Chapter 12

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Harry's POV

I lay on my bed staring up at the ceiling. I had finished all of my homework, hung out with my friends, and ate dinner all while thinking of Eva and how I could somehow find a way out of this bet.

I knew I didn't want to do it.

I knew I wasn't going to do it.

I knew it would most likely take my entire life to win her back, but I was going to try no matter what.

I bit my lip as I unlocked my phone and stared at it for a moment. I pressed the contacts icon and scrolled down until I came in contact with Eva's name. My thumb lingered over her name for a second before I pressed it and opened up a texting thread. I began to chew on my lip as I started typing.

Me: Hi, Eva. :)

That should do it, right? That's a good conversation starter? I felt my toes tingle as I tried to move them in my socks, and my cheeks began to heat up.

What if she reads my text and doesn't respond? What if she's ignoring me? I mean, I wouldn't blame her. I deserve it. I mean, if I was her, I'd ignore myself too.

Luckily, my phone buzzed a little bit later with a notification from her.

Eva: Hey. :)

I sighed in relief, closing my eyes and smiling softly to myself. I began to type instantly.

Me: How are you? I hope you had a nice day.

As soon as I sent it, I wanted to hit my head against a wall. "I hope you had a nice day." What is this? Kindergarten?

Eva: Yeah, actually it was pretty good. How about you?

I sighed and began to type.

Me: It was okay. Just the usual.

Eva: and what does that entail exactly?

Me: Oh you know, the usual boring classes, the usual boring hallways, the usual boring everything, I guess.

Eva: are you saying you don't like your friends, Mr. Styles?

I felt myself smirk lightly at this. I could hear her sarcasm through her writing and I loved it.

Me: why yes, Ms. Whitman, that's exactly what I'm saying ;)

Me: friends aren't that bad. At least, the one's that I'm friends with this year. Although, they're doing something that I'm not too fond of. Well, they're making me do it.

I bit my lip as I waited for her response.

Eva: what are they making you do? Drugs?

Me: No. In fact, that might be loads better.

Eva: Well then, what is it?

I took in a deep breath and looked up at the ceiling. I couldn't tell her that I was doing this. She'd hate me forever and any chance that I had at winning her back would be blown straight through the roof. I needed her to know, though, that I had absolutely no intentions of hurting her...I guess that's something that I'd have to show her another time.

Me: If I told you, I'd have to kill you heheheheheh

Eva: ._____.

Me: Bad joke?

Eva: Extremely..

I smiled at this and bit my lip, sitting up slightly against my pillows.

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