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Izzy's POV
"I've been waiting for this day for a long time.
You are no good for Draco. Your a filthy blood traitor and you need to be punished." Dream Bellatrix said cackling at the end.
"What are you gonna do? Torture me? Kill me?" I asked smirking.
"Not exactly..." she said smirking.
My smirk dropped as a snatcher brought in a head of blonde hair.
"Sophie!?" I yelled realizing my best friend was before me.
"I'm going to torture her until you snap." Bellatrix smirked.
"No. No!" Sophie yelled at her aunt.
"You do realize she's family, you blood. By spilling her blood you making it harder to keep your pure bloodline." I shot at Bellatrix.
"Yes But it will teach you a lesson..." she smirked.
She started torturing Sophie.
"No!!" I screamed. It hadn't even been a minute before I snapped.
"So easily broken..." Bellatrix smirked.
Sophie looked at me shocked at how fast I snapped.
I gave her a look.
She understood.
'I won't let her hurt any of you.' I said through my mind.
Sophie shot me a Seriously look and I nodded.
"Bring in Draco..." Bellatrix said smirking bigger.
"No! Don't Bring in Draco!" I screamed.
"No!" I yelled as a snatcher dragged him in by his hair.
"No!" I screamed at the top of my lungs trying to break free of the snatcher holding me.
When Bellatrix was about to start torturing Draco I broke free of my snatcher and ran in front of Draco shielding him for the cruciatus curse.
It didn't hurt at all now, in fact I felt stronger.
I stood up and walked towards Bellatrix. She couldn't seem to stop the curse.
"What's happening?!" She yelled distraught.
"Love!" Sophie yelled out from the floor where her snatcher was holding her down.
"What do you mean love?!" Bellatrix snapped at Sophie.
"Love is the most powerful magic of all!" Sophie shouted again at her crazy aunt.
"Your-your in Love?" Bellatrix asked a guilty look on her face and in her voice.
"With who?" She asked getting closer.
"A blonde headed Slytherin Prince pure blood that is your nephew." I smirked knowing that I loved Draco.
"No. Your a blood traitor." Bellatrix said sadly.
"You know, Voldemort is a half blood..." I informed her.
"His Dad was a muggle, did you know? Therefor your a blood traitor as well. In love with a half blood, at least I'm in love with a pure blood." I smirked.
Soon I stopped the cruciatus curse but was still stronger than ever.
"If anyone's a blood traitor, it's you Bellatrix Lestrange." I smirked.
Shock crossed over her face and she apparated away.
I ran to Sophie.
"Sophie are you ok?" I asked nearing her.
The snatchers left when Bellatrix did.
"I'm fine thanks to you. You saved me." Sophie said healing her own wounds.
"Izzy..." I heard Draco behind me.
I stood up, embarrassed, I looked down though.
He put a hand under my chin making me look up at him.
"I love you Izzy Zabini." He said kissing me.
(End dream)
"Izzy, Izzy what's wrong?" Draco asked waking me up.
"Nothing, it's nothing." I replied.
"It wasn't nothing tell me." He insisted.
"I had a dream your crazy aunt came back and tortured me and everyone I love, but I straightened her out don't worry." I smirked.
"Good." Draco said kissing my forehead again, he went back to sleep.
I too fell back asleep soon after.
(Time skip)
A week has past and everyone wanting to enter the tournament had done so already, the champions were being drawn tonight.
Class was boring like usual.
"Professor Flitwick? May I make up my own spells, charms and enchantments?" I asked seeing as we had a free class.
"Why of course Miss Zabini, as long as you run them through me and aren't too dangerous." He said nodding.
"I was thinking for my first one, one that will help you stay focused in class and be able to study more effectively." I proposed.
"Sounds go to me, what language will you be using?" He asked
"French." I replied.
He nodded satisfied.
"Ok tell me when the charm is perfected." He told me.
"Yes sir." I replied.
I knew how to create spells and charms and enchantments as I had done it years prior.
I went to my own corner.
Pointed my wand at myself and said "étude" (translates to 'study' in French)
I felt more focused and I knew the enchantment was a success on the first time.
I thought of a counter spell.
"Fou." I said pointing my want at myself again. (Translates to 'crazy' in French)
I felt back to normal.
"Professor I'm finished." I called and he looked at me astonished.
"Already you've only been working for 5 minuets Most take weeks even months to master!" Flitwick said astonished.
"Yes and I would like to keep this enchantment to myself, unless someone needs it." I said smiling.
"Very well Miss Zabini, it is your spell..." Flitwick said a little disappointed.
I just smiled innocently.
"Nervous about tonight are you?" Neville asked me while walking down the corridor with me to potions.
"Yeah a little just because I don't know if I am going to be picked or not and I don't know who will volunteer to be my partner." I said truthfully.
"Don't be nervous about your partner, anyone would be crazy not to choose you as their partner. Your smart, funny, athletic, and so much more!" Neville encouraged me.
"Thanks Neville!" I said smiling.
"Anytime, Zabini." He said mocking Weasley.
I laughed as we walked into class.
"Hey Zabini!" Brown yelled as I walked in.
Neville stood protectively in front of me.
"Leave her alone Brown." Neville challenge the girl.
"I think not, she ruined my last year by getting me detentions and you made my loose almost all Gryffindor's house points!" Brown yelled.
I was mad I charged in front of Neville.
" not my fault you used the cruciatus curse on me for no reason. You did all of this to yourself. I know you are delusional and all but don't go blaming other people for crap you did. That's called being a petty, insensitive, low life, idiotic, sociopath! Who has no future." I said the last part in a dangerously low voice.
The door opened and Slughorn entered.
I took my seat next to Sophie and Gabi who watched the scene unfold a second ago.
(Time skip)
The hour I've been waiting for all day.
We have forty five minutes to eat and the last 15 minutes will be used chasing champions and volunteers.
I dug in, knowing I wouldn't be able to eat later.
"Now if everyone is finished, let us begin." Kingsley's started.
"Our champion from Beauxbatons...." the flame shot up a piece of parchment.
"Rosa Reger!" Kingsley's shouted out.
They all clapped.
"From Durmstrang..." the flame shot of another paper.
"Vince Cash!" He called out.
"And finally, your Hogwarts champion..." there was one last flame.
It was the brightest.
"Izabella Zabini!" He shouted out.
Slytherin, half of Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and some Ravenclaw burst into applause.
"Now if the champions would come up the the teachers table so we can choose the volunteers." Kingsley's said smiling brightly.
I got up from my seat and walked to the table, straight faced.
"Volunteers from Beauxbatons?" He asked when we were all up there.
Only one girl raised her hand, I guess they already knew who they'd want to volunteer.
"Durmstrang?" He asked.
Only one boy raised his hand.
They were both up there now.
"Hogwarts?" Kingsley asked curiously.
Many hands shot up from Slytherin and a few from Gryffindor.
"Mr Malfoy." Kingsley chose.
Draco stood up and walked towards me on the stage.
When up there he grabbed my hand comfortingly.
I looked up and smiled at him.
He smiled back.
"You all know how the tournament works so I don't need to explain anything to you. Carry on with the feast, the first task will be in 2 weeks." Kingsley said and went back to his spot at the teachers table.
Draco and I walked hand in hand to the Slytherin table.

Hermione Zabini, Ginny MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now