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Sophie's POV
Following Izzy's lead I went to put my name in the goblet.
"Soph no!" Blaise said stopping me.
"Ok..." I sighed sitting down.
I really didn't want to be in the tournament, I just wanted to follow Izzy's actions.
Izzy shot the younger kids a look.
"Zabini's, Malfoy's, others don't even think about putting your name in that goblet." Izzy said giving them a pointed look.
They simply nodded, they knew what Izzy could do to them so they didn't fight her on it.
She nodded satisfied.
"Good." She smiled.
Then the blonde bitchy bimbo walked into the great hall.
A hush came over the school.
Slytherins glared, some Gryffindor's smirked and others seemed shocked she wasn't expelled.
"What's she doing back here?" Carter growled under his breath glaring hard as Brown walked smirking to the middle of the Gryffindor table.
She sat down next to Ron and started snogging him.
She smirked and opened her eyes giving Izzy the stink eye.
Izzy opened her mouth and stuck her finger in it, fake gagging making the sound so everyone would see it.
The hall burst into laughter.
Ron pulled away and practically started shagging her right there.
"Carrot-head." Connor mumbled using the nickname I gave Weasley last year.
"Hey Brown, go shag Weasel King somewhere else we're trying to eat!" Theo yelled making them stop as everyone else laughed.
"It's not like you could get anything Nott." Weasley replied.
"Ohhh...." everyone said unsure if he'd explode or not.
"You sure about that? I'm pretty sure I've shagged 50% of the girls at this school. More than you've ever had or will get." Theo replied.
"Plus at least he doesn't have to beat girls up when he doesn't get his way, unlike you." Pansy added putting a hand on Theo's leg calming him down.
"Says the one who bullied mudbloods for 6 years." Ron replied.
Izzy's POV
There's that word again.
Every time someone says it, my arm hurts, it's like it's cursed to inflict pain every time someone says it.
I grabbed my arm catching Draco's attention.
He stood up and walked towards the Gryffindor table.
"Mr. Weasley, that is a form of bullying to muggleborns, I'm taking away 5 points every time you use the word." Draco said hands on his hips in front of the Weasel.
"Or what Malfoy?" He asked standing up.
"Or else I will give you 4 weeks detention and 50 points off Gryffindor, that'd put you in the negatives and keep Gryffindor from winning house cup for this year and next year. How about that?" Draco asked smirking.
Weasley shrunk back down into his seat.
Draco smirked and walked back to the table.
"Meet be by the ROR at 10:00" he whispered in my ear.
I gave him a confused look but soon nodded.
I walked back to my common room with Sophie and Gabi.
"We should have a huge sleepover tomorrow night in the Room of Requirement." I suggested knowing we needed a day to detox even though it was only 2 weeks into the term.
"Great idea especially because tomorrow is Friday." Gabi added excitedly.
Sophie was about to add something when we heard a scream.
I dropped my bag as if it was instinct and started to run towards the sound.
When I got to the corridor no one was there but a first year lying on the ground motionless.
I sprinted full speed to her.
I rolled her on her back and recognized her as Bella, the first year Gryffindor.
"Bella?!" I yelled frantically shaking her.
"Bella!" I screamed shaking her again.
I used my wand and scanned over her body like I trained myself to do.
She'd been struck with the cruciatus curse.
I noticed blood on my hands.
I pushed the thoughts of my own experiences with the curse to the back of my brain.
Bella was too young to have it performed on her, if I didn't do anything now she'd die.
"Espitsky." I mumbled many times healing her wounds.
Her eyes fluttered open as I sprinted to Madam Pomfrey with her in my arms.
"Miss Zabini." Bella said tugging on my sweater.
"Yes Bella?" I said trying to act calm even though I was sprinting.
"What's going on?" She asked in aware of what happened to her.
"You were hit with the cruciatus curse." I said quickly hoping she wouldn't hear me but she unfortunately did.
The memories came flooding back to her.
"It was him Izzy! Jack from my house!" She yelled trying to squirm out of my grip.
"How does he know how to preform it?" I asked quickly wondering how a first year could preform such a powerful curse.
Her eyes closed once again and she was out cold.
"Madam Pomfrey!" I screamed pushing open the door.
"Miss Zabini what is the meaning of this?!" She scolded me for screaming.
"It's Bella, she was hit with cruciatus curse!" I yelled laying Bella on a empty bed.
That snapped Madam Pomfrey right out of it.
"Oh Merlin!" She cried rushing to where Bella and I were.
"How many wounds did you heal?" She asked frantically.
"The ones on the surface of her skin, I couldn't get any farther than that. I figured it'd be best for you to do that." I replied.
She just nodded and started to heal Bella's wounds.
"You May go now Miss Zabini..." Madam Pomfrey said nodding.
"Can I stay for a few more minutes?" I asked.
She simply nodded.
I grabbed Bella's hand.
"Why would anyone do this to you Bella? Your to young, to innocent..." I trailed off tears coming to my eyes.
Soon it was time for me to leave.
"Madam Pomfrey, please inform me as soon as she wakes, I will be back tomorrow morning unless she wakes up." I said.
She just nodded.
I took of a bracelet with a mini metal broom on it.
I slipped it onto her wrist.
It was one of my favorite bracelets.
"I'll inform you as soon as she wakes up Miss Granger." Pomfrey said reassuringly.
I nodded and walked towards the ROR
It was about ten and I still had to meet Draco.
"Izzy what happened to the girl?" Draco asked when I arrived.
"She's ok now. Madam Pomfrey is looking after her till she wakes up." I replied practically horrified at the situation.
"Any idea who did it?" He asked.
"She said something about a first year named Jack but it's practically impossible for him to preform that curse himself." I replied.
"Well Let's go talk to this Jack boy..." Draco said leading the way to the Gryffindor common room.
The fat lady opened for me. Without the password so I walked in.
"Bella?!" A young girl said frantically getting up from the couch. She was another first year Gryffindor.
"Sorry, not Bella, but I bring news of her.... she was attacked tonight... we're trying to find out Bye who..." I said walking g further into the common room.
"Does anyone know Jack?" Draco asked behind me.
"He's in his dormitory." A 3rd year replied pointing them in the right direction.
Draco nodded.
"Thank you. 5 points to Gryffindor for helping." I said nodding to the boy. He smiled and nodded.
Draco and I walked to the first year dorm.
Knocking on it once.
"Jack we need you to come with us, and bring your wand." I said calmly.
He nodded looking a little guilty.
He grabbed his wand and gave it to Draco and we lead him down to Mcgonigal's office.
"Mcgonigal, Sorry to disturb you but we have reason to believe Jack here preformed an unforgivable curse on a fellow student who is now with Madam Pomfrey." I started.
Mcgonigal nodded not saying anything.
"Here is his wand to check and see if he used the curse." Draco added handing Mcgonigal the wand.
She touched it with her own.
It lit up and she nodded.
"You presumes are right Miss Zabini, Mr. Malfoy. Jack indeed used and unforgivable curse. Jack detention for the rest of the year 4 times a week." Mcgonigal declared not being too hard on him because he was a first year.
"Thank you Izzy, Draco, you may leave." Mcgonigal said and we nodded walking out.
"So why did you what to meet by the room of requirement?" I asked Draco changing the subject.
"I just wanted to talk to you without anyone else around." He admitted blushing.
I blushed as well and wrapped my arm around his waist.
"Thank you." I whispered.
"What for?" He asked confused.
"For everything." I replied sighing.
He lead us back to the common room and whispered the password.
"Izzy! Thank Merlin! Where did you go?!" Sophie and Gabi cried as Draco and I walked in.
"Remember Bella? The first year Gryffindor?" I asked.
They both nodded.
"It was her screaming. She was hit by the cruciatus curse..." I trailed off.
"Oh my god!" They both cried.
"Is She Alright?!" Gabi asked a second later.
"She'll live if that's what you mean. Another first year did it to her." I added distastefully.
"That's even worse!" Sophie screamed in shock.
"Yeah." Draco added speaking up a little.
"Izzy I don't want you waking up the entire school so weather you like it or not, I'm sleeping in your room." Draco said sighing. I simply nodded in reply knowing not to argue with him.
"That was easy." Draco mumbled laughing.
"Night girls." I said and walked into Draco's room.
It was covered in green and silver.
Draco motioned for me to get in his bed.
"May I?" He asked referring to sleeping in the same bed as me.
I just nodded watching him closely.
He smirked and took of his shirt revealing his bare chest.
I could get used to that view.
I thought to myself.
"Like what you see Zabini?" Draco asked smirking.
"No." I replied teasingly.
"Awe come on..." He said getting closer.
I smirked and rolled so my back was facing him.
I felt the bed sag down and the covers being pulled up.
I felt Draco looking at me.
He lied the blanket back over him and he scooted closer.
I looked over my shoulder and he was still scooting.
I smirked when he caught me looking at him and quickly turned back around.
I felt something warm on my waist.
I felt myself being pulled back in a tight grip.
Then stopping when I was pressed against Draco's chest.
I turned around so I was facing him.
I looked into his eyes smiling.
He was looking at my body up and down.
" 'Like what you see Malfoy?' "I asked quoting him.
He smirked bigger.
"You have no idea." He said smirking.
He pulled me closer to him, arms still wrapped around my waist.
I placed my head on his chest and fell asleep soon after.

Hermione Zabini, Ginny MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now