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Slytherin had their first game against Gryffindor on Friday, it was Tuesday.
Pansy, Sophie and Bella were practicing their wandless magic with the Quaffle and Bludgers in the pitch when an annoying little redhead and is minions walked in on them.
"Hey mudblood! Get out of the pitch we booked it for practice!" Ron said and the girls stopped and flew down to them but were still flying a few feet above and in front of them.
"You can't book the pitch to have practice without the rest of your team so no, we don't have to go anywhere." Pansy stated.
"Oh look she's run back to her 'friends' who left her to be tortured" Lavender said with a smirk.
"Actually we never left, you see we have an invisibility cloak too and we're their the entire time" Sophie added
"Lav, what are you lot talking about?" Ron asked confused.
Bella pulled up her sleeve to show a newly cut mudblood scar, still red.
"Lav did you do that!" Ron asked.
"Yeah why, she's a mudblood once a mudblood always a mudblood. Are you mad at me Won Won?"
Pansy, Sophie and Bella snickered at the last comment until they heard Ron's response.
"No baby your right, she deserved to have that happen again, she's a slutty bitch!" Ron said.
"Ok, so now I'm a slutty bitch, says the one who cheated on me and said I was boring, but you haven't been able to leave me alone since!" Bella stated annoyed and then flew of on her broom to the Slytherins side of the pitch, with Sophie and Pansy close behind.
The rest of the week went by fast they hadn't had any problems at all, and were excited for their first game the next day.
It was Friday and they had their first game after classes and it was all any of them could talk about during class (mind conversation). They had many conversations in their head during class about how they were going to spell The Quaffle to move up or down when it got close to Ron and Make him miss a save.
The day went by fast and they were now in Herbology with Ron, Harry and Lavender. That class went by slower than an out of shape grandma trying to do a triathlon. But the class soon ended and Bell, Pansy and Sophie raced to the Slytherin common room to get ready. Surprisingly they put on some light makeup, saying they wanted to look presentable if anyone saw them up close (aka weasel Potter and Lavender). Pansy, Bella and Sophie wore their Quidditch sweaters under their Quidditch robes and under their sweaters were 3 matching Necklaces they got when they figured out the bond they had with each other.
It was about time for everyone to meet up before the game and Pansy, Bella and Sophie were naturally near each other in the locker room and launch. Pansy was next to Draco and Sophie, and Bella was next to Blaise and Theo then Logan. They launched and Bella was in front of Lavender and she scolded at her and looked back at Ron who gave her a reassuring smile.
The game began and Gryffindor was winning by 10 points around the middle of the game that's when Pansy, Sophie and Bella started to use wandless magic while still playing the game. The Quaffle moved as Ron was about to save it and went over to the other hoop before Ron could get to it, and that tied the game. Slytherin won the game when Draco caught the snitch right before Harry could grab it.
The Slytherin team cheered and went to the ground.
Bella ran over to Draco who wrapped her in his arms she then kissed him hard on the lips. When she pulled away she said,
"I have wanted to do that since, 2nd year!"
Draco hugged her and kissed her again.
Ron was angry that Bella wasn't fawning over him and was instead Draco.
They went back to the common room to celebrate their victory.
They all ended up sleeping in the common room that night.

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