mean you can't text her, idiot.

I sighed and mentally slapped myself as I pulled out my phone to text her, only to have it taken away by Madison. We were currently over at her place, her and I. She asked if I wanted to come over and watch a movie. 

I know she bullied Eva and everything, but something told me that she wasn't as mean as she seemed. Not to me, at least. She also hadn't said anything bad about Eva since we hung out. Plus, she was pretty.

"We're friends, right?" she asked, tying her blonde hair up into a pony as she set my phone down. I shrugged.

"I guess."

She looked at me pointedly in the mirror and turned to face me. I sat on her bed innocently with a small smile as she walked towards me. 

"As a friend," she said, sitting beside me, "I think you should start hanging out with my friends and I more. We think you're extremely cool."

I brightened up, "really?" 

Madison nodded with a huge smile, putting her hand on my shoulder. 

"Oh yeah," she smirked, "Niall and Louis talk about you all the time."

I widened my eyes. 

Niall, Louis, and Liam were practically the "it" boys in our school. Everyone wanted to be friends with them and everyone wanted to talk to them. I was on the soccer team with them once. They were pretty nice to me, and if I'm honest, I think that's where we became friends. But I never thought they'd actually want to be good friends with me.

"Wow," I smiled, "I'll tell Eva and-"

"Oh no," she said, "they mean just you...not...Eva.."

I furrowed my eyebrows. 

"But Evangeline is my best friend," I said, "I never do anything without her."

"Yeah but Harry," she sighed, "don't you want to get in with the cool kids? You want to be friends with Liam and the rest of them don't you?"

I bit my lip and looked down to my hands, slowly nodding.

"Well then, if that has to work then you can't have Eva with you," she sighed, "I'd be just as good of a friend."

I looked up at her warily. She smirked and leaned forward to kiss my cheek and I blushed when she pulled back. 

"You're cute when you blush," she smiled. I laughed awkwardly and ran a hand through my hair. 

"I shouldn't leave Eva alone though-"

"She'll be fine," Madison chided, "she's strong isn't she?"

I smiled softly as I thought of her and nodded, "the strongest I know."

"Well then, she'll be fine on her own for a couple days," Madison offered, "then maybe she can come sit with us too!"

I bit my lip and looked at her timidly. She smiled and leaned over to grasp my hand and interlocked our fingers. She scooted closer to me on the bed and I felt my hands begin to get clammy. 

Truth be told, I've always liked Madison. I thought she was pretty with her blonde hair and blue eyes. She was sporty too, which I always thought was cute. She dressed nicely too.

"I've always liked you, Harry," she said, looking at my lips. I breathed in deeply and shifted.


She brought her hand from mine and ran her fingers up and down my arms, causing tingles to appear where her fingers used to be. She smiled at me softly and leaned forward. I slowly felt myself beginning to do the same.

"I think," she whispered, "I think I like you."

I licked my lips and pulled back slightly to look at her. 

"I think I like you too," I said, "I mean, I do think you're cute. And you don't seem like such a bad person judging by the way you acted today."

She smiled triumphantly.

"Why do you bully her though?" I asked. She frowned a bit and sighed. 

"Truth be told," she murmured, "I've always been jealous of her. She had you."

I widened my eyes and licked my lips.


"She's always had you. Even from grade school, you were always there for her. I didn't like that. I wanted to have you too. I liked you a lot and I still do," she whispered. I rose an eyebrow and found myself scooting towards her. 

"I promise I'll try to be nicer to her, though," she said, "now that we're friends. I think I'll be okay. I will apologize at school."

I nodded and continued to lean into her, keeping my eyes on her plump lips at all times.

I hadn't kissed anyone yet. I know, I'm fourteen and I haven't kissed anyone yet?

Well, Eva and I always had this pact that we'd have our first kiss the same time as each other. So now, I guess I'd have to tell Eva to find someone to kiss. 

"Well," I said, "maybe we can try this out."

She smiled and I leaned forward slowly, keeping my eyes on her lips. She moved towards me slowly as well and our eyes gradually closed, before our lips met.

And I had my first kiss.


I need to get one of those laptop placemat thingies that you keep on your lap so your legs don't burn smh.

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Have a good day :)


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