Here's The Deal

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Jesy's POV

I woke up at 8 o'clock and got ready to go to the studio for a couple hours. I took a shower and put on some clean clothes. I brushed my hair and put a little amount of makeup on. I put on some shoes and grabbed my purse, song book, phone and keys. I went downstairs and went outside to get into my car. I started my car and drove to the studio. Once I got there I went to the lads room.

I walked into the room and see The Vamps boys joined by Drew and Levi.

"Hey lads!" I say to them as I walk into the room.

"Hey Jesy!" The boys said back to me.

We began to record and finish the music for my second to last song for my album. Once that was finished Brad, James, Joe and I went for a meeting.

"So, what's up?" I ask them.

"For your album we are going to need some pictures to put onto it. So we have to book a photoshoot to get some pictures, if you're okay with that?" Brad explained.

"Of course! When will this happen?" I ask them.

"Would any time next week be good with you?" Joe asked me.

"Yup!" "Cool, I'll go book the photoshoot!" Joe said.

He left the room and went to his office.

"You're free to go Jesy!" James said to me.

"Thanks lads!" I say to them.

"Be back here on Thursday at maybe 11 o'clock so we can finish recording your last song for you album." Brad told me as we were walking back to the studio.

Once we got back to the studio Connor and Drew were still here.

'Maybe I should tell them about the dates and everything' I said to myself in my head.

"Hey could I take Connor and Drew out somewhere" I asked Brad.

"Sure Jesy!" "Thanks Brad! Hey Connor and Drew, wanna go get something to eat or drink?" I asked them both and they both said yes.

"Okay! Let me text someone first!" I tell them.

I take out my phone and click on Jack's contact.

Me: Hey Jack, wanna me at the cafe down the street in a couple of minutes? I need to talk to you, Connor, and Drew about the dates and all that?
Jack the flirt😑💕: Sure! I can't wait to meet Connor and Drew! See you three soon!
Me: Okay, thanks Jack! See you soon!

"Okay, we are gonna go to a cafe to eat some breakfast since it is early in the morning." I say to them both.

"Okay!" They say at the same time.

We walk out of the studio and to my car. We all got in and went to the cafe where Jack is meeting us at. I parked my car.

"Before we go in I have to tell you that we are meeting someone else here! I'll explain to you both when we get in there." I say to Connor and Drew as we headed into the small cafe.

When we walk in I spot Jack in the back of the cafe. I walk over to him with Connor and Drew following me.

"Hey Jack!"

"Hey Jesy! Who are these guys?" He asked.

"Jack, this is Connor Ball and Drew Dirksen. Drew and Connor this is Jack Maynard; Conor Maynard's younger brother." I explain to them.

"Hello, its nice to meet you!" Connor said to Jack.

"Nice to meet you too Connor and Drew."

"So Jesy, why are we here?" Drew asked me.

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