The Boggart

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Izzy's POV
I walked past Mcgonigal's office, pondering weather or not I should go in.
Soon I heard something I needed but didn't come there to ask for.
"Minerva, they know how to face a boggart correct?" Kingsley's asked her.
"Yes, Remus taught them in 3rd year." She replied her voice softening when saying Remus.
"Then it's decided. Can you get one by next week?" He asked.
I'm assuming she nodded because I then heard him go back to the ministry through the floo network.
Then making my decision, I knocked on the door.
"Come in." Mcgonigal said.
I opened the door and peaked in.
"Ah, Miss Zabini. What brings you here today?" She asked smiling.
"I was just wondering if you could somehow get Draco out of the tournament. He never wanted to enter." I asked practically begging.
"I'm afraid not Miss Zabini. Like Harry in 4th year he was chosen with you by the goblet. It can't be revoked." She said looking done.
"Are you sure you can't pull some strings?" I asked.
"It's a Magical contract Miss Zabini.... now I suggest you go to your common room to get ready for pictures. Rita Skeeter will be here any minute now. Don't want her to say anything bad about you disregard for time now would you?" She asked a glint of humor in her voice.
I smiled and nodded before running down to my common room starting to get ready with Sophie who was coordinating Draco and I to match each other.
She did my hair and makeup before I met Draco outside our room.
"Wow Zabini you look great." He said smiling to himself as he looked me up and down.
"Thanks Dray!" I heard Blaise yell from his room in a girly voice. This made us all break out into laughter.
Sophie smirked and fast walked into Blaise's room.
"Don't do anything with my sister!" Draco warned making me giggle again.
"We should've had that older brother talk ages ago!" Blaise shouted back making Draco go all over protective on Sophie.
I smirked and walked behind Draco.
I stopped him and he let me, even though he could've broken out of my grasp at anytime he let me stop him.
I laughed at his red face and grabbed his tie.
"Let's go older brother." I said dragging him outside. When we were out of earshot in an abandoned corridor. As everyone was at Hogsmead or in their common rooms, I pulled Draco to a stop.
I looked to my left then right making sure no one was coming.
"I know what the first task is." I whispered.
His eyes grew wide but excitement flooded them after a second.
"Really what is it?!" He asked grasping my shoulders.
"I can't tell you here... meet me in the ROR tonight at midnight after our rounds." I whispered and he nodded then took my hand and lead me to the trophy room.
We let go just before we entered.
"Ah, Miss Granger, Pleasure to see you again." She said sneering.
"Likewise Rita. And it's Zabini now." I shot.
She rolled her eyes and got on with taking pictures.
She interviewed all of us but kept mine short. Draco's however was long. Too long for my liking.
He explained to me how she was trying to get him to talk about me.
We both started our rounds earlier.
I finished first and went to meet him at the ROR.
About 10 minuets later he walked in casting a silencing charm around the entire room.
"So what's the first task?" He asked.
"A boggart..." I responded quickly.
"That's it?" He asked.
I nodded.
"Well I'm sure we can practice..." he suggested.
"Yeah like what are you afraid of?" He asked answering his own half question.
"Bellatrix...." I trailed off my voice getting quieter.
"What was that?" He asked.
"Your crazy deranged aunt." I said louder.
He nodded understanding.
"Bellatrix." He said for me, making me just nod.
He sighed and thought for a minute.
"I have an idea." He tells me smiling.
"What?" I asked his smile making me grin.
He told me to close my eyes then did so himself.
When he told me to open them again I looked around and saw things piled up everywhere.
Some of it singed and in ashes.
"The room in which nothing can be found." Draco said smiling.
"How's this going to help us?" I asked looking around.
Then I was it. A large wardrobe much like the one from 3rd year.
"There are two boggarts in there. One for me, one for you. If we do it together then it won't be as hard to fend off and we'll maybe even get you less scared of mental." He called his aunt.
I smiled and held his hand as he opened the wardrobe.
Two things came out. Both were Bellatrix but Draco's Bellatrix had something in her arms.
Mine cackled and I pointed my wand at her.
"Rediculus" I said before the boggart was soaked in water from my wand screaming.
"I'm melting! I'm melting!" Wizard of Oz never gets old. I laughed to myself.
I turned to Draco who was staring at his fake aunt.
I saw her now on the ground crouched over a body.
Then it hit me like a bullet....
It was my body...
"What're you going to do about it Dray? She's a mudblood isn't she?" Bellatrix asked smirking while sitting up admiring her handy work on my wrist.
"Draco, it's not real. I'm right here." I whispered in his ear.
He pointed his wand at Bellatrix.
"Rediculus" He said tears in his eyes.
The blood on my arm turned into jelly.
And Bellatrix was now an actual bell.
I smiled and hugged him.
"I don't want to loose you ." He muttered digging his chin on my shoulder hugging me back.
"You won't. I promise." I told him smiling.
"Unbreakable vow?" He asked looking down at me.
I eventually nodded and we did the unbreakable spell.
We then noticed it was well into the morning and we had to figure out what to do on Monday for the first task.

Hermione Zabini, Ginny MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now