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Hermione woke up to everyone else awake and out of the dormitory. Harry left a note.
I'm sorry I couldn't be there when you awoke but I was called by Magonigal about something I don't know of yet. Everyone else was awake except Ron when I left, tell me if he gives you any trouble and I'll talk to him, love you like a sister.
Izzy looked up to see Ron and Lavender standing just outside the door frame.
"See your up mudblood." Lavender said to Izzy with a smirk.
"See you still have terrible taste in fashion" Izzy shot back.

"See you still have terrible taste in fashion" Izzy shot back

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^Lavenders outfit.
"Watch your mouth Zabini, we wouldn't want a repeat of last year." Ron replied sticking up for Lavender.
"Oh but I can't watch my mouth because it's on my face and you can't watch something on your own face." Izzy replied with a smirk, and she left the room and went down to the common room and decided to wait until Harry, Dean, or Seamus, got back to the common room.
"Their not coming back for hours" Ron replied after Izzy had stayed in the common room for a few minutes.
"And you know this how?" She replied.
"Because I made sure of it" Ron replied.
"That's great well if there not coming back then I should be going, good day to you" Izzy said but before she could walk over to the door Ron grabbed her hand.
"Awe come on your just ganna leave me here alone with Lavender? Where is the mudblood I have know for 7 years?" Ron said with a smirk.
"She was gone the minute Fleur and Bill took me and Sophie in after you cheated on me." Izzy said coldly.
"Awe come on that not true, there's still a part of you that wants to kiss me." Ron replied.
"You know what I do want to kiss you, with my foot, then my fist wants a peace of the action so unless you want a kiss from my foot and fist I suggest you let go of my arm and let me leave." Izzy stated with a smirk. When he didn't let go after a minute she said.
"You should probably let go now" Izzy replied.
But Ron just tightened his grip.
"You should know that when we went into the ministry 5th year and I saw the muggles holding up the statue I saw thinking about how they should have put you in the middle with the most weight because I knew it would crush you."  Ron replied.
"I would try to see things from your perspective but I just can't get my head that far up my ass" Izzy replied and that shut him up and he let go.
She walked to the door but before she could get out of the common room Ron said.
"I'll wipe that smirk off you face so quickly that you won't have time to call for your friends or siblings, because when they get there you'll be dead like you should have been when Bellatrix tortured you" Ron said, with that Izzy ran out of the room and straight into Draco.
"Izzy? What's wrong?" He asked concerned as to the reason she now had tears streaming down her face.
"Weasel king threatened me" she said in between sobs.
Izzy was so weak that she had fallen after saying that. Luckily Draco was there and caught her. He picked her up and carried her to the Slytherin common room.
"Woah! Izzy what's wrong!?" Sophie screamed as she saw Izzy still crying as she held Draco's shirt in a death grip.
"Weasel king, Gryffendor tower, kill me," Izzy said in between breaths for she was now having a panic attack and couldn't breathe.
Gabi sprinted down stairs when she heard Draco and Izzy come in.
"Izzy, Izzy, remember what we talked about over the summer, breathe, calm down and just breathe. See breathe slowly, in, out, in, out. Follow Draco's breathing, in, out." Gabi said calming Izzy a little as she now got Izzy's breathing under control, but her grip on Draco's shirt had not loosened. When Draco tried to set her down on the couch her grip just tightened. Gabi mouthed, 'Draco don't let go of her, she needs you to comfort her.' 'Why me?' He mouthed back as he sat on the couch with her snuggling into his chest.
'Because ever since 4th year at the Yule Ball, she has liked you, she may not have known it then but she did.' Sophie replied in Draco's head.
'How do you know this Soph, did she tell you something?' Draco asked.
'Yeah she did but I was sworn to secrecy and vowed not to tell another soul, but I see the twinkle in your eye every time you hear her voice or when she walks into a room, or when someone mentions her name. Draco you love her, and she needs you.' Sophie said.
'But how do you know she loves me?" He asked confused.
'She said she didn't just change to be the person she is today for Ron or Harry, she tried to get rid of everything that reminded her about being a muggle, and everything in her past so you would notice her, and not just for a being a mudblood. In the last few years have you noticed that her teeth are now smaller and her hair is now in soft curls and not frizzy, how her eyes changed color with her emotions, whenever she had a class with you her eyes were always bright pink, happiness, she only had one class without you and her eyes were always grey with, sadness, and when you walked into the room they went bright pink again.' Sophie closed her statement.
Draco just looked at Izzy and smiled, he kissed her on the forehead and her grip loosened as his tightened.
He moved to a comfortable position on the couch but still held onto Izzy, he moved her so that she was facing towards the fire in the common room and He was behind her with his arms wrapped around her waist and his head buried deep into the crook of her neck. They stayed like that for hours. Soon they both were sound asleep.

Hermione Zabini, Ginny MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now