Girl Time With Zoe

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Jesy's POV

So today I am going to Zoe's to hang out and have some girl time since I'm mostly surrounded by guys. I grab my bad and phone and went to the front door.

"Oli, I'm gonna head to Zoe's now!" I call to him.

"Okay, have fun." He says back.

I grabbed my keys on the way out. I unlocked my car and got in. I put my back in the passenger seat and synced my phone to the car so I could play music as I drive to Zoe's and Alfie's. Alfie is going out with all the lads today so Zoe and I can have some time alone. I connected my phone to the car, went onto my Spotify and played The Script. I then started driving to Zoe's house.

About an hour and half later I arrived at Zoe's house. I pulled into the driveway, parked and turned off my car before getting out and locking it. I walked up to the front door and knocked. After like 3 seconds Zoe opened it.



We both hugged and I walked in.

"So what are we doing today?" I asked her as we made our way upstairs.

"Um, probably go shopping, then come back and watch a movie or two then maybe just chat before you have to go." She explained to me.

"Sounds great."

"Want to go get some lunch?" She asked me.


We went back downstairs. We left the house, Zoe locked it and we both got into my car.

"Nice car Jesy!" She told me as she buckled her seatbelt.

"Thanks, so where are we going?"

"Panera?" She asked me.

"Let's go!" I buckled my seat belt and started the car.

On our the way to Panera, we talked and laughed about random things. We got to Panera, at our lunch, then we to the shops. We both spend about £193.33 each at the shops. After that we made our way back to her place. We picked out a movie which happened to be The Edge of Seventeen which had Hailee Steinfeld as the main character.

After the movie was done, we just talked.

"So how's music for you?"

"Everything has been pretty calm. I don't really what to do since my album is just waiting to be released. The only thing that I really can do is write new songs for myself and other artists, I guess." I tell Zoe.

"That's good!"

"I guess so. So how have you and Alfie been doing as a couple?" I asked her.

"We are doing pretty good! Everything is good. What about Jack and you?"

"If I remember correctly, he asked me like two days ago if I wanted to move in with him at his flat." I told her what Jack asked me.

"What! What did you say?" She asked me eagerly.

"I told him that I'd think about it."

"I think you should. You guys obviously are in love with each other and I just say go for it."

"Really?" I questioned her statement.

"Yup! I love you two together because you both make such a cute couple."

"Aw thanks!" I said to the bright blue eyed girl in front of me.

"So are you going to tell him?"

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