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Eva's POV

Harry and I had grown a bit distant lately. It was May now and that meant the end of school was nearing. But as it got nearer, he distanced himself more and it began to concern me.

Whenever we'd talk, through text, it would always be short answers. And then when I'd see him in the hallway, he wouldn't really talk to me. He'd say hi to Niall sometimes, which shocked me, but the only contact we'd have would be an occasional kiss and cuddle every now and then.

So I decided to ask Niall.

I walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned to me, shutting his locker and frowning at me.


"Do you know what's up with Harry?" I asked. He clenched his jaw and hung his head.

"No, why don't you ask your own boyfriend yourself?" He sneered. I rolled my eyes.

"Okay what's wrong, why have you been picking on me? I didn't do anything to you, Niall so why?" I asked. Niall opened his mouth to speak but shut it and averted his eyes behind me.

I furrowed my eyebrows and saw Harry standing there, staring at me blankly. He grabbed my hand and looked at Niall before he smiled and then looked back at me.

"We need to talk," he said. He pulled me down the hall and I turned back to look at Niall to find him watching us, with a certain expression on his face that I couldn't exactly identify.

"What's wrong?" I asked as Harry pulled me into the cafeteria. He sighed as he looked at me.

"I'm sorry for avoiding you baby," he began, hugging his arms around my waist, "I just...found something out that shocked me and it just...I don't know."

"So you ignored me for a month?" I asked blankly, placing my hands on his chest. He pouted.

"Not for a month," he reasoned, "but yeah I'm sorry. Regardless, you're my baby and I shouldn't have treated you that way. I'm so so so sorry baby."

I sighed and nodded.

"It's okay," I shrugged, "but what happened that made you so hostile?"

"Niall told me that uh," he trailed off, biting his lip, "I don't even know if I should tell you. It's not because I don't want to, it's just...I don't know if it's my place to say really."

I frowned, "is it serious?"

He looked at me and nodded slowly, "Yeah."

"Is he dying?"

He shook his head, "no. Not that. Erm...he's gay."

I felt my mouth drop as he spoke to me in a hushed tone. I stared at him for a couple of minutes before he nodded.

"He's liked me for a while and that was mainly the reason that he didn't like you so much," he explained, "when he told me that...I honestly didn't know how to react. I mean, I couldn't hate him, but I also knew I had a right to, what with what he'd done to you."

I pursed my lips and shrugged, "that's shocking. I didn't see that coming at all."

"Me neither," he said, "but he apologized to me for everything and he said he's working on an apology for you so that might come up some time in the near future."

"He's gay?" I asked. He nodded.

"Yeah," he said, "so after he apologized, I spent some time with him. Just talking and getting to him again...for who he really is. Because the Niall I knew before wasn't the real one. He hid a piece of himself from me, and I couldn't just toss that friendship away. He was a good friend of mine."

I bit my lip at his explanation.

"He bullied me," I said, stepping back, "I know he was a close friend of yours but that doesn't mean I'll forgive him."

He nodded, "and I don't expect you to. But I just want to see if I can salvage some type of a relationship with him. For old time's sake. Even if it is just an acquaintance type friendship."

I sighed and looked away from him, "I will let the whole hating on me thing go because I know the reason for it, but him and his friends are part of the reason I stopped eating in middle school."

"I was too, as much as I hate to remind people of it," he pouted, "but you forgave me!"

"I fell in love with you, doofus, there's a difference," I rolled my eyes.

"What's the difference? You're still forgiving someone," he reasoned.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Just...forgive him," He asked, "Please."

I pursed my lips and sighed.



Niall came up to me after school.

"Can we talk? Alone?" He asked. I nodded and allowed him to lead me to his car in the parking lot. I ignored some of the weird stares I got and focused on Niall instead.

He opened his car door and tossed his stuff inside before he closed it and leaned against his car and looked at me.

"Harry told me he told you about me," he said, "I'm gay. I am. And I was jealous of Harry and you and I thought that the only way to get my jealousy out was to bully you. With Madison."

"Why did you? You could have ignored me," I said. He shrugged.

"I really liked him," he replied simply.

"What about Madison? You two barely speak now."

"I told her that I wanted to try to fix the friendship that Harry and I had, and she didn't want me to, so I ditched her," he replied, "despite how I feel about you, Harry's still important to me."

"Well you had a weird ass way of showing it," I mumbled. He glared at me and I sighed.

"Anyways," he said, "I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I know that's nowhere enough to make up for everything that I had done to you, but for now, that's the best I can do."

He shrugged and I looked at him.

"Why did you wait so long to tell me? To apologize, I mean?" I asked.

"I didn't realize that in order to become friends with Harry again, that would involve apologizing to you," he explained, causing me to roll my eyes slightly, "but since he literally cannot live without you, I had to apologize. It was the only way he'd agree to fixing our friendship again."

"Oh so you don't actually mean this apology," I asked. He closed his eyes.

"I do," he said, opening them and looking back at me, "but I couldn't care less at the same time."

"Well this was a waste of time," I said turning back around. He grabbed my hand.

"Will you just-" he sighed, "just tell me that it's all in the past? Please?"

I squinted at him and shrugged, "whatever. Sure."

I didn't wait for a reply before I pulled my arm from his grasp and began to walk towards my own car.

I'm so done.

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