Chapter 31

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Remember at the beginning of the book when I said all past chapters will have a "before" next to them?

Yeah, I gave up on that.

Eva's POV

"Mum," I asked as we sat around the dinner table, "can Harry and Evan come over tomorrow?"

Mom looked at me and rose an eyebrow, "sure? I don't see why not?"

I bit my lip and smiled, before nodding and looking at my dad who squinted at me. He still called Harry "fishy," and never ceased to tease him when he came to pick me up for our dates. 

"Dad," I laughed, "ease up on him, please? He's petrified of you."

"He should be," Dad snorted, "little peasant thinks he can just waltz back into your life and-"

"He did though, didn't he?" Mum defended. She quite liked Harry's company and she was happy that I had him back in my life again.

So was I.

Just then, my cell phone started to ring from the counter where I left it. I jolted and looked over at it, expectantly and glanced at my mom who rolled her eyes and nodded. I smiled and raced over, smiling when I saw Harry's name flash on my screen.

"Hi," I breathed as I answered it.

"Baby, you'll never guess what happened," he said, "wait...are you at dinner? Should I call back?"

"I'm fine," I said, laughing when my dad scoffed and flipped some imaginary hair before he turned back to his food. Looking over at my mom, I snickered when she gave my father a blank stare before she shook her head at him, looking up briefly as if to say, "why am I with this idiot?"

"Okay, great," Harry said, "so. I went to the mall today, because I'm greedy and I like buying clothes that I don't need right? And guess who I saw at the mall."

"Uh....Barack Obama?" I asked, walking into the living room.

"No, sadly," he sighed, "I saw Evan and Stella and they were full on making out, dude. Like, it was gross. Grosser than what we do."

"You're saying that it's gross when we make out?"

"No. It's quite nice, and steamy. Especially when I-"

"Okay, enough."

He snickered and I rolled my eyes.

"But what's new about that," I asked, "they're dating."

"They are?"

"Harry, how did you not know?" I asked.

"I tune him out whenever he talks about anything that isn't you, school or football," he replied, simply. I laughed and shook my head.

"Well, if you had been paying attention, you would know that Evan asked Stella to be his girlfriend," I said. 

"Well shit..."

I laughed and shook my head, smiling to myself as I sat in comfortable silence.

"Eva," he said.


"You're all better now right? I mean, nothing makes you sad anymore, or pressures you to the point where you don't want to eat?" he asked timidly. I smiled at his affection and thoughtfulness.

"No, baby," I said, "I'm perfectly-"

"Baby?" Dad exclaimed from the kitchen, "Eleanora, she's calling him her baby. What is that?"

"Shut up, David," Mum muttered. I laughed and shook my head.

"Your dad hates me doesn't he?" Harry sighed, "he scares me too."

"He takes a lot of joy in that," I said, "but no, I don't think he hates you."

"You're just saying that," he replied sadly. I frowned and pouted.

"Well, if it helps, I quite like you. I like you a lot."

"That does help, actually. Thank you for the ego boost, darling," he replied. I felt my face heat at the word "darling," and I smiled sheepishly.

"You're blushing aren't you?" he snickered. I felt my face heat even more as I stammered.

"I am not," I defended. 

"Mhm...can I come over?" he asked. I shrugged, before remembering he couldn't see me.

"Sure, climb up through my window," I whispered, making sure my parents couldn't hear me. They were too engrossed in their own discussion.

"Alrighty," he chirped, "I'll see you soon, sweetheart."


I lay in bed, wrapped in my blankets as I read a book. My parents had gone to bed and I smiled as I heard a light tapping coming from my window. Furrowing my eyebrows, I looked up to find Harry smiling at me. I nodded at the window, my usual gesture of saying, "it's open."

He opened it quietly and jumped inside. I almost giggled when I noticed his choice of Spiderman pajamas. I rose an eyebrow and looked at him as he turned around. He looked down at his pants and blushed.

"My mom got me these ones when I was thirteen and they somehow still fit," he shrugged. I giggled as he made his way over to my bed and climbed in after slipping his shoes off. He tucked himself in next to me and laid his head down on my pillow as he smiled up at me. I was propped up against my headboard and I smiled down at him as I closed my book, and set it on my nightstand. I combed my fingers through his hair and he closed his eyes as he smiled.

"I love it when you do that," he murmured. I smiled and continued my actions. He slowly opened his eyes and gazed up at me in silence. I smiled at him and leaned down to kiss his forehead. He kept his green eyes fixed on me, however as he grabbed a hold of my hand and intertwined our fingers.

"I'm never leaving you again, Evangeline," he whispered, "never ever."

"Good. My dad would kill you, if you did. And I'd probably let him."

He smirked and switched his position so he was now on his stomach with his elbows propped up so he could lift himself up a bit. 

"That would suck," he murmured. I laughed and nodded.

"It would."

He smirked at me and leaned over to press his lips to mine. I tried to suppress the feeling of excitement that flowed through me as I kissed him and cupped his face in my hands. I moved down onto my bed and he hovered over me, kissing my bottom lip before sucking on it lightly as he pinned his hands on either side of my face. I sighed into the kiss and smiled as he pulled back to nudge his nose with mine.

"You Canadian freak," he joked. I snorted and hit him in the chest lightly. 

"What do you want for breakfast tomorrow?" I asked. He shrugged before laying his head down onto my chest and he wrapped his arms around my waist as he intertwined our legs. 

"I don't care," he mumbled, "I just don't want to go to school."

I sighed and nodded, "we gotta."

Harry sighed and lifted his head to press a kiss to my collarbone before he plopped his head back down. I smiled and ran a hand through his hair again, as we both drifted off to sleep.


Cute filler. Does anyone want a Niall's POV next?

Have a good day, please vote and comment.

All the love,


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