Hey, Can We Talk?

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Jesy's Pov

I was awoken by my alarm going off on my phone. My alarm was set to Time Bomb by All Time Low. I turn around on my bed so I can reach my phone to turn off the alarm. Once I turned off my alarm I got out of the bed and picked out my outfit for the day.

I picked out a OneRepublic t-shirt with a pair of blue skinny jeans. I brought my clothes with me into the bathroom. I took a shower and once that was done, I put on my clean clothes. I brushed my hair and my teeth before going back into my room.

I put all my dirty clothes in my basket and picked out some make up to wear. I applied some copper colored eye-shadow with some eyeliner and mascara.

Once I was done with that, I grabbed my phone and went to the kitchen. I grabbed some fruit and sat down at the table eating it. As I was close to finishing my fruit, Oli came out of his room and over to me.

"Morning Jesy, how did you sleep?" He asked me.

"Good, you?" I asked him back.

"Good too." He replied.

Oli started making some tea on the stove.

"Would you like some?" He asked me as he got out the tea packets.


He started boiling the water. Then a couple thoughts popped into my head. I haven't done a video for my Maggie channel and my real singing channel and I probably should dye my hair again.

"Hey, what are you doing today?" I asked Oli.

"I'm going to Marcus's to film, why?"

"Just wondering because I'm probably going to upload to my YouTube channels and go get my hair dyed again." I tell him.

"Okay." He said.

He poured some tea for himself and I and handed me my cup.

"Thanks Oli!"

"No problem."

After we finished our cups of tea, Oli went to go get ready to go to Marcus's and I went to go get ready to film in my room.

"Bye Jesy. See you later." Oli called out.

"Bye Oli!" I yelled back to him.

I heard to front door close and I checked that everything was hooked up and turned on before I hit the record button.

"Hello all my Magglets! Today is not going to be like the other videos I have done. Today I'm going to tell you something that I've been hiding from all of you. Some of you may have figured out what I'm about to tell you by yourself. So my real name is not Maggie Rush and as you can see my eyes are brown. I put in colored eye contacts to make my eye color green. All of you are probably wondering who I really am and what my real name is. My real name is Jesy White. Yes, Oli White's sister. I ran away from home a month ago from London, England to Hollywood, California to live with one of my good friends Ricky Dillon. I stayed at Ricky's house that whole month. In that month, I changed my clothes, eyes, name and my hair color and the length of it too. I changed everything about myself so none of my friends from England could see me if they went to Cali. Also, I didn't want to be spotted by any of my fans." I explained the first half of my story into the camera.

"I also got to meet some amazing people and hung out with some of my old friends. One day I had an idea to make a idea to make a comedy YouTube Channel. So, the point of this video was to tell you all the truth. Today, I'll be making a cover for my main YouTube channel and I'm going to dye my hair a different color. Maybe get a tattoo of an inspiring quote or song. That's all I have to say. I'm not sure if I'll be continuing with this Channel anymore. If I don't, then thank you to all my subscribers and fans for following me through this journey. Goodbye my loves." I finish my video.

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