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Hermione's POV:

This summer I had gone searching for my parents in Australia. Only to find out they had been killed in a muggle car crash, killing them both instantly.
When I came back I sobbed most of the summer, with Ginny my best friend at my side for almost all of my crying. For when I came back Ronald though I was cheating on him with a boy from Australia and dumped me as soon as I got home. Ginny was the only person I told about my parents. I had lost my parents and my boyfriend this summer. Ronald couldn't even look at me let alone stay in the same house as me, I had been staying at the Weasley's Burrow. Ron practically kicked me out, if it had not been for Ginny who decided to stay with me at Bill and Fleur's cottage, I wouldn't have lived long enough to be able to go back to my 7th year at Hogwarts.

Today Ginny and I had some very very, unexpected visitors, we had just gotten our Hogwarts letter when we heard a knock at the door from upstairs. We were still wearing our pajamas that consisted of fluffy shorts and a tank top mine said 'I need coffee', and Ginny's said 'Messy hair, don't care' we waited at the top of the steps to hear voices 2 woman. They asked to speak to us in private but Bill and Fleur refused to leave us alone with them. We still didn't know who they were so we walked downstairs when Fleur had called for us and we sat down on the couch next to the two of them, that's when it hit me me and Ginny looked at each other in shock when we had recognized a familiar platinum blonde head of hair and his best friend sitting next to him their mothers on both sides, Draco Malfoy and Blaise Zabini...

3rd Person POV

Ginny and Hermione had shared the same look utter confusion and worry. They both shifted uncomfortably on the couch, just then Narsissa Malfoy Draco's mother started to speak "Miss. Granger, Miss. Weasley thank you for letting us speak to u on such short notice." She said this in a calm tone making Hermione and Ginny
loosen up a bit. "You girls may be wondering what on earth we are doing here, so we're going to make this as simple as possible, on this utterly confusing topic. Myself and Kellie Zabini have long awaited this day, the day we get our daughters back, today you both turn 16 we are your parents Ginny, and Kellie is your mother Hermione."

Ginny's POV

Me and Hermione looked at each other then back at our 'mothers' we had been so confused we didn't even know what to think it came as a shock to Draco and Blaise as well meaning they had no clue why they were their either. Mrs. Malfoy (my mom) went on. "You see as u already know we were loyal to Lord Voldemort." I had looked at Hermione who was as pail as the snow from last Christmas she held her left arm where Bellatrix Lestrange had carved the word Mudblood into it leaving a deep scar. We shared a look of just confusion now. "At the time Voldemort only had only wanted us to have boys we found out we had been pregnant at the same time together, Voldemort only knew that we were pregnant with boys, but we had been pregnant with twins. One a girl the other a boy, Voldemort would have killed you both or made you a death eater at a very young age, so we had no choice but to give you guys up. We didn't want either of those things to happen to you. We went to a muggle family and left you with a note Hermione, and Ginny we left you with the Weasley's because we knew they could be trusted wizards and Voldemort would have never guessed you're our daughters. We placed a Glamor charm on you so you would be unrecognizable to Voldemort if he ever did find out about you. We have come here to ask if you would want it to be removed revealing your true self." After the long story of our history Hermione and I shared another look and asked our 'mothers' if we could talk about it alone upstairs they nodded and we sprinted upstairs to the room that we shared we put a silencing charm on the room so no one could hear us talk.

3rd Person POV

Hermione and Ginny had ran upstairs and silenced the room so no one could hear them and started talking "I think we should give them a chance, they are after all, our mothers" Ginny said while Hermione nodded in return. After about 10 minutes of speaking to each other on the matter they had in fact chosen to have the Glamor charm removed. They went back downstairs to see their mothers had a worried look on their face like they thought they wouldn't want it to be removed. They walked downstairs and right up to them confidently and said in unison "we want it removed" their mothers eyes lit up at their decision and removed the charm. Hermione looked at herself in the mirror and fainted along with Ginny right after her.

Hermione Zabini, Ginny MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now