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Jack's POV

Today is the day that Jesy has a two week break, so we are going home to visit her family, our friends, and she is going to meet my parents.

So our plane landed about 10 minutes ago and now we have our suitcases and now we are trying to find Conor cause he is the one picking us up from the airport. We walk around until we found Conor standing by his car.

"Conor!" I say to him.

"Jack and Jesy! How is the tour?" He asked us.

"It's amazing, but after the two week break I have to preform at about 10 to 12 more shows then the tours done." Jesy told him.

"Good to hear. Shall we head off to our parents house?" Conor asked me.

"Yup!" I told him.

Jesy and I put our suitcases in the trunk of Conor's car. I sat in the seat next to Conor and Jesy sat in the back.

It took about 1 hour and 45 minutes from where the airport was to our parents house in Brighton. Once we got to our parents house, Jesy, Conor, and I grabbed our suitcases that have extra clothes since we'll be staying for about 5 days.

Jesy defiantly needs some girl time cause she's always surrounded by boys on tour and at home. We walk into the house and Conor calls for them.

"Mum, Dad, Anna we're here!" Conor calls out.

Mum and Dad walk out from the kitchen while Anna comes down the stairs.

"Our boys are home!" Mum says giving us each a hug.

"Jesy, how have you been?!" Mum asked Jesy as they gave each other a hug.

"I've been very good!"

"Jesy!" Anna says.


They gave each other a hug.

"We need to hang out and talk!" Anna said.

"I need some girl time! I'm always surrounded by guys." Jesy said to Anna.

"Well, dinner is about done, so why don't you all go put your stuff upstairs and then we'll have some dinner." Mum tells us all.

"Okay!" Conor says heading up the stairs.

Anna, Jesy, and I go up also. Conor went to his old room and I took Jesy to my old room. We set our stuff down.

"I figured that we could share my old bed since we live together and sleep together." I said to her.

"Okay, that's perfectly fine with me." Jesy told me.

"Dinner is ready guys!" Mum calls up to us.

"Shall we go downstairs Miss White?" I asked her.


Jesy, Conor, Anna, and I go down to the kicthen.

Jesy's POV

"This smells amazing!" I say to Helen.

"Aw, thank you dear." She said back to me.

We all sat down at the table. I was sitting next to Jack and across from Anna. Conor was next to Anna and their parents were at the ends.

"So, Jesy how have you been lately?" Helen asked me.

"Pretty good, but the shows are making me so tired.

"And how is the world tour going?" Gary asked me.

"Good, we only have like 10 more shows until the tours over." I says to them.

"You happy about that?" Anna asked me.

"Parts of my are, then there is another part that will miss it. I'm gonna miss the lads and performing." I admitted.

"I know what you mean." Conor says to me with a smile.

An hour later

"That was an amazing dinner, Helen!" I tell their Mum as I help her clean the dishes.

"Aw, that sweetheart!" Helen smiled at me.

"Can I ask you like two questions about Jack?" Helen asked me.

"Sure!" I say to her.

Jack's POV

I was going to go into the kitchen to check on Mum and Jesy until I heard my name, so I just stayed behind the door listening to what they were saying.

"Do you see yourself getting married to Jack in the future?" Mum asked Jesy.

"Honestly, yes I do. I would like to get married to Jack in the future." Jesy admitted.

"What about kids? Would you like to have kids with Jack?" Mum asked her.

"Yes, I would love to have kids with Jack too. He'd be the best father to them." she tells my Mum.

It's a good thing that I'm going to propose to Jesy at the final show of the tour and the final show is on her 21st birthday.

I go back upstairs and go to Conor's room.

"Hey, can I ask you opinion?" I asked my older brother.

"What is it man?" He asked.

I walked over and sat next to him on his bed.

"So you know how the final show of the tour is on Jesy's birthday?" I asked him.

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, I was thinking of proposing to her." I told Conor.

His mouth dropped wide open.

"And yes I'm going to ask Oli and their dad before I do it." I added in.

"Jack, I can tell that you are both in love with each other, so I say go for it." He tells me.


"Yes, Jack, go for it!" He reassured me.

"Okay, but I still have to ask her dad and Oli about it first."

"I can't wait to have Jesy as my sisters in-law." Conor said.

"Thanks Con, I can always count on you!"

Time flew by and it was time for bed. Jesy and I got into the bed and went to sleep.


I woke up to the sound of Jesy crying. I looked over at her and she had tears streaming down her face.

"Jesy wake up." I said as I shook her awake.

She opened her eyes and once she saw me she hugged me right away.

"Another dream?" I asked her.

I could feel her nod yes into my shoulder.

"What happened?" I asked her.

"You got into a car accident and you were sent to the hospital and they called me telling me you were there. So I rushed to the hospital and when I got there the doctor told me that you were in a coma and I thought I was going to lose you!" She told me.

"It's okay, I'm okay, okay?" I asked her.


"I'm right here, go back to bed now." I told her.

She snuggled up to my chest and soon fell asleep and me not to long after her.

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