The Dream

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Draco's POV
I hated this tournament for a reason, and now Izzy and I have just finished our first task.
She looks so beautiful... and her eyes... I could get lost in her eyes.
As she was pulled away from me I continued to look at her.
Her laugh never failed to make me smile, even before she found out she was a Zabini.
The only thing I wondered was why I was so mean to her before? Other than I thought she was a muggleborn. I also thought she was beautiful.
Theo put Izzy down and she looked straight at me.
I smiled and kept looking at her when my sister went up and hugged her.
I felt a tap on my shoulder.
"Mate." I heard behind me so I spun around.
Blaise and Theo were standing in front of me.
I continued to look over my shoulder at Izzy who was being congratulated by a few of her friends.
"Mate if you keep staring you'll people will call you a stalker." Theo said laughing with Blaise.
"That and you'll catch flys." Blaise added making Pansy who heard him laugh beside me.
I rolled my eyes playfully but annoyed slightly.
"I wasn't staring I was making sure she was ok. That's the second times she's had to battle Bellatrix." I defended myself.
"Yeah mate, we know. But I think everyone should know what she's been through. So they know not to mess with her." Theo said smirking stupidly.
"Theo What're you doing?" I asked confused as he started to walk up to the teachers table.
"Don't worry I gave him permission to do this." Blaise said shrugging it off.
"What is he even doing?" I asked looking at my stupid friend standing in front of everyone.
He started to tell Izzy's story to everyone including the teachers and minister.
By the end everyone who had a soul was crying.
Harry was holding onto Izzy's shoulders from behind as she cried reliving the memories.
I sighed when the 'speech' or announcement type thing from Theo was over.
I walked to Izzy and put my hands on her shoulders like Harry did a few minutes ago.
She most likely knew it was me because she slowly turned around and wrapped her arms around my waist.
She dug her head into my chest and cried.
I looked at Blaise and he sighed.
"Take her to the common room." Blaise thought to me and I nodded.
Izzy seemed unable to walk so I picked her up bridal style and walked to the dungeons.
I felt her relax in my arms and her breath steadied and I stopped hearing sniffles.
I knew she was asleep.
Izzy's POV
After Theo talked I was upset. Draco knew this and came and hugged me.
I was scared thinking about my past.
He carried me as my legs wouldn't move.
We walked, well he walked us to the dungeons
I fell asleep in his arms. I couldn't help it. His smell was so enticing I could keep myself from falling more in love with him.
'I love him.' I thought to myself before falling asleep.
'Of course you do.' I heard back.
I had a dream about my future.
I saw myself living in a huge mansion, white and get walls with beautiful decor.
I saw 4 kids, 2 girls 2 boys.
then I noticed something about the appearance of them.
The girls had Grey eyes and and black hair and the boys had platinum blonde hair and blue eyes.
Th realized something. Those weren't just my kids. They were Draco and I's....
I woke up with a start.
In Draco's bed.
He was sleeping on the floor while I was in the green and silver satin sheets.
"Draco." I said in a low whisper.
He didn't answer.
"Draco." I said a little louder, getting out of his bed and crouching down by his body.
I touched his bare chest and it was ice cold.
I sighed and pulled the sheets down and lied next to Draco putting my hand on his chest I snuggled into him as his arms wrapped around my shoulder and waist.
I smiled into his chest feeling safe. I closed my eyes
'I could get used to this.' I thought.
I felt Draco move and pick me up off the floor onto the bed. He then climbed in after me putting the covers back on both of us.
He snuggled his head into my hair and the crook of my neck.
"I could get used to this too Iz." I heard Draco mumble making me smile.
'I love you.' I thought to myself blocking him out of my head so he couldn't hear me.
I fell back asleep in his arms.
A nightmare appeared almost instantly after I fell asleep.
Draco was holding two 2 screaming children, our 2 boys.
I was lying on the ground blood dripping from my torso.
My girls trying to shake me awake as Roldolphus Lestrange cackled above me.
"Crucio." I heard him mutter aiming his wand at Draco who pushed our kids to the side and took all of the curse.
I whimpered from my place and kicked Roldophus in the ankle making him double over in pain.
"Espitsky." I muttered pointing Lestrange's wand and my husband.
He walked over to me and said he same spell.
We put magic chains on Lestrange and his magic was taken from him an useless.
Then we were at a trial much like Harry described his, and with the full council.
"All those in favor of clearing the accused of all charges?" Kingsley's asked, about a dozen raised their hands.
"All those in favor of conviction?" He asked this time and the rest raised their hand.
"To Azkaban." Kingsley said and dementors came in and took him to Azkaban.
Till there was a large crash and a bright light. Lestrange was gone?
The scene changed one last time and I saw Lestrange over Draco with his wand pointed at him.
"Avada—" and the dream ended as I shot up
"Draco!" I yelled sitting up, waking up from my nightmare.
"Shh." Draco cooed in ear holding me.
"Draco..." I whispered then fell back asleep.
After many more hours I finally woke up.
I was still in Draco's room but he wasn't in there.
I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom.
I heard crying and recognized it instantly.
"Draco?" I asked knocking.
No answer.
"Draco I'm coming in." I told him and opened the unlocked door.
I walked in and saw him shirtless in the corner in a ball.
"Draco!" I yelled running to him crouching beside him.
"What happened are you Alright?" I asked quickly.
"I had the dream again. the one where you died." He choked out still crying.
"Look at me." I told him rubbing his shoulder comfortably.
"Draco look at me." I told him forcing his head to look at me.
He closed his eyes.
"Open your eyes Malfoy." I told him.
His beautiful stormy grey eyes opened slowly.
"I'm still here. I won't leave you." I said looking into his eyes.
He slowly nodded and I pulled him into a hug.
He hugged me back sniffling in my hair.
We pulled aback and I helped him up.
"Um Slughorn wanted me to tell you that were invited to the slug club party." He said finally.
"Ok who are you taking?" I asked.
"I was thinking about just taking Sophie." He told me and I just nodded.
"Well I have to go talk to Pansy so I'll talk to you later." I said upset a little he didn't ask me.
"Ok see you tonight." He replied not catching on.
I ran to see Pansy and Sophie.
I burst into our room and started roaming through my closet.
"What's happening?" Pansy asked sitting up from her sleeping position.
"I need a dress for the slug club party, I'm asking Mclagin again." I told them quickly, finding a light green mint dress, that went down a little bit past my knees.
"Him again?" Sophie asked gaping.
"Yeah I have too." I said
"Why?" Pansy asked.
"I just have too." I replied not knowing the answer.
I ran out of the room and down to the Great Hall.
I spotted Mclagin at the Gryffindor table and sprinted towards him.
"Hey Cormac." I said sitting next to him and his friends.
"Izzy." A few said nodding at me.
Cormac turned to me smirking licking his fingers.
"Hello Isabella." He said looking at me up and down.
"Want to go to the slug club ball with me?" I asked.
"Like in 6th year?" He asked and I nodded smiling.
"Fine but no hiding from me this time." He said smirking before pulling me onto his lap.
I giggled and was on his lap for the rest of lunch.
Draco came down and was glaring daggers at him.
(Time skip to the party)
All Cormac and I did was stand around, and when he wanted to snog, we snogged.
After about an hour at the party, Cormac decided it'd be a good idea to go back to his common room.
I obliged smirking.
We snogged the whole way back and I was having fun actually.
Then he pulled me into his common room and up to his room.
Knowing the guys in his house would be back soon, including Ronald and Harry. We took things into the bathroom.
I was sitting on the counter and he was in between my legs, his arms running up and down my sides.
He pulled me closer and Smirked when his lips connected with my neck.
Not wanting to do anything more, I used a memory charm on him and he was out cold.
I moved him to his bed and apparated to my common room.
Draco was on the couch.
"Have fun?" He asked bitterly not looking up from his copy of the Quibbler.
"Yeah. Why?" I asked confused as to why he was acting like such a git.
"Well I just thought you'd have fun with Mclagin." He said bitterly again.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked confused.
"Bet he got in your dress didn't he?" He asked slamming then copy in the coffee table.
"For your information he didn't." I replied before my vision went blurry and I passed out.
I was dreaming again.
About something I hadn't thought about since I was captured by Bellatrix.
My parents. My muggle parents.
In the time I was tortured, Bellatrix for a few minutes took me back to my home in London, where I grew up.
She forced me into my own home where my parents were captured.
They were supposed to be in Australia.
"Mommy? Daddy?" I asked looking at Bellatrix confused.
She handed me her wand.
"Kill them or I'll kill Weasley and your boyfriend, and make you watch Potter die." She threatened.
My parents told me to do it.
I closed my eyes and muttered in small words.
"Avadakadavra" hearing a thump on the ground and feeling a hole in my heart, I knew they were dead.
"I love you." I said letting a tear slip.
"Love is weakness." Bellatrix said from next to me.
Then continued torturing me next to my dead parents.
She apparated us back to Malfoy Manor where I was tortured some more.
(End of dream)
I started to wake up.
"Dr-Dra-Drac-Dray-co." I mumbled still tired.
I felt someone grab my hand.
"Mr Malfoy, Miss Malfoy, Mr. Zabini. I'm afraid that I have some bad news. As you know Miss Zabini's birth parents died. We found out the reason..." Madam Pomfrey said.
"She was forced to kill them to keep Ronald and Harry and You Sophie, alive." She added making Sophie gasp.
"How do you know this?" Blaise asked.
"We have her a potion that lets us see what she's dreaming about and she hasn't dreamt about something that hasn't or won't happen." She replied.
"How could this have happened?" Draco finally spoke up.
"We're not sure." Madam Pomfrey asked.
"Draco!" I screamed shooting up seeing an image of his dead body as I fell back asleep.
"Go!" Pomfrey told him and he came running to me.
"Iz." Draco cooed in my ear.
I ignored him completely, holding my arms out to Blaise like a baby.
He walked over to me and hugged me.
"Izzy!" I heard someone yell running into the hospital wing.
"Luna? What are you doing here?" I asked sitting up.
"It's Pansy somethings happened to her. She s jerking around on the ground. No one knows what to do not even Harry." She told me and I was up and apparating to the great hall.
I pulled out my wand and searched for the problem.
"She's been poisoned!" I yelled.
I conjured the potion to stop the poison before it reached her heart.
I dumped it in her mouth.
"C'mon Pansy breath!" I yelled.
I saw Theo running towards us.
He bent down on her other side and leaned down to kiss her.
His lips made contact with hers and we were all blown back.
We heard her gasp.
Her eyes opened and her she sat up Theo following her movements.
They just looked at each other.
Then Theo crashed his lips onto hers and we all knew she was ok.
We heard Kingsley's voice ring out.
"There has been a change in the tournament, only 2 tasks will be present, the next one occurring next week. Your clue will be in your common room or the common room your staying in." He said making Draco and I look at each other and take off towards our common room.
When we got there we read it out loud.
'The time is ticking and will run out.
To save your partner each must not doubt.
Without love there can be no triumph.
Each must be reliant.
The clue you need is hidden in the rhyme.
Figure it out before you run out of time.'
The note read.
"Run out of time." I said writing the part down.
"We need each other." Draco added as I wrote that too.
"Time it ticking..." I said confused.
"What ticks other than a clock?" I asked working out the rhyme.
"A button?" Draco suggested.
"Are their any buttons in the castle?" I asked.
"Maybe I'm not sure." Draco replied.
"The car from our 2nd year, the one Harry and Weasley used to get to Hogwarts after my house elf closed the entrance. Doesn't have an invisibility button?" He asked.
My eyes widened.
"Yeah, the car flies. We have to find each other. A maze!" I yelled.
"Muggle car." Draco added.
"A maze in the Muggle community. Where did they have the World Cup?" He added.
"In a Muggle campsite." I replied.
"That's it! It's a maze where they had the World Cup!" Draco said smiling.
I hugged him happily.
"Thank you." I whispered in his ear.
"What for?" He asked confused.
"For being here with me, helping me." I said smiling. He smiled and hugged me tighter.

Hermione Zabini, Ginny MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now