The first week

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The first full day at Hogwarts consisted of staying in the common room talking and playing games one of which was Slytherin truth or dare.
The rules of this game were very simple if you pick truth you take off an article of clothing and take a shot of firewhiskey, and if dare then you do the dare. If you refuse to do the dare you have to drink a whole bottle of firewhisky and take off an article of clothing.
3rd Person POV

The played Slytherin truth or dare that entire day Bella was picked first to go.
"Bells truth or dare?" Asked Pansy with a smirk.
Bella said dare.
"I dare you to snog Draco for 2 minutes!" Pansy said with a smirk.
Bella blushed bright red. Pansy knew about Bella's secret little crush.
Bella hopped up from her seat on the floor next to Connor and Ella and went over to Draco who was also bright red.
Pansy looked at the clock and said "go!"
They snogged for 2 and a half minutes because Pansy forgot to watch the clock and had been too busy whispering to Astoria.
The game went on as Pansy also dared Soph to snog Blaise for 2 minutes and Sophie did it accordingly.
By the time the game was over almost everyone except Pansy was passed out drunk. She was completely sober she did every dare that came at her.
She looked at Draco and Bella who were snuggled up on one couch while Blaise and Soph were on the other.  She took a picture of the 4 friends like she had at the sleepover. The first week had flown by so fast and it was soon time for the back to school bash Hogwarts held every year the theme this year was black and
white with a dash of house colors. Bella smiled knowing exactly what she was going to wear.

 Bella smiled knowing exactly what she was going to wear

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^Bella's dress

^Sophie's dress

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^Sophie's dress

^Sophie's dress

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