End of the year/start of summer

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The rest of the year flew by quickly without any problems and Harry and the girls were now friends again, and were on civil terms with Ron and Lavender.
Just like 1st year Bella said.
"I always heard that Hogwarts end of the year exams were frightful, I found them rather enjoyable"
But this time it was Blaise instead of Ron who said.
"Speak for yourself".
They said their goodbyes and planned on meeting up at least once a week all of summer.
The first week Sophie and Pansy stayed at Bella and Blaise's and Theo stayed at Draco's.
The 3rd week of summer they all got an owl.
They recognized it as a Hogwarts owl and a Hogwarts letter seal on the back. Confused by the owls appearance and the letter they got together in the 3 broomsticks and they opened and read the letter together.
We are pleased to inform you that because you practically just redid 6th year but it was named 7th, that we will be adding another year, 8th year. But 8th years have a choice on weather or not to go. Our head girl and boy are Isabella Zabini and Ronald Weasley, their assistant prefects are Sophia Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Harry Potter and Seamus Finnigan. We hope all our incoming heads will accept this position, and all 8th years will be joining us back at Hogwarts for the new year. We will also be having some new transfers from Beauxbaton's and Drumstring. From Beauxbaton's Gabriella Delacour, and from Drumstring Victor Krum. We hope you will all participate in welcoming our new transfers.
Our heads and assistant heads will be giving a tour to our transfers and heads, assistants, and Transfers will be excused from all classes the first week while they tour around Hogwarts. Isabella, Sophia,and Pansy will be touring Miss. Delacour, and Harry, Ronald and Seamus will touring Mr. Krum.
We hope you will all have a lovely summer and will see you in August for school.
Everyone was shocked that Krum was transferring to Hogwarts. The girls were excited that Gabriella was transferring to Hogwarts because she always seemed nice when the saw her in 4th year and again at Fleur and Bill's wedding. Because Beauxbaton's started at a younger age than Hogwarts Gabriella was at the stage year of and 8th ofr 7th year but was the age of a 5th year. She has been put in the same classes as Bella,Pansy and Sophie, and the girls were happy about that so they could see Gabriella more often and make sure she was doing alright in her classes and found her way throughout the year, they could also be good friends with her.
Pansy, Bella, and Sophie apparated to Fleur and Bills, and told them the news about them being heads, then they broke the news about Gabriella going to Hogwarts with them.
Fleur and Bill were very excited and apparated to France to talk to Gabriella and bring her back for the summer, so she will get used to Izzy, Pansy, and Sophie.
To Fleur and Bill, Pansy, Izzy and Sophie where like siblings or maybe like their children.
Gabriella, Fleur, and bill came back, an hour later and they met Gabriella, properly, and they all stayed with Fleur and Bill the rest of the week.
There where 4 weeks left of summer and 1 week left accept the Hogwarts letter, naturally they all accepted it.
They all spent lots of time getting to know Gabriella.
Hogwarts didn't have enough room in the dorms because they didn't expect so many people to come back for their 8th year so it was decided that all heads and assistant heads share a common room but have separate boy girl dorms 4 people to a dorm. Also the transfers would be sharing a common room with the heads and assistant heads, again, with separate dorms. Girls on the left, boys on the right.
Bella wondered how living with Ron and Krum was going to work although her and Ron were on speaking terms they both got mad at each other for the smallest things.
But she also wondered how she was to manage living with Krum, because she never wanted to see him again but now he was living with her.
There was only 2 weeks till going back to Hogwarts and they all still needed their school supplies. So they decided to meet up and all go together so the rest of the group could meet Gabriella. While on vacation to the United States, Draco met and American boy who was also transferring to Hogwarts. He informed Mcgonigal and everything, and he spent the summer with Draco and Blaise. He was in their year but a lot younger like Gabriella.
The boys name was Jake Brumner.
He was tall had brown hair and deep blue eyes, he obviously worked out. And played a game in America similar to Quidditch.
Time skip to Diagon Alley.
All the girls met up first in the 3 broomsticks, and met Gabriella first.
All the guys met up in the Quidditch supply story because Jake was planning on trying out when they went back.
They all met up at the leaky cauldron, where the guys met Gabriella and the girls met Jake.
Gabriella and Jake sat by each other while everyone else talked and then Jake asked about Gabriella.
"So Gabriella, your transferring to Hogwarts from, where?"  Jake asked
"Oh Beauxbaton's, it's a school in France, they start at an earlier year so now I'm in my 8th year at Hogwarts with Izzy Sophie and Pansy, but I'm only 15, what about you, I heard you come from America." Gabriella replied
"Yeah, the Alleglance Academy, and they start earlier too so I'm in the 8th year with Draco, Blaise and Theo, and I'm 16." Jake replied.
"Then you will be seeing a lot of each other" Draco chimed in and winked at Gabriella.
"Ok well let's get shopping we have lots to get for the new school year. Gabriella, Jake what would you like to get first?" Bella asked chiming in as well.
"What about, the spell books?" Gabriella suggested.  
"Sounds great," Pansy said. And they started walking to Flourish and Blotts
Once inside Bella started walking over to the new spell book section as she had already read all the ones for 8th year while in 7th and read all the ones for 7th while on the run making up some of her own as she went that could seriously injure or even kill the person being cursed.
She bought the ones she didn't recognize and all her textbooks, she also bought Gabriella's textbooks and any other book she wanted. (I will also be referring to her as Gabbie and Gab)
They went on shopping and ended where they started, with butterbeer in the Leaky Cauldron.

Time skip to the last week of summer.
School started in a week and they wanted to have a sleepover before school ended so the Friday before they went back so school on Monday. They had a sleepover at Blaise and Bella's.
They played Slytherin truth or dare and explained it to Gabbie and Jake who both seamed fine with the way the game was played.
By the end of the night everyone was passed out except Draco, Bella, Pansy, Sophie, Theo, Blaise, Gabbie and Jake. Even though Gabbie had had over 12 shots in the last hour, she wasn't even drunk, just mildly buzzed. Sophie and Blaise were drunk and one more shot they would be out cold. Bella and Draco were drunk but not like Sophie and Blaise, but they were also rly tired because it was 3 am. Theo was drunk and ready to pass out but Pansy like always was almost completely sober although she had 4 bottles of fire whiskey.
Theo, Sophie, Blaise, Draco and Bella were now out cold so it just left Pansy, Gabbie, and Jake. Soon Jake was out cold on the floor and it left Gabbie and Pansy. They got up went to the kitchen and brewed anti hangover potions for everyone 26 to be exact. They drank it and had a competition on who could drink the most bottles without throwing up or passing out. Pansy won after their 10th bottle because Gabbie passed out. Gabbie ended up passing out right next to Jake and like always Pansy took a picture with her camera of the group.
Time skip again to the heads compartment on the Hogwarts express (transfers and heads share a compartment away from the rest of the students)
"Bells, I'm really nervous about going to Hogwarts, what if I get made fun of because I'm younger than everyone even Jake is a year older than me, and I'm 2 years younger than you." Gabbie said with worry in her voice.
"Gab u have so many friends right now and we haven't even been to Hogwarts, everyone will want to be friends with you when we get there!"  Bella said smiling.
"Yeah when I was there for the tournament everyone wanted to be friends with me and I didn't even go to school there" Krum added, which was obviously not necessary, and Bella rolled her eyes at him and turned back to Gabbie,
"Isn't that right Bella?" Krum said, and Bella could feel the smirk on his face but kept looking at Gabbie, when she heard another voice call out to her. She turned around to see a very nervous 4th year panting saying that there was an accident in the Gryffindor compartment and that her and Ron need to get there quickly.
There had in fact been an accident. A second year tried to do a spell they were to learn in their fourth year and it didn't go as planned and backfire on the boy, leaving him bleeding out rather quickly.
Izzy got out her wand and said a few healing spells, and a spell to stop the bleeding. She then got out a vile of a blood replenishing potion.
She had kept the vile in her bag in case of emergencies like these.
She lead the boy to the heads compartment followed by a very flustered and dizzy Ron, because he hates blood.
Bella had insisted that he stay with them in the heads compartment until they got to Hogwarts where Madam Pomfrey could make sure he didn't have anymore extensive injuries.
The second year and Gabriella talked the rest of the way there. While Pansy, Bella, and Sophie talked with Jake. And Ron, Harry,Seamus and Krum stayed quiet for most of the time left on the train.

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