Since You've Been Gone

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Oli's POV

I was perfectly asleep until I heard Jesy screaming. I quickly open my eyes and look over to Jesy. She had her eyes closed, she was having another nightmare. I start to shake her and then the door flew open. I look up to see Jack and Conor.

"JESY, WAKE UP!!!!" I yell at her.

Her eyes flew open and she started to cry. I pulled her into a hug and I felt her tears stain my shirt.

"Has this happened when I'm not here?" I ask her and she nodded her head yes and I hug her tighter.

"Oli, what happened with Jesy?" Conor asked me.

I was about to answer his question but all the other guys came rushing in and asking Jesy if she was okay.

"GUYS!!" I yell at all of them to get their attention.

They shut right up and all looked at me.

"I'll explain if you all be quiet." They nod their head yes.

I explained to them that Jesy has had nightmare ever since she was 14. The boys seemed shocked and sad.

Jesy's POV

Oli explained to all the guys what has happened ever since I was a teen and they all seemed shocked and sad for me.

"What was this one about?" Oli asked me.

"Well, I was walking with someone and I think it was a guy. I can't really see anything very clearly, but the guy had dyed blonde hair. We were so happy. I had an engagement ring on my left hand, I think the guy proposed to me. We were walking around with our hands interlaced until some other person came out from behind us and he knocked me out, but wasn't completely knocked out. I saw the blonde punch the other guy. He punched him in the face multiple times until the other punched the blonde guy in his face a couple of times. They continued to fight until the other guy gave up and ran away. The blonde helped me up and we walked back to our flat and then I woke up to Oli shaking me." I told Oli and the others.

They all looked shocked.

"Do you know the guy with blonde hair? Like his name or anything?" Oli asked me.

"No but he actually reminded me of someone I know. I have also see this guy in a lot of my other dreams recently too!" I said.

"If we brought you to a person who specialises in drawing people for finding out other people, do you think that you could describe what the guy in your dreams looks like? We could find out who this guys is?" Oli asked me.

"I guess I could!"

"Good, I'll look for somebody that is willingly to help us out." Oli told me.

I thanked him.

Later that day

Oli was able to get one of those artist people out to the house today. We're just waiting for them to show up. Soon we hear the door bell go off and I answer the door. There stood a man.

"Are you Miss White?" The man asked me.

I told him I was her. He walked in and went to the kitchen. He got out a drawing pad and a pencil. Whatever I dream about does come true too. Oh no, this is something that will actually happen to me in the future. I really gotta find out who is the guy I end up getting engaged and married to.

"So Miss White, close your eyes and describe to me the man that you see in your dreams." The man asked me.

I described to him what the guy I see in my dreams look like and it took a while. He said that he finishes the drawing, but before he showed me the picture he asked me a question.

"Do these dreams of yours, do they usually come true into real life?" He asked me and I told him yes.

He asked what me dreams have been about and I told him everything that I could remember from my dreams.

"This sounds like this man you've been dreaming about is going to end up being you husband in the future! Good luck finding your man!" He said to me.

Oli and the others are upstairs so they don't know and hear what's going on.

"You ready to see this mystery man of your dreams?"

"Yes sir!" I told him.

This is it, I get to see and know what my future husband looks like and who he is. He gave me the picture and he gathered his stuff and left the house. I'm so scared to see who the guy is.

I takes deep breath and turn the picture around. My jaw dropped wide open. I drop to the floor in shock. The boys must of heard my fall cause I heard their footsteps come rushing down the stairs into the kitchen. They all came rushing to my side.

"Who is it Jesy?!" They all ask me.

"The guy is..........."

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