Halloween party part 2

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They danced for an half an hour when suddenly!....
Bella felt a tap on her shoulder. There was Ron Weasley, King of Weasels, weaselbee, cheating bastard. She thought.
"Well it is a Masquerade ball after all, so may I have this dance?" Ron looked hopefully at Bella as if nothing just happened.
Bella responded with "So sorry but I already promised Draco this dance."
Draco was surprised to say the least but played along.
"Shall we ma lady?" Draco asked giving one of  his best smirks ever at Weasley who looked longingly at them as they danced.
"Bella if I may ask what the hell just happened with Weaselbee, why is he shooting you death glares?" Draco asked
Bella explained to him that Ron was trying to win her over again now that she transformed.
"Oh ok, well let's make him believe you have moved on even if you haven't actually moved on" Draco stated. After Bella looked into his eyes she suddenly forgot everything and could only focus on him. Draco leaned in and kissed Bella and Bella kissed back. Ron did not look happy he scrunched up the cup he had in his hand and stomped onto the dance floor.
"GET YOUR HANDS AND MOUTH OFF MY GIRLFRIEND MALFOY!!" he screamed causing a scene for the entire school to see. Draco pulled away from Bella to give her a chance to talk to him.
"I am not your girlfriend anymore! We established that when you cheated on me said I was boring and accused me of cheating when I got back from Australia! Little did you know I was there so long because my parents died in a car crash and I had to set up their funeral! So if you think I'm ever ganna get back together with you Newsflash I'm never going near you again I'm with Draco weather you like it or not!" Bella screamed at Ron who was filled with pure rage and nothing else. Bella knew what he was going to do next. He slapped her across the face sending gasps everywhere around the room. Bella again didn't feel any pain because of her pain tolerance from the torture.
"Oh did you think that was ganna hurt me? Guess what Weasel I have a very very high pain tolerance because of you." She said enraged.
More gasps left people's mouths.
"If you used the cruciatus curse on me right now it would feel like getting stung by a bee." Bella said.
"I'd rather be tortured by Bellatrix every day than have become 'friends' with you, you ungrateful man whore! You would have been dead right now in devils snare in first year if it weren't for me." Everyone nodded who knew what had happened nodded in agreement.
Ron scoffed and stormed out of the great hall.
After a few minutes everyone went back to dancing.
Bella stayed with Pansy and Sophie the rest of the night talking about what happened with Ron, Harry and Lavender.
"I just can't believe the king of weasels still thinks your getting back together with him" Pansy said.
"Yeah I'm glad that Harry knows I'm not getting back with him" Sophie said.
"Yeah he embarrassed you and Draco in front of the whole school" Pansy stated.
"What's going on with you and Draco anyway?" Sophie asked smirking.
"Nothing is going on, we kissed because of weasel, to tell him that I'm over him and he doesn't own me." Bella explained.
"Ok so it was nothing serious?" Pansy asked disappointed.
"No just to prove a point that not everything he lays his eyes on is his." Bella said.
The night went on and no more troubles came their way.
Pansy, Sophie and Bella were walking back to the Slytherin common room, after the party. Everyone else had already gone back.
They were walking back and just like the first night they were attacked felt someone was watching them or following them. Bella called for Blaise in their minds and Blaise got everyone up the walked out of the common room, before they heard screaming.
They all sprinted to the source. When they got there Lavender Brown had Bella pinned up to the wall by her neck. Pansy and Sophie were hugging each other like scared little kids and Lavender had her wand pointed at them but her attention was on Bella.
"Really you think you can just insult my Ron and embarrass him in front of the entire school and get away with it?" Lavender screamed.
"Well that won't happen again because I'm going to finish what Ron and Harry started."
Lavender said, and she started to use the Cruciatus curse on Bella. Lavender removed her grip from Bella's neck who was now gasping for air. She was un affected by the curse. Lavender was confused by this so she tried a few more times trying to have and affects on her, but nothing happened.
She turned her attention to where the other 2 girls had been and was shocked to find them gone. But she tried to used this against Bella.
"Hey looks like your 'friends' left you like Ron and Harry should have at Malfoy Manor" Lavender said with a smirk on her face. Bella looked up to find the girls were indeed gone and called to them in her head.
" girls where the hell are you! Lavender is trying to use the cruciatus curse on me, how could you guys just leave me here with this phycopath!"Bella screamed
"Bells look to your right, like you would to be trying to find Harry's invisibility cloak, turns out there's another one we're in the same place on the ground. Draco is coming with Blaise and Theo, the rest are getting Magonigal." Pansy said
Bella looked to the ground and Sophie and Pansy Peeked out from behind it. She nodded and put her attention back on Lavender who was still smirking.
The all of a sudden Lavender said something they would all remember for the rest of their lives, "how about we remind you of what you are, a mudblood, once a mudblood always a mudblood." Bella looked at her shocked and said to Pansy and Sophie.
"Stay their guys I'll be fine." Bella said with tears in her eyes.
"Bells we can't let her do that to you!"Pansy screamed.
"You have to, she needs to think I'm alone when Draco, Blaise and Theo get here, tell them to let her do it. I'll be fine." Bella explained.
Lavender pushed Bella to the ground and leaned over her arm concentrating on her arm.
Draco, Blaise and Theo came up to this. The girls went to them explained everything and Draco muttered healing spells.
When Lavender finished and was satisfied with her work, she looked at Bella who was crying and said.
"Awe is 'smartest witch of our age' going to cry surely you would have come armed with your wand after what happened last time"
"I don't need my wand though" Bella said with a smirk.
She hexed Lavender and made her have a beak and ended every sentence with a bock. Lavender looked up at her screamed and slapped Bella across the face hard, but not hard enough for it to affect her.
Draco had lost it when she slapped Bella and wanted to come out but Sophie and Pansy wouldn't let him, and told him that Bella didn't want them to come out until Lavender was gone. A few minutes passed of Lavender attempting to use the Cruciatus curse on Bella then gave up and put her hand on her neck once again pushed her head agains the wall choking her. After about 45 seconds she let go and scoffed when it didn't seem to affect Bella.
When she left Draco ran over to a sobbing Bella. She fell to the ground and Draco caught her and held her. He picked her up and took her to the hospital wing, and stayed with her the entire time.
She was there for 2 days because Madam Pomfrey had to fix her broken bones from the Cruciatus curse but Bella didn't feel bothered by this.

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