Diagon Alley

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3rd Person POV

Draco had suggested they go to Diagon Alley for their school supplies because school was in a week. Draco and Blaise invited Pansy, Astoria, Daphni, Theo, Goyle, and Crabbe (yes ik crabbe died in the battle of Hogwarts but he didn't in my story) they thought that if Bella and Soph knew some people in their the transition from Gryffindor to hopefully Slytherin might not be as hard.

Time skip to 20 minutes before they left for Diagon Alley:

Bella, Sophie, Ella, Ellie, Bree and Bailey sat on the couch in Bella and Sophie's room talking about boys and getting to know each other better, all the while talking about things that were different about Slytherin than Gryffindor, while waiting for the others to arrive. Meanwhile Draco, Blaise, Carter, and Connor were looking at moving pictures they had taken throughout the year, waiting for the others to arrive. Suddenly they all popped in from the fireplace as they traveled by the floo network and were exited to meet Bella and Sophie. Ellie and Ella looked back at the bedroom door.
"They're here! Let's go!" The two middle siblings said and they all walked behind Ellie and Ella seeing as they were the oldest of the girls who actually knew where they were going.  They walked downstairs and were bombarded by questions, "who were u guys before? what house were in, were we friends before!" They all started at once.
Draco silenced them all and then let Bella and Sophie talk.
"Before we were Bella and Sophie as we like to be called, we were Hermione Granger and Ginny Weasley, as you know we were in Gryffindor but will be resorted hopefully into Slytherins, and to be completely honest I wouldn't say any of you guys were really friends with us." Bella said laughing at the last part.
They all looked down at their feet ashamed of the way they treated Hermione and Ginny, the first to break the silence was Pansy saying, "Bella, Sophie, I'm so sorry for the way I treated you guys it was terrible and I should never have done it I hope you can forgive me" the rest looked up and nodded in agreement and eventually they all said me too. Bella and Sophie were grateful for their apology and quickly excepted it they soon went on their way to Diagon Alley.

Diagon Alley was packed with witches and wizards for the start of a new year. Bella, Sophie, Pansy, Astoria, and Daphni had gotten to know each other well when they got there. Pansy insisted on going shopping for clothes and accessories but they were doing that all day tomorrow. Bella and Sophie abruptly stopped when they saw a familiar head of red hair and one with brown hair and a scar on his forehead walking towards them.
Pansy, Astoria, and Daphni stopped as well when they saw Bella and Sophie weren't next to them.
They turned and saw Harry and Ron had stopped just 3 feet away from them.
"Get lost Potter." Pansy snapped.
Ron hadn't just broken up with Hermione because he suspected cheating it was also because he said that she was boring and all she did was read and that she wouldn't let him do the things he wanted too. Bella had told Pansy Astoria and Daphni on the way to Diagon alley and naturally Sophie already knew because Bella was her best friend.
Harry had also broken up with Ginny because she took Hermione's side in the breakup so they broke up because Ginny was apparently a 'traitor' to her own brother.
They walked around the group then made their move on them trying to flirt with Bella and Sophie.
"Hey beautiful what's your name?" Ron said to Bella not knowing who it truly was, she scoffed and looked away at the terrible attempt.
"Are you going to Hogwarts this year, if so I'll see you around maybe get to know each other in the Gryffindor boys dorm" Harry said and winked at Sophie she scoffed even louder than Bella had and looked at Pansy as a cry of help.
Bella gave Astoria and Daphni the same look and they all walked into a bookstore with Ron and Harry hot on their heals.
Bella's POV

I scoffed at their horrible attempts at flirting with me and Soph and looked at Astoria and Daphni as a cry for help and Soph did the same thing to Pansy we all walked into a random bookstore with Potter and Weasley right behind us, we weaved through the bookshelf's and back out the door. Weasley and Potter still followed. Pansy had bought a book and if Weasley had gotten closer to me than he already was she was ganna wack him upside the head with it. She ended up having too resort to that.
Sophia's POV

The Weasley and Potter had kept flirting with me and Bella we both ended up scoffing and walking into a bookstore Pansy bought a book and ended up hitting Ronald in the head with it. I can't believe I called that low life my brother for 16 years
Pansy's POV

We couldn't seem to get rid of Pothead and weasel even after I hit that carrot top with a book on the head! I couldn't think of anything to make them go away so I pulled the girls into a shop a very girly shop I might say. We looked around the store we already had to find dresses for the back to Hogwarts bash so we looked around at some cocktail dresses. Bella and Soph were so confident they were going to be resorted into Slytherin that they already bought Slytherin themed dresses, and we went on shopping for the rest of the day and brought everything home including our school supplies.
Bella's POV

I was so lucky to have so many good girl friends by my side during that run in with Harry and Ronald. If that happened and I hadn't been with them, I'm pretty sure I would have accidentally told them who I was and probably get beat up along with Ginny for being related to the 'enemy' as Ron liked to call it. I had never had many friends that were girls other than Ginny and a muggle friend I had, her name was Sarah Annalise Obermier, I told her about the wizarding world, I even took her to Diagon Alley with me before second year.
Blaise's POV

Me, Draco, Ella, Ellie, Crabbe, Goyle, Connor, Carter, Bree and Bailey walked ahead of the other girls when they stayed back to talk to Bella and Soph and said they would meet us at home I had an unusual feeling it had something to do with Potter and Weaselbee because I saw them walk up to the girls but it looked like the girls told them off quick. I just hope they didn't lay a hand on any of the girls or Potter won't be know as the boy who lived anymore and Weasley won't only have red hair.

3rd Person POV

They all went to Zabini Manor. The boys, Ella, Ellie, Bree and Bailey were in the sleepover room when the rest of them got home.
They walked to the sleepover room where everyone else was after putting their shopping bags in Bella and Sophie's room.
Everyone scattered out around the room. The sleepover room had 6 mattresses on the floor, 4 bean bags and 2 large leather couches, a corner table full of candy, and snacks in the other corner, on the same side of the wall there was a table with just about every drink you could think of on it.
They all practically passed out when they got in there. Pansy couldn't help but notice that Sophie and Bella fell asleep next to Blaise and Draco.

Hermione Zabini, Ginny MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now