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3rd Person POV

The day had finally come for Hermione and Ginny to board the Hogwarts Express only this time they were coming as Bella Zabini and Sophia Malfoy.
They sat in a compartment with their friends which consisted of Draco, Blaise, Crabbe, Goyle, Pansy, Astoria, Daphni, Carter, Connor, Bree, Bailey, Ella and Ellie.(Bella had charmed the compartment to fit them all)
Before the train left the station, Harry and Ron asked if they knew where Hermione and Ginny were. They lied and said they didn't know.
The Train ride was long and uneventful.
Time skip to the first year, Bella and Sophie sorting ceremony

All the first years had been sorted and it was time for Sophie to go up with Bella they stood next to Mcgonigal who started to introduce them.
"These students are Isabella Zabini and Sophia Malfoy, they were more commonly known as Hermione Granger and Ginerva Weasley. They were put under a Glamor charm so Voldemort couldn't recognize them for many reasons and given the circumstances they wish to be resorted!" Mcgonigal lead Sophie to the stool and the hat yelled Slytherin without hesitation, when Bella came up she has a conversation with the hat in her head.
Miss. Zabini it's good to see you again as your true self
Thank you, I have been meaning to be resorted since I found out myself.

Bella explained everything about what happened to the sorting hat who had finally made his decision
"Slytherin!" The hat yelled and Bella ran over to Draco and Pansy and sat next to them. Pansy embraced her in a hug as she sat and Draco smiled at her.
She could feel the stares from the Gryffindor table and looked behind her. Harry and Ron looked at her and Sophie in shock and annoyance. Bella smirked and waved acknowledging there discomfort, before turning around.

When everyone had finished eating, Draco put his arm around Bella as they walked to the Slytherin common room at the same time Blaise had put his arm around Sophie. Leading them to the common room.
Pansy had a list of things they would do that week because they didn't have classes the first week of school. The night ended well for the group of friends one day without drama was what hoped for and got.
They fell asleep quickly in the common room. Not caring that other people were bound to use it.
Like the night in the sleepover room Draco and Bella were next to each other and Blaise and Sophie were next to each other.

Hermione Zabini, Ginny MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now