Date With Drew

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(Drew's Outfit for the date above)

Jesy's POV

Today is my date with Drew and I can't wait to see what he has planned! I get out of bed and take a shower and get into clean clothes. It is 10 in the morning and I have no clue when Drew is picking me up.

Drew🎤🎸😍💕: Hey Jesy! I'll be at yours in half and hour to pick you up! Dress casual too!
Me: Okay! See you soon!

I go over to my closet and pick out some causal clothes for our date. I pick out some black jeans, a long sleeve sweatshirt with a owl on the front, some sunglasses, a metal feather bracelet, heels shoes, and a light brown purse. I put my hair into a high ponytail and put on a little bit of makeup. I put my wallet, phone, and lipstick into my purse.

 I put my wallet, phone, and lipstick into my purse

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I go downstairs and run into Oli, (not literally).

"You look nice Jesy!" Oli said to me.

"Thanks Oli! I'm probably going to get home late all week because of everything going on." I warn him so he doesn't have to worry about me being home late.

"Okay, good luck J!"

"Bye Oli!"

As soon as I walk out of my house, Drew pulls up to my house. I go get into the car and buckle myself in.

"Hey Drew!"

"Hey Jesy, you look beautiful today!" Drew told me.

"Aww thanks, you ready to go?" I asked him.

"Yup, let's go!"

Drew started driving to where ever he was taking me.

"May I know where we are going Drew?" I ask him.

"We are going into the heart of London." He said to me while keeping his eyes on the road.

Soon we were in the heart of London. Drew parked the car somewhere and we went out exploring.

"Where are we off to first?" I asked him very politely.

"We are going to Big Ben first and then walk around until you are ready to gt something to eat." He told me.

We started to walk in the wah where Big Ben was and once we got there Drew and I took a lot of pictures. Of course I have been to the heart of London before but I was in a hurry and on a tight schedule, so I really didn't get to explore.

It was around 2 o'clock and we decided to go get some lunch. We went into some cute little restaurant and ordered lunch.

"So have you been having a good time so far?" Drew asked me while looking at me.

"I've been having an amazing time today with you Drew. This is my first date ever!" I tell him and soon as I said that his jaw dropped wide open.

"No way that this is your first date!" Drew said to me.

"Oh, but that is the truth!"

"How can someone so beautiful like you have never been on a date?!"

"My brother Oli never would let me, but it was for a good reason." I told him.

"Really?" He asked me very shocked.

"Yup!" I admit.

I tell him my whole story from year 10 to where I am now. After that he look sad.

"I'm sorry that happened to you Jesy." Drew told me with a frown on his face.

"It's fine Drew, honestly." Soon our food came and we ate it.

Once we finish our food, we went back to walking around. We continue Togo to other places and buildings until it started getting dark out.

"I think that it is time that we the you home Miss Jesy!"

"Let's go then."

We walk back to the car and get in and Drew drove me home. After a little while we arrived back at my house and it was time for us to take our different ways for the night.

"I had an amazing time today with you Drew! It was an amazing first date ever date for me." I tell him the truth.

I really fun time getting to know Drew some more.

"I'm glad you had a good time today Jesy!"

"I gotta go Drew. Good night and drive safely." I tell him.

"Goodnight Jesy, see you soon!" Drew told me.


I kissed his cheek before getting out of the car and going inside my house. I went to my room to change out of my clothes and got into some PJs. I took off my makeup and plugged in my phone. I got into my bed and laid there thinking about what an amazing day I had with Drew. Now I really can't wait to go on the dates with Connor and Jack. I can't wait to see what they have planned.

Soon I fell asleep.

Drew's POV

I arrived back at The Vamps house and I parked the car and went inside to my room. When I walked into my room there was Austin, Levi, and Nate writing for me to tell them all about my date with Jesy.

"How was it?" Austin asked me.

"It was so much fun!" I tell them.

I tell them everything and then go to bed with a smile on my face.

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