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The next week classes had just started and Bella, Pansy and Sophie had every class with Draco, Blaise and Theo. Except herbology no Slytherin's except Pansy, Bella and Sophie were in that class, the rest were Gryffindors.
They all sat together. Pansy in the middle with Bella and Sophie at her sides.
Due to how close they'd become the past few days they'd become bonded like Draco and Sophie, and Bella and Blaise. They could talk to each other in their mind now.
This happened because Pansy was like a sister to them,  she put her own life at risk to save theirs during the attack.
That day they had vowed to be best friends and to stick by each other no matter what, no matter how bad they might get hurt, to stay sisters.
They would have conversations in their head with each other during their classes and give each other answers.
Time skip to Friday and herbology , their last class of the day

They all sat next to each other in the front of the room, when they felt someone was watching them they turned around to see Ronald and Harry sitting right behind them, who smirked when the three looked away.
"I still can't believe we didn't tell Mcgonigal she would have expelled them in a heartbeat!" Bella thought/said when they looked back at the front of the room
"Slytherin's don't really like to tell teachers when things happen it messes up our reputation." Pansy said
"I get why you all care about your reputation so much now." said Sophie laughing slightly.
"Yeah I guess so, does anyone else fell like weaselbee and Pothead are starring at us right now because it's creeping me out"  Bella said
"Yeah I me too." Sophie and Pansy replied in unison.
They looked back at Ron and Harry with a smirk still on their face.
"What Weasel got something to say? and you Pothead wipe that smirk off ur face it doesn't belong here, and neither do u." Pansy said then turned around and smirked to herself. Bella and Sophie High-fived her looking back at them smirking as well.
That shut them up for about 10 minutes
"I feel them staring again, but I think their just trying to come up with a somewhat good comeback, their brains don't know how to work that hard though so I doubt they will come up with one before we leave"  Bella said
Then all of a sudden they felt Ron and Harry lean up to them and say.
"We could always finish what we started last week it won't be to hard if we knock you out before you can call for help, like last time."
Bella, Pansy and Sophie's face went pale.
Harry and Ron went back to their seats and pulled the girls hair, hard.
Bella turned around. A sudden burst of confidence and bravery igniting in the pit of her stomach.
"Try me." She said with a hard glare, this seemed to only anger them more. When Professor Sprout dismissed the class they sprinted down to the dungeons. Not bothering to look back.
When they arrived, Pansy and Sophie cried into Blaise and Theo's arms.
Bella sat down next to Draco on the couch.
When Pansy and Sophie calmed down they told the boys what had happened, and they all went silent.
Then talked to each other about what they thought would happen if they ever crossed Potter and Weasley again.
"I think that if they had the chance to they would kill us or do what they did to me, too you too. Madam Pomfrey said I almost died!"
Bella said
"Yeah they said they would finish what they started if that was starting then we would be dead right now" Sophie replied
Pansy said "Yeah they definitely mean business. Do you know what that means, we can't go anywhere without each other and if one of us gets in trouble we fight for them. And scream for Draco Blaise and Theo as soon as it happens."
The girls nodded in agreement. By then their entire group of friends were by their side comforting them. Crabbe, Goyle, Neville, Luna, Ella, Ellie, Connor, Carter, Bree, and Bailey.
Pansy was the first to break the silence
"Well I know exactly what we should play, now that we have Luna, Olivia, Ava, and Neville in Slytherin, Slytherin truth or dare! Just like the first night at Hogwarts, after all it is a Friday!" She suggested.
"That's a great idea Pans!" Sophie and Bella said in unison.
Everyone else just nodded in agreement.
Pansy started.
"Hmmm, Bella truth or dare"
They had a small conversation in their heads with Sophie.
"Pans if your going to say the same thing you said on our first night here, I swear!"

"Well of course I am it's obvious you two like each other I can see it in the way you too look at each other same with you and Blaise, Soph"

"Omg we do not look at each other in a way"

"Yes you do Bells, and don't even try and deny it Soph"

"Ugh fine maybe I do like him ok, I said it there!"

"Finally you admit it! Yes! My work here is done, Crap I still need to give u your dare!"
Pansy winked at Bella and told her the dare
"I dare you to snog Draco for 5 minutes this time"
Bella did as Pansy told her and snogged Draco.
The game went on and Blaise and Sophie had confessed about liking each other and were now dating... Though Bella and Draco had only done dares so they didn't know how the other one felt.
Pansy had dared Bella to take off her shirt and Draco to take off his. Ellie and Ella did all their dares together. They looked at each other and smiled they dared Bella to sit in Draco's lap for the rest of the game.
Pansy smiled when she heard them say this.
Bella didn't want to loose anymore clothing or get drunk because she was already buzzed and one more bottle would have done it for her. So she did as she was dared and sat in Draco's lap.
Luna and Neville had confessed their feelings for each other and were also dating...
Logan and Ava were also now dating...
Ava and Luna were now best friends...
Pansy did every dare and every truth thrown her way and was still not drunk and she has 4 bottles of fire whiskey by then.
Ellie and Ella had snogged each others brothers twice now and Astoria, and Daphni had snogged Crabbe and Goyle and Pansy and Theo had snogged, 2 other slytherin boys named Ethan Riggs and Erik Scott joined the game and snogged Bree and Bailey, and Logan and Ava had snogged...
By the end of the game, Bailey, Bree, Ethan, Erick, Ellie, Ella, Connor, Carter, Luna, Ava, Logan and Neville were passed out drunk.
Pansy had to sit on Theo's lap that was the last dare Ellie and Ella gave. Blaise and Sophie were already like that when they first started dating in the beginning in the game so they didn't have to be dared to do that.
Pansy had just dared Draco to take off his pants and play in his boxers. So Bella was sitting in his lap while he was half naked.
"Really Pans you had to do that! (Laughing in her head so Pansy can hear her laugh)"
"Um... yes I had to do that! (laughing)"
Conversation ends.
Bella dared Pansy to take off her shirt.
"How do you like it Pans?" Bella asked laughing.
"I hate you!! I don't even like him, you like Draco!"
"Oh I think she likes him what do you think Soph?!"
"She definitely like him!" Sophie added
"Ok fine I do like him, can't get anything past you guys. (Laughing)"
Conversation ends.
Pansy then dared Sophie to take off her shirt then snog Blaise. Sophie did so willingly.
The game went on and Bella was now in just underwear and a bra, Pansy had dared her to take off her pants.
The night went on and they had so much fun together Theo and Blaise were finally passed out along with everyone else leaving just Draco, Bella, Pansy, and Sophie left in the game. Sophie had chosen truth next and they asked her how long she liked Blaise for.
"Since my 4th year" she said shyly and took the shot of fire whiskey passing out only minutes later.
Eventually Bella passed out on Draco's lap and Draco passed out after his last truth. Pansy was the only one left. She was still mostly sober. She took out her camera and went to the corner of the room and took a picture capturing her friends asleep to remember their time at Hogwarts.
She soon found sleep herself.
Everyone was asleep. Draco and Bella were snuggling on the couch, Draco had his hand around Bella's exposed waist and she was on his chest. Blaise and Sophie were cuddling as well, Blaise had his arm around her shoulder and she was on his upper chest. Pansy and Theo looked like Blaise and Sophie, and the night ended.

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