Chapter 42*

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Time Jump!!!

Harry's POV

It was Valentine's Day today. So obviously I wanted to do something nice for Eva. She was my baby. 

It was Wednesday, though, so that meant we had to go to school but I already had our afternoon planned out. 

See, my parents had a cabin out by the lake near our house, so I was going to take her there so we could spend the night there and then I'd drive us back to school. Her parents were okay with it too, so it worked out pretty well.


I hummed and looked over to my girlfriend who was seated beside me in the crowded cafeteria. Evan was with Sophia getting food from the cafeteria. Don't ask me about his love life.

Because I wouldn't be able to give you an answer. It's more confusing than twelfth grade math.

"Why are you so quiet?"

I shrugged, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her into me. I frowned a little when I noticed that she seemed a little more skinnier than she usually was. Plus, she wore a lot of long sleeved shirts. And whenever Niall would walk past us in the hallway, she'd always lean into me. 

It was concerning.

"Baby," I whispered, "can I ask you something?"

She nodded and looked at me, "what is it?"

"I need to promise you'll be honest," I said. She nodded and frowned, looking up at me as we sat at our table. I licked my lips and leaned forward to press my lips to her head. I pulled back and smiled at her.

"Is there a reason as to why you've only been wearing long sleeved tops? And you seem to have lost some weight," I whispered. Her face paled and she bit her lip. I wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her into me and kissed her shoulder. I looked at her, smiling comfortingly as she looked over at me with tears brimming in her eyes.

"Oh darling," I breathed, sitting up to wipe her eyes away, "you don't have to tell me until you're ready okay? Just know that I'm always going to be here if you ever need to speak or talk to someone. Always."

She wrapped her small arms around me and hugged me tightly and buried her face into my chest. I sighed and kissed her hair, frowning slightly as I caught sight of Niall and Madison glancing over at us before they whispered to each other.

"Thank you," she whispered in a broken voice. My heart pinched and I pulled away to cup her cheeks and plant my lips onto hers. I pulled away with a soft smile, relaxing as the butterflies moved through my stomach.

"Don't thank me," I replied, "but please just keep in mind that I don't want you putting yourself what you went through in middle school. Please. You're beautiful, and if you're having any doubts about that then just ask me...or Evan. Or your parents. Everyone thinks that you're gorgeous."

She smiled and nodded, leaning up to kiss my cheek. She pulled back and let out a small breath and sighed. 


"Are you sure my parents said it was okay for us to spend the night at the cabin," she asked as we stepped into the bigger bedroom. The curtains were all closed, and I had lit some candles to give the room a nice warm glow. Our homework was finished too. I smiled as I pulled back the sheets and watched her climb in. She wore my boxers (the clean ones) and a big shirt and smiled at me as I climbed in next to her. 

"They said it was fine," I smiled, "I just can't murder you."

She snickered, moving closer to me, "as if that would happen. You can't hurt a fly."

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