His love

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Izzy's POV
I woke up on the couch.
I was alone.
I got up slowly, then aparated straight to my room in the heads dorms.
Sophie and Gabi were there.
"Soph!" I yelled jumping on her bed waking her up.
I started giggling when she groaned.
"Gabi!" I yelled rolling off Sophie's bed onto Gabi's landing on her with a thud and a groan from under me.
"Why are you in such a good mood anyway?" Gabi asked totally oblivious to My love of learning.
"It's the first day of classes." I said in a singsong voice doing a small dance.
"And we can wear whatever we want as long as we have our robes on top." Sophie added, the only thing she was looking forward to this year.

" Sophie added, the only thing she was looking forward to this year

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^my Outfit.
"Iz, where did u get that sweatshirt? You don't have one..." Sophie asked suspiciously.
"I stole it from Draco." I replied innocently.
"He's not going to like that." Sophie replied.
"Oh come on, what's He worst that will happen? He'll yell at me?" I asked sarcastically laughing.
Sophie raised her eyebrows making me roll mine jokingly.
"Come on let's go to breakfast." I said and walked out of our room with them behind me.
"Hello Izzy, Care if I walk with you?" Krum asked, his English getting better.
"I'm sorry Victor, but if you'd like to know where the girls lavatory is, be my guest." I said smirking.
"No I'm alright then." He said making me smirk even bigger.
Sophie and Gabi followed me to the great hall.
I walked in and all eyes were on me.
"She's a lying snake..." a few Gryffindor's said scolding me.
"The slut." A Ravenclaw said surprisingly.
"Soph what's going on, who are they talking about?" I asked confused.
She just shrugged her shoulders.
A Gryffindor 5th year stood up with her 2 friends behind her, blocking the rest of our way to the Slytherin table and over to Draco and Blaise.
"You have some nerve Zabini, sleeping with Ron like that." She said, accusingly.
"Like I'd sleep with that Weasel. I bet he's about in good in bed as.. well you are at Quidditch." I said smirking, knowing she didn't make the Gryffindor house team, and fell off her broom multiple times.
"Oh so you've never slept with him?" She asked sarcastically.
"I've never slept with anyone." I replied glaring.
"We all know that's a lie. I bet you threw yourself at Ron yesterday. I mean you did come out of the boys common room yesterday morning." The girl behind her said.
"How would you know? You stalking me or something? Or can I not sleep in one of my best friends room? Perhaps you forgot that best friend is Harry Potter. If he didn't trust me he wouldn't even talk to me." I shot back.
She had her mouth open a little. In shock them quickly closed it.
"Yeah that's what I thought, you don't know me, or anything about me for that matter, and I sure as hell don't want to know you. TaTa." I said waving walking around the girls who gaped at me in shock.
I started walking towards Draco and Theo.
No teachers were in here so they didn't see this exchange.
I felt someone walking up behind me, when they reached me, I turned around, my hand in front of my face.
I caught the fist that was about to hit me.
The girl gasped in shock at what I just did.
Draco and Theo were behind me and Blaise was across the table.
"Don't even dare try that again, your lucky I don't take 200 points from your house, because that's how much the penalty is for punching me, or at least attempting to... knowing how you play Quidditch I'm surprised you can even stay on you broom, because of how weak you are." I said dropping her hand.
I took a seat next to Draco and Theo.
Sophie joined Blaise and Gabi sat next to Erik.
"Speaking of Quidditch... that's my sweatshirt luv." Draco said whispering in my ear so only I could hear.
"I know, I stole it from you." I replied blushing but smirking.
"What you want it back?" I asked smirking even bigger.
"No, it looks good on you." He said smirking.
"Thanks Dray." I said putting my head on his shoulder.
I felt a tap on my own and turned around.
Lavender Brown was standing there. Fury prominent in her eyes.
I stood up.
"Yes Brown?" I asked annoyed.
She pulled out her wand quickly.
"Crucio!" She yelled pointing her wand at me.
I fell to the ground in pain but didn't scream, or groan, in fact I just lied there on the ground still as can be.
My 'mudblood' scar started to burn and the scar reopened.
Everyone was gasping and gathering around.
Most in shock at how I wasn't screaming or crying.
Out of my blurry vision I saw Draco stand up.
Draco's POV
How dare that blond bimbo! And that coming from me, means she's the stupidest person alive.
I saw Izzy on the ground, still as can be.
The memories from my manor flashed threw my brain.
I quickly stood up and pulled out my own wand.
"Explliarmus." I cried pointing it at the spoiled brat named Lavender Brown.
I caught her wand as the curse stopped.
I bent down and pulled Izzy into my arms.
"What is going on here?!" Bellowed Mcgonigal.
Everyone including the Gryffinscum pointed a Lavender, making a path for Mcgonigal to get through.
She walked straight towards Lavender, grabbing her arm, till she caught sight of Izzy, in my arms, shaking like a leaf in the wind.
"Miss Zabini!" She cried crouching down next to me and Izzy.
"Mr. Malfoy, what happened?" She asked.
I shook my head, tears coming to my eyes. I couldn't talk, there was a huge lump in my throat as I looked down at the girl I learned not only to like and be friends with, but the girl I loved.
She was now curled up in a ball, rocking back and forth in my arms.
Mcgonigal accepted I couldn't talk, and looked at Blaise who looked calmer with her in my arms then when he first saw what was happening.
I handed Mcgonigal Lavender's wand and she took it, grabbing Lavender's arm now and looking at Sophie to explain.
"Lavender used the Cruciates curse on Izzy." Sophie said quickly.
Mcgonigal glared at Lavender and strode off with Lavender smirking, and smiling, and laughing all in one at Izzy's misery.
I picked up Izzy. Handing my wand to Blaise.
I speed walked to Madam Pomfrey, Everyone from the great hall following me.
I burst into the room and Madam Pomfrey comes running to me.
She's about to use her wand to move Izzy, but I stopped her. She knew what I meant.
This had happened to Izzy before and last time when Pomfrey moved her by magic, Izzy flipped and ran out crying.
I carried Izzy to the nearest unoccupied bed.
"Alright out! Everyone out!" Pomfrey yelled but she couldn't be heard over the talking so she ignored everyone and went to work on Izzy.
"Malfoy, I need you here! Hold her hand this will hurt." Pomfrey warned, telling me where to stand and what to do.
I did as she told and held Izzy's hand.
"Alright dear, this will hurt more than breaking 8 bones at once but it will be over soon, I promise." Pomfrey warmed Izzy, knowing not to deceive her when it comes to the amount of pain she will be in.
Izzy just nodded, still shaking.
When I grabbed her hand she calmed a little.
Madam Pomfrey pored a liquid onto Izzy's wounds.
Izzy tightened her grip on my hand.
"Ahhh!" She yelled in a high pitch voice.
She was in a lot of pain.
I crouched down so I was at eye level with her eyes.
She calmed down even more.
'Did she like me as well?' I asked myself.
She yelled out in pain again.
Everyone around us winced theirselves.
Izzy's POV
How dare that wrench.
Now I had to go through searing pain just to fix the wounds she created.
She'd done it before.
Never this bad.
What if Draco got hurt coming in between us? I thought.
'It would be all my fault' I continued thinking.
Till the next searing pain came.
Everyone was piled in the hospital.
Soon I was almost fully healed and everyone left but Draco.
"Mr. Malfoy, you will need to leave soon." Madam Pomfrey said looking at him.
"Madam Pomfrey, If it's alright with you, I'd like to stay with Izzy." He said.
"Alright but don't disturb the other patents, if you do, 25 points will be taken from Slytherin". Pomfrey caved.
"Thank you Madam Pomfrey." Draco said.
I closed my eyes and started to dose off.
"I won't let anyone hurt you again." Draco whispered in my ear as I slipped into sleep.

Hermione Zabini, Ginny MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now