The first week

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They had arrived at Hogwarts and Izzy immediately escorted the second year to Madam Pomfrey's.
Madam Pomfrey looked at the work Izzy had done, and nodded when she decided Izzy had done very well at healing the boy and even asked in admiration how she replenished his blood so quickly and on the train.
She answered with, "oh that, I keep a blood replenishing potion in my bag all the time, it came in handy when me, Harry and Ron were on the run, so now I just keep it in there in case something like this happens". Madam Pomfrey nodded telling Izzy she saved the boys life that day and reassured her that the boy was going to be ok and she would release him after she fixes a few cuts and bruises he still had and that she would see him at dinner.
With that Izzy walked out and proceeded to the great hall where her and Ron were to deliver a speech and all the rules, 7th and 8th years where given a later curfew, and could now where what they wanted to classes as long as they had their either house patches or pins on their clothes showing what house they were in.
Izzy had indeed seen the boy she saved later right before the first years sorting ceremony began.
There were only 3 first years left and Jake, Krum and Gabbie had to be sorted as well.
It was time for them to be sorted and Jake went up to the stool first, it shouted Slytherin!, Gabbie went up next, it too shouted Slytherin! Krum was next, the sorting hat took longer to sort Krum than he had to sort Harry. Eventually it shouted Gryffendor! Izzy was relived about him being in Gryffendor.
Dinner ended and Izzy was to take the Gryffendor and hufflepuff 1st years to their common rooms, and Ron was to take Slytherin and Ravenclaw. Izzy and Ron knew all the house common room passwords. Again in case of an emergency. While walking to the Gryffendor common room, a girl had grabbed onto Izzy's robes to help haul herself up the stairs. Izzy was about to tell her to let go when the little girl asked her a question.
"Yes Bella? Is something wrong?" Izzy asked in a quiet voice.
"I was just wondering if it's true that you were a muggle born and how you dealt with bullies" she asked Izzy.
"Yes it was true, when I came to Hogwarts I had muggle parents, but at the time I didn't know I was actually adopted. I just figured that out last year, so for years I had believed I was a muggle born. And the way I dealt with bullies was to just ignore them, and do something I liked, for example Draco Malfoy used to call me 'Mudblood' as if it was my name but by our 4th year he had stopped calling me that, because he realized it didn't bother me anymore. But when it used to bother me I would go to the library and read my favorite book, or when it really hurt I went into the bathroom and cried if I wanted too." Hermione replied.
"Ok thanks!" Bella replied.
"Oh come on that Mudblood Bella is just trying to get on Izzy's good side" a boy said from the back of the group.
"I am not I'm preparing myself for people like you who only care about blood purity" Bella shouted back.
Izzy had to hold Bella back to keep her from beating the shit out of that boy.
"Alright!" Izzy shouted.
"That's enough!" She added.
Everyone stopped talking.
"Now if I hear or see of any type of bullying taken place on Hogwarts grounds and Hogsmeade. 100 points will be taken from the bullies house and they will receive detention for 2 months." Izzy shouted.
"Now let us keep going we have only one more flight of stairs to go, and if I hear anymore bickering then Grifendor will loose 5 points to each person who is in that argument" Izzy stated firmly.
They got to the common room a minute later and Izzy walked them inside told them the password, And left to go take the Hufflepuffs to their dorms.
The Hufflepuffs didn't fight at all they just looked around the halls in envy.
After she took the Hufflepuffs to their dorm she went to go meet Gabi in the heads room.
She walked into the common room to find it empty except for Krum.
"Krum." Izzy said.
"Izzy." He replied.
Izzy walked into the girls dormitory and tried to close the door but Krum was to strong for her.
"Can I help you?" Izzy asked sarcastically.
But he didn't say anything he just walked into the room.
On his way in he grabbed Izzy's wrist and was pulling her behind him.
"What the hell Krum get off of me!" She screamed.
Just then she decided to break a Hogwarts rule fearing what might happen next. She apparated to the Slytherin common room where she found Pansy, Luna, Neville, Ava, Logan, Sophie, Gabi, Draco, Blaise, Theo, Crabbe, Goyle, Astoria, Daphni, Ellie, Ella, Carter, Connor, Bree, Bailey, Jake, Erik, and Ethan. Sitting on the couch playing a game of truth or dare. They all looked up when they heard Izzy apparate into the room.
"Izzy? What's wrong?" Pansy and Sophie asked.
"You do realize you broke a rule by apparating right?" Blaise asked.
"Iz, talk to us!" Pansy and Sophie practically screamed.
"K.R.U.M" she said in between gasps. She was now having a panic attack. Blaise was the only one who could calm her down enough, to be able to talk.
"Alright, now spill! What happened" Draco asked concerned.
"I was walking into my room and he followed me, I tried to close the door but he was too strong and to fast for me to get it closed. Then he grabbed my wrist as he walked in the room and he pulled me along with him, I was scared and not sure what was ganna happen so I apparated." She finished.
"You can sleep in the Grifendor dorms," Harry suggested walking into the Slytherin common room.
"There's an extra bed next to mine in the boys dormitory" he added.
"That would be smart, that's the last place Krum would expect you to be, and if he does come there then Harry, Seamus, and Dean are all there, and won't let him come near you in there." Blaise said
"Are you sure Harry I don't want to be a bother?" Izzy asked.
"Of course I'm sure, Seamus and Dean have been dying to catch up with you" Harry said.
"Ok and what about Ron? Would he be ok with it?" Izzy asked.
"If he's not then I'll come back to the Heads common room with you and if it makes you feel any better, and I'll conjure up a bed right next to yours so you know I'm there." Harry suggested.
"Oh alright, but I'm only doing this so I can catch up with Dean and Seamus." Izzy finally broke.
Her and Harry walked to the Grifendor common room together.
They walked into the common room to see Ron and Lavender snogging away like usual.
"Izzy!!" Dean screamed, breaking Ron and Lavender apart.
"What's the Mudblood doing here?" Ron asked (Ron was still calling her 'Mudblood')
"It doesn't concern you so mind your own business" Izzy hissed back.
"Bloody snake" Ron whispered under his breath.
Izzy gave Dean a big hug and then Seamus walked down, with messy hair and tired eyes. He had just woken up from a nap.
"Izzy!!" He screamed as well and embraced Izzy in a long hug.
"Long time no see Zabini" Dean said
"So how was your summer?" He asked after.
"It was great what about yours?" Izzy asked.
"Great!" He replied.
The 3 of them talked with Harry chiming in every few minutes.
It was about 12:00 am and they were still talking. Then Ron walked in and a hush fell over the room.
"What's the Mudblood still doing here? and why is she sitting on the extra bed?" Ron asked in a snarky tone
"She's staying here for the night" Dean said excitedly.
"Why?" Ron asked with the same snarky tone.
"Why not" Harry said.
Ron sighed and walked to the bed he used when he didn't stay in the heads room, he got out his phone and started texting Lavender. Soon he walked out of the room and said he would be back late. We heard the door close behind him with the giggle of Lavender.
"Don't mind him Iz, he's been a little out of it lately" Seamus said reassuring Izzy.
They talked for a few more minutes until Harry and Dean fell asleep.
"So Seamus, have anything explode lately?" Izzy asked smiling.
"Yeah actually, I tried the same spell I did in 1st year, you know, 'eye of rabbit, Heffring hum, turn this water into rum' yeah well lets just say that my parents living room was spattered with my eyebrow hairs" he said and that comment sent Izzy into fits of laughter.
"Well Iz it's like 1:00 am we should probably go to sleep, goodnight!" He said and drifted off to sleep,
"Goodnight!" She replied.

Hermione Zabini, Ginny MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now