Chapter 21

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I can't focus on my English and I'm stressing myself out because I only have a month and I have 3 units left. :3

Harry's POV

~a month later - October~

I'm working up the courage to ask Eva out on a date.

I know I probably shouldn't. Not at this point in our friendship too, but hell, I'm still working up the courage to be able to talk to her.

I thought that when I told her about the bet last month, she'd hate my guts and tell me to leave. But I was surprised when I spoke to her the next day and she didn't turn me away. It made me smile to know that she was actually giving this a chance.

Now, it was October, and surprisingly, we had grown quite closer than we were at the beginning of the year. Not as close as we used to be, but close enough for me to know that I was in fact, making progress. I spent the entire past month trying to prove to her that I wanted her. I'd buy her presents unexpectedly, take her out to lunch (Evan sometimes came too), I'd help her study, I'd give her space when she needed it. I did everything I could.

And surprisingly, she responded well.

I also fully stopped any contact with Niall and his gang completely. Which also meant I had no friends besides Evan and Eva. Which, to be honest, I was more than okay with. Hell, I loved it. Although, I couldn't help but feel that sometimes I was a burden to the both of them because they were so I chose to spend my lunches alone in the library sometimes. I didn't mind; it helped me get most of my homework done.

I liked having little to no friends. It felt nice. I learned to adapt to the loneliness.

Right now, I was with Evan at my house. I was at my desk, working on my English report while Evan was laying on my bed, tossing a ball into the air and catching it aimlessly.

I was also thoroughly happy with how lenient Evan was being with me. I guess when he saw that I really wasn't hanging out with Niall anymore, he felt as though he could trust me. And honestly, I'm glad he did because he is one of the best friends that I have had besides Eva.

"How's your failed friendship with Eva going?" he asked bluntly. I snorted and shook my head.

"I don't know, man," I sighed, typing up a sentence, "I'm working my ass off and I hope she sees it."

"Sees what? Your ass?"

I looked at him with a blank stare, "no moron. I mean I hope Eva sees how hard I'm working to get her back."

Evan made an "oh" face and nodded. I sighed before I turned back to my computer screen. I kept typing as we sat there in silence.

"Have you two hung out lately?" he asked.

I thought, "yeah. A bit. You?"

"We hang out every lunch," he replied. I tried to ignore the burning feeling of jealousy that made its way into my brain as I nodded and hummed coolly.

I heard Evan snort from behind me.

"You can calm your tits, Styles," he replied, "I'm not into her like that."

I looked at him, "you're not?"

He shook his head, "why else would I be trying to set you two up? Plus, she's the girl who helps set me up with my girlfriends."

I let out a snort and shook my head before I turned in my chair to face him. I began to fiddle with my thumbs before I bit my lip and looked at him.

"What should I do, Evan?" I asked. Evan shrugged.

"You told her about the bet?" he asked. I nodded.

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