Chapter 46

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Updates are hella slow, I know. I've just lost inspiration with this story and it does happen. So yeah.

I'm also in twelfth grade and working on keeping my average up for uni so updating all of my stories might not be on my top priority.

Sorry but also not sorry.

Eva's POV

Apparently Madison had no need to bother me anymore as she had apparently also found a new person to bug. Was I cool with it?

Hell no.

I'd rather have her annoy the shit out of me than actually go pick on someone with whom she had no past with.

"She's pissing me off," I mumbled to Evan. Evan shrugged as we watched Madison talk and laugh with her friends.

"Her and Niall have barely spoken to each other," he replied. I frowned and looked at him and he nodded.

"It's weird. They haven't said anything rude to me either. I mean, not that I care," I shrugged, "I just feel...suspicious."


We turned to find Harry smiling at me as he sat down next to me. He smiled at Evan and kissed my cheek.

"Suspicious about what?"

"Niall and Madison," I sighed, "neither of them have done anything stupid."

Harry rose an eyebrow, "that's bad?"

"I just feel like it's shady."

He shrugged, "maybe they're just tired."

"Both of them?" Evan asked. Harry bit his lip and shrugged again. He glanced over and frowned and I followed his gaze to find Niall staring back at him. Both boys held each other's gaze with a stoic expression but as Niall sensed my gaze as well, he glanced back at Harry and looked back to his friends.

"Weird," Harry mumbled, "normally he does something vulgar."

Evan snorted, "told ya. They're on crack I swear."

We snickered and Harry shrugged, "wouldn't be surprised. They've done it a couple times."

I looked at him. Harry glanced at me and smiled, tight lipped.

"I didn't do it with them so you can stop worrying," he rolled his eyes.


"I have to work tonight," Evan sighed as he leaned against the lockers next to mine, "gotta make my money for my girlfriend, know what I'm saying?"

I smiled and looked at him as I packed my textbooks. 

"I'm gonna take off," he smiled. He leaned down and kissed my forehead, "you gonna be alright? I can wait with you for Harry."

I shook my head, scrunching up my nose, "nah. I'll just head down to his locker and wait for him. It's okay. Thanks though."

He smiled and was about to walk away before he jumped and looked at me, "what are you two doing about the university thing?"

I sighed and shrugged, biting my lip as uncertainty flooded through my veins. 

"I have no clue," I mumbled, "I mean he said he'll apply for the university that's close to's like an eight hour drive or something - i have no clue - but I don't know. You know? What if he meets someone there that captures his attention? He's going to make some new friends too and we'll more than likely drift apart. I'm starting to think that maybe breaking up might just be the best thing to do...instead of setting ourselves up for a heartbreak."

Evan tilted his head and looked at me. He sighed and placed his hand on my shoulder and pulled me in for a hug. He wrapped his arms around me and I sniffled as I hugged him back tightly. 

"I don't want to lose him, Evan," I whimpered. Evan nodded and pulled away, glancing at the kids around us before he smiled.

"You won't," he promised, "Harry's head over heels for you. You're his Eva. I don't think he'll leave you anytime soon, nor will he let you leave."

I shook my head, "what if he does?"

"You guys are meant to be," he mumbled, "I just fucking know it."

I snickered and wiped away a tear quickly and looked down, "I can't lose him. He's my everything."

"You're his too, Eva," Evan nodded, "trust me. Now go hug the shit out of him."

Evan laughed and kissed my head before he took off out of the school. I smiled and slung my back pack over my shoulder before I shut my locker and made my way over to Harry. He didn't have any plans tonight. And it was Friday.

So my plan was to kidnap him for the weekend. 

I wanted to get in as much time with him as I could, because I didn't know if this year would be the last year we'd be able to actually be together. 

I wouldn't even think about it.

I sighed and frowned as I walked down towards Harry's locker. I stopped in my tracks when I found him talking to Niall. I didn't want to intrude so I stood from a distance and waited and simply observed. 

They seemed in deep discussion about something. Niall looked more distressed than Harry did and Harry looked a bit shocked, if I'm honest but I couldn't tell for sure. Harry shook his head and took a step back and Niall laughed sadly before he shook his head and glanced at him before he turned around and walked the other way. I put my gaze back on Harry and watched as he watched Niall leave and ran a hand through his hair, before he focused back on his locker.

I assumed it was my time to go, so I walked up to him and leaned against the locker next to his.

"You take a long time to get ready," I smiled. He smiled at me and leaned down to kiss my lips softly. 

"Sorry, baby," he replied softly. 

"I'm kidnapping you for the weekend," I stated, toying with his shirt. Harry glanced at me, eyebrow raised and smile on his face.

"Oh really?"

"Mmhm. You're sleeping at my place. No buts or excuses."

He laughed and nodded, "if that's what you want, then I shall."

"What did Niall want to talk about? I saw him talking to you...he seemed upset," I mumbled. Harry stiffened and he glanced at me before he focused on his back pack.

"He's fine," he said, "just needed to talk is all."

I didn't want to push deeper than I already was so I nodded and decided to let it go. Harry shut his locker and smiled at me.


I smiled, kissing his lips twice, "ready."


I know updates are hella slow with this book and I apologize but I've honestly sort of lost inspiration. I'm going to finish the book for sure, it's just I have so much school work to focus on and I'm more invested in Addiction (my other new book) and yeah.

I'm sorry for that.

I'll finish the book so don't worry.

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