Chapter 43

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Do people still read/like this book? Also, I misspoke last chapter. the book isn't ending yet lmao. 

Eva's POV

I walked into school holding Harry's hand with a huge smile plastered on my face. I beamed at him as we stopped at his locker and moved to stand closer to him. He looked over at me and smiled softly before he leaned down to press his lips to my forehead. I giggled and looked down the hallway to find Niall staring at me with an ominous look. I bit my lip and fidgeted as I sighed.

I wasn't starving myself again. But I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought of other possibilities I could hurt myself. 


I looked up to find Harry looking at me expectantly, "ready to go?"

I nodded and smiled, feeling more relaxed when Harry reached down to intertwine our fingers together. We began walking down the hallway and I laughed when Evan came running towards us with Sophia. 

"You guys," Sophia beamed, stopping in front of us, "guess what just happened."

"What?" Harry laughed.

"Evan got an A on his History paper!" 

We all cheered and laughed as Evan stood there with a triumphant look on his face. For weeks, he'd been trying to get an A in history class so he could finally have a straight A report card.

"That's right, bitches," he snorted, "I beat all of you."

Harry chuckled and shook his head before he looked at Evan, "we're still on for later right?"

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at him. He caught my gaze and smiled. 

"Evan and I are going to hang out at his place tonight," he explained, "for old time's sake. We haven't hung out in a while."

"Yeah," Evan scoffed, squinting at me, "cause you keep taking him away. Never thought I'd actually say this, but I quite enjoy Harry's company."

Evan slung an arm around Sophia's shoulder and she blushed as she wrapped an arm around his waist. They had been dating for a while now and I honestly had never seen Evan more happier. Sophia was the sweetest, and really pretty too. 

"Hey, that means we can hang out tonight!" I smiled, looking at Sophia. She smirked and nodded.

"I was just about to ask you that," she laughed. We smiled and she stepped forward and linked her arm with mine before we smiled at Evan and Harry and waved. They stood there, looking at us with blank faces and confused looks before they leaned into each other.

"Do girls always walk like that?" Evan asked. Harry opened his mouth to say something but closed it again and shook his head, shrugging.

We giggled and walked further down the hall and into the change room, as our next class was gym. We walked over to an empty bench and began to change only to stop when the door opened and Madison walked inside, with her friend Shelby.

I stood up, as did Sophia and we looked at Madison.

"Oh my god," Madison squealed, "if it isn't Little Miss Attention-whore!"

I grimaced and glanced at Sophia before I looked back at Madison.

"What are you doing here? You don't have gym next period?" I said.

She hummed and leaned against the lockers, "I know. Can't I walk into the change room? Or does everything belong to you now that you're dating Harry?"

I rolled my eyes and bent down to pick up my jersey for gym. I heard her snicker from behind me and sit down somewhere behind me on a bench.

"I don't know why he'd pick you over someone like me," she continued, "I mean, I am way hotter. Not to mention, you're still a virgin. So that just means you're not as, well...experienced."

I rose an eyebrow and smirked as I said nothing and continued to dress. Sophia had finished and was now seated beside me as she spoke nothing as well and tied her hair up into a ponytail.

"What's the matter, girls?" Madison sneered, "cat got your tongue?"

"Shut up," Sophia groaned, "what the hell is your problem anyways? They literally don't do anything to you."

"Shut up, bitch."

I whirled around and glared at Madison who widened her eyes slightly before she relaxed and smirked.

She stood up and walked towards me and I clenched my jaw.

"Leave me alone," I said, "I mean it. I'm sick and tired of all of the shit you and your friends have put me through. Fucking stop. We're graduating this year, and then afterwards, I'm never going to see you again so instead of wasting your time trying to make my life a living hell, why don't you spend your time trying to figure out how to get your life in order? Because I'll tell you, all of this makeup, these clothes and that cheap, bitchy attitude aren't what's going to get you far in life. So take my advice, if you care about your future, and back the fuck off, and focus on yourself. Because there's way more things you can work on."

I grabbed Sophia's hand and my bag and shook my head before I walked out of the change room and didn't even look back to see Madison's reaction.

I'm so done.


I don't think I'm going to make a sequel for this book. But once it's done, I might write bonus chapters or something. Idk yet.

Hope you had a wonderful day today, and I hope you liked the chapter!



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