Halloween party part 1

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It was Halloween and all the classes were cancelled for the day to allow everyone to get ready.
The girls put on their dresses and started their hair and makeup.

 The girls put on their dresses and started their hair and makeup

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^Sophie's hair and Makeup

^Pansy's hair and makeup

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^Pansy's hair and makeup

^Bella's hair and makeup

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^Bella's hair and makeup

The rest of the girls had similar styles of hair and makeup. The boys wore classic black and white dress robes with a simple black mask.

Bella, Pansy, and Sophie descended from the top of the stairs out of the girls dormitory. With Ellie, Ella, Bree, Bailey, Luna, Astoria, Daphni, and Ava close behind. They walked down the stairs confidently even though no one was in the common room and were already in the great hall including the boys. They had told the boys not to wait up for them because they needed to finish Bella, Pansy, and Sophie's makeup, because theirs were the hardest to perfect. They also made a perfect plan to be fashionably late and was sure to be noticed by everyone.
They strode down to the great hall receiving glares for other girls and the dropping of jaws from guys as they walked past them.
They made it to the great hall. Went over their entrance plans. Then carried out their plans.
Pansy, Sophie and Bella threw open the doors being at the front of the group and walked slowly and confidently down the stairs. They went over to the guys and as soon as they got there Sophie ran into Blaise's arms and kissed him as did Pansy with Theo, Ellie and Ella with Connor and Carter, Bree and Bailey with Ethan and Erik, Luna with Neville, and Logan and Ava. Leaving Draco and Bella standing their awkwardly, but they didn't show it.
The night went on and they were all having fun. They weren't criticized by anyone so far, it was perfect, thought Bella, and heard Sophie and Pansy agree in their head.
About 2 hours before the dance was to end the girls (Pansy, Sophie and Bella) had a strange feeling that some one was watching them while they were getting their drinks. They turned around to see none other than the weasel king, scar head and Lavender Brown.
Lavender spoke first. "Awe look how desperate for attention they are with their little 'grand entrance' ugh, honestly you girls look so ugly who did your hair the insane Bellatrix Lestrange" Bella stiffened at the mention of Bellatrix's name and instantly grabbed her left arm where Bellatrix had carved the word 'Mudblood' on her arm. Pansy looked at Bella and Sophie and in their minds said to one another.
"Can I just say one thing about that bitch Lavender, she has no fucking right to mention that name. She never had to endure the things you did Iz I'm surprised Lavender didn't die during 4th year because if we were there that bitch wouldn't have made it nearly this far!"

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