Chapter 3

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Evangeline's POV

"Eva, pass me the potatoes please," my mother asked as we sat around her table for dinner. I nodded and picked up the bowl of white fluff and passed it to her waiting hands. She smiled a "thank you" and I nodded in return.

"How was movie night," dad asked. I looked at him.

"Good," I responded, "we watched Step Brothers."

My dad chuckled and shook his head, "does that boy not have any new movies?"

I smiled softly and shrugged. My mom laughed lightly and I sat there, awkwardly shuffling my food around my plate as I played with my brown hair.

"Eva," my mom said, "how's school going?"

I gave her a tight lipped smile and sat up straight, nodding once.


"You're keeping your marks up right?" My father asked. I nodded.

"As high as I can keep them, sir," I whispered. He nodded and smiled at me we spoke no more of my school work. They didn't ask, and I didn't push.

I'm sure they didn't care about what happened to me at school anyways.

They were too busy. My mom was a doctor, so she was on call a lot and therefore out of the house. My dad was working his way up to a promotion for a senior manager position at a bank he works at. So they were never home.

I suddenly felt the familiar loss of appetite make it's way into my system and I lost interest in feeding myself. I sighed and placed my fork back on my plate and pushed myself back slightly. I glanced down at my body and sighed when I saw the rolls on my stomach.


You're such a loser.

Every single time I tried to eat, their words would haunt my mind. I couldn't escape it.

"Mum," she looked at me expectantly, "I'm not feeling to hungry. Could I be excused?"

She furrowed her eyebrows as she glanced at my plate. I looked down and bit my lip as I timidly looked back at her.

I didn't eat anything.

I never really eat much anymore.

"Eva," she began, "can you at least manage a couple bites sweetheart?"

I shook my head slowly, looking back down at my plate. I heard her sigh and I bit my lip.

"Fine," she replied, "I'll bring you up a tea later, and some food okay? You have to eat."

I sighed and nodded. I got up with my plate and moved to the kitchen. I placed the dish on the counter, in case my mom would keep it for leftovers, and walked upstairs and into my room. 

I sighed when I felt my stomach rumble. 

I couldn't do anything about it though; I had to lose weight. It was the only way I'd be skinny and maybe get more than just Harry to like me. 

As I sat down, my phone began to ring. I looked over to where it sat on the nightstand, smiling softly when I read Harry's name on the LED screen. I picked it up and answered the call, biting my lip when I brought the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I asked. 

"Hi, Eva," he said. I smiled and looked down, fumbling with the hem of my shirt.

"Hi," I replied. 

"Whatcha doing?" 

"I just finished eating dinner," I replied.

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