Chapter 25

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I'm so sorry!! I was on a vacation with my family and I got back yesterday!

Harry's POV

I wanted to kiss her that night.

I wanted to kiss her so badly but I knew that it would make it seem like I was only in this for the physical aspect and I wasn't. 

I wasn't about to deny the fact that I was completely and madly in love with Eva though. 

I was totally, and madly in love with her. 

And now, looking at her from across the hall as she smiled at Evan, it made me want to tell her.

I bit my lip as I began walking towards her only to be stopped by Niall. I clenched my jaw as I looked at him as he smirked back at me.

"What do you want?" I asked. Niall shrugged and adjusted his backpack on his shoulder.

"How are things with Eva?" he asked.

"Good," I replied. He nodded and smirked at me deviously.

"What if she were to find out about your little bet?" Niall whispered. I shrugged.

"I've told her," I said, "everything about it. I told her everything about the bet, about what I was supposed to do. She knows."

"And she's okay with it?"

"She's hanging out with me, is she not?" I retorted. His blue eyes glinted with an emotion I couldn't quite make out. He then swore under his breath before he looked at me.

"Well, what if I told her a different truth? You know, twisted it around a bit?" he began. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"The fuck do you mean, Horan?" I growled.

"I mean..." he smirked, "what if I told her that I planned this all out. You telling her about the bet, her trusting you...only for you to dump her by grad?"

"We're not dating, mate?" I replied, "and even then, why would she believe you?"

"Why would she believe you?"

I clenched my jaw and looked him up and down once before I rolled my eyes and pushed past him. I sighed and shook my head, ridding myself of those thoughts as I strolled up to Evan and Eva.

"Hello," I smiled. Evan smirked at me and nodded.

"Harry, what's up?" he asked.

I shrugged, "nothing. You? How was your weekend, man? I heard you took Stella out."

Evan smirked and nodded, "she's amazing man. Speaking of which, I gotta go find her."

I looked at Eva who smirked at me and shook her head. We laughed as we watched Evan run down the halls and push people aside as he went. That left Eva and I.

"So," I began. She looked at me and quirked an eyebrow.


"Friday." I stated. She smiled and looked down at her feet.

"Friday," she replied, "what about Friday?"

"You blushed when I kissed you," I smirked, leaning closer to her. She bit her lip and I smiled affectionately when I saw her cheeks turn pink. I smiled and leaned down and placed my lips against her cheek before my mind was able to stop me.

I didn't care though, because the look of surprise and happiness on her face was enough for me.

"I don't want to wait for a friendship," I pouted. She shrugged with a shy smile and I sighed and shook my head.

"That hurts," I pouted mockingly. She laughed and shook her head, slapping my arm slightly. I laughed as I watched her smile; the way her eyes crinkled and she scrunched up her nose had me weak in the knees.

I suddenly wished I had kissed her on Friday.

"Harry," she asked, looking up at me, "thank you for Friday."

I shrugged, "thank you for letting me take you."

She smiled and nodded as she bit her lip and looked down. I bit my own lip and walked towards her before I grabbed her hand and intertwined my fingers with hers. She looked at me with her brown eyes and I smiled reassuringly as she smiled at me. I smirked at her and winked.

"Did you finish your English report?" I asked, suddenly remembering our homework that was due today. I felt my eyes grow wide when I watched her nod her head. I swore under my breath and scratched my head.

"I uh...I forgot," I mumbled. She laughed and shook her head.

"Just tell Ms. Beadrow," she said, "she's a cool teacher. She'll probably let you go."

"I wouldn't be so sure," I mumbled.

"Does she hate you?"

"Well...according to her, I'm a bit too cheeky. So I don't know," I replied. She snorted and looked at me.

"I uh...I saw Niall talking to you," she replied, "what did he want?"

I shrugged, "he threatened me. Said that he'd talk to you, twist the truth around and somehow find a way to make me the bad guy."

She nodded and pursed her lips, "so should I play along?"

I scoffed and looked at her, "well-"

"I mean, so he doesn't get cold feet, obviously."

I shook my head and smiled, "no. Don't play along."

She shrugged and shook her head, "just asking. I want to be nice, you know?"

I laughed and nodded, "you have a point." 

"In seriousness though," she said, "we should go find out what to do about that English report of yours."

I nodded, "yeah, let's go."


Smaller chapter than usual. But I'm super tired and I wanted to get a small filler in.

But Niall's making a comeback...ooooooo.

Hope you liked this chapter. :) what do you think Niall will do?





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