Chapter 11

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Eva's POV

"Why would you tell him you'd think about it?" Evan scoffed, placing his backpack on my kitchen island as we walked into my house. I sighed and shrugged. 

"I don't know," I mumbled, "I didn't want to be mean and just outwardly say no. He was crying!"

Evan rolled his eyes and walked over to my fridge, opening it without asking, before he began to rummage through it.

"You know, Eva," he said, shoving his face full of cold cuts, "there's this thing called acting. It's where people pretend to be someone that they're not and if you're lucky, you even get to make a living off of it."

I rolled my eyes and sat down at the dining table, "he wouldn't lie through crying. I know him...or at least the old him. And if the old him is still there, he would only cry when he was really emotional."

"Well he must be on his period then," Evan grumbled, walking away from my fridge with a box of leftover pizza in his hand, "you guys have the best food in this house, I swear."

I chuckled and folded my hands in front of myself as Evan began to fill his stomach across from me. I bit my lip and contemplated on what I should do next. Should I forgive him? Or should I let him work his way up to forgiveness? Or...

Should I find a way to get him back for the way he's treated me?

"Should I get my own revenge?" I blurted. Evan choked on his pizza and coughed a bit before he looked at me.

"What?" he asked. 

"Should I do something to make him feel what I felt when he left me and became such a huge jerk?" I asked, brushing a strand of my blonde hair to the side. Evan sighed and pushed his pizza box - well my pizza box - away and looked at me.

"No," he said, "because doing that will make you just as bad as he is. You're not that bitchy, Eva. You're a smart and confident girl that I love very much and is a real head turner. I mean look at that outfit girl, damn."

I snorted, "sometimes I think you could be in the wrong area of sexuality."

"I think I am," he shrugged, reaching for his pizza, "I mean, I was staring at Dylan Joseph's ass today. His ass!"

I burst out laughing as he shook his head, shocked at his own behavior and took another bite of his pizza. I chuckled to myself as I looked at him, glad that I was able to call him my best friend. 

"Although," he said, "I will say, I love having sex with girls. I mean, it feels so good and-"

"Oh my god, shut up and stop talking about sex," I blushed, hiding my face.

"Oh yah," he smirked, "forgot you were a virgin."

He suddenly made a fist with his hand and used it as a fake microphone, widening his eyes and holding his "mic" up to his mouth.

"Tell me, what is it like being seventeen, almost eighteen and a virgin?" he asked, passing his imaginary mic to me. I gave him a blank stare and fought back a smirk as I tried my best to look annoyed.

"It's very nice, actually. I don't have to worry about getting pregnant during my teen years," I said. 

"Hey now, some people can't control it because they don't even realize they've gotten pregnant and by the time they do, they're too scared to do anything about it," Evan defended. I nodded.

"That's why there's these things called condoms," I said. 

"Even so," he said, "could still happen without."

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